Big Panda Boss

Chapter 830: Sodana

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Selena was upset and unhappy, but she could only pinch her nose to recognize her in the knighthood, and asked, "Is that woman there now? Is she still in the college?"

Sanitaya said: "Yes, but the woman is still a bit unconscious because she was resurrected not long ago. The dean can only temporarily seal her memory with spells, and wait for the Star Lord to come and pick him up. We Even if the task is completed."

"Resurrection?" Selena wondered: "She died once?"

"Yes." Sanitaya sighed softly, "Speaking of which is a tragedy, it was her adoptive father who killed her..."

Sanitaya briefly recounted the Infinite War that took place on Midgard, and Selena shook her head again and again after listening.

"Unexpectedly, how this woman will die." Selena asked: "Then why is she still so desperate for Thanos?"

"Because she comes from another parallel universe." Sanitaya slowly said: "Kamora in that world has not betrayed Thanos and was abducted by Star Jue."

Selena looked speechless and said: "How do I feel like I'm listening to a **** love drama? Wouldn't you make up these stories of seniors?"

Sanitaya rolled her eyes and said, "If I have this talent, I will be a screenwriter."

Selena laughed and said: "Well, I will promise to complete this first mission."

Sanitaya twitched her mouth and said with a weird smile: "You are not a full member of the Night Watch, and you have to pass the last test."

"What test?" Selena immediately put on a posture of waiting.



"Remember to wash your hands first. If you believe in Goddess of Luck, you can pray to him first. Maybe it will bring you a little luck."



"Tutor, here, here!" Renia waved to Selena, who was late to arrive. "How come you are late, mentor? You almost missed the opening."

Selena apologized: "I'm sorry, because something has been delayed, so I'm late."

Renia suddenly noticed a cold-faced girl behind her mentor and asked, "Who is the mentor?"

Selena introduced: "Renia, this is Sodana."

Renia was surprised: "Oh, so you are the problem girl who often stays out at night?"

Sodana immediately stared: "Who do you say is the problem girl? You stunted poor breast!"

"Who do you call poor breasts, you uncultivated commoner!" Renia was immediately irritated, like a cat with blown up fur.

"Huh, whoever is equal will be the one." Sodana deliberately held up her proud chest.

"You, you!" Renia almost lost her mind and pulled out her wand.

"Renia pay attention to the occasion." Selena hurriedly persuaded her with a headache. Before bringing Sodana over, she expected that the two girls might conflict, because Sodana, whose memory was sealed, really had a Even she has a bit of a bad personality that can't stand it, but she didn't expect the two girls to be so incompatible, and they quarreled when they met.

"Teacher, this commoner is too bullying." Renia looked aggrieved. After all, she didn't criticize her shortcomings, and she still picked what she cared about the most.

"Cut!" Sodana sneered: "You obviously owe it first."

"I...I didn't say this, it was obviously your roommate..." Renia's momentum suddenly weakened by three points.

"Well, both of you will give me a few words, and everyone else will see it." Selena yelled and put on a mentor's posture to stop the two girls from arguing.

"Teacher, why did you bring her here?" Renia asked with an angry look.

Sodana rolled her eyes and snorted coldly: "You treat me as willing to come, if it wasn't for the old witch to threaten me..."

"Sodana!" Selena said sternly: "Respecting the teacher and respecting the morals is the moral character every student should have."

Sodana curled her lips, but she was afraid that Selena would go back and give a small report to the old witch, so she didn't dare to say anything bad.

Selena explained helplessly to Renia: "Minister Feng Ji asked me to take care of Sodana because there was something in the afternoon, so I could only bring her together."

In fact, Selena didn’t want to bring this girl out, because it seemed too dangerous to her, but Sanitaya asked her to bring her out for relaxation on the grounds of stabilizing the girl’s memory seal, and promised to secretly send a master. protection.

But in Selena's opinion, this botched excuse can only deceive the three-year-old children, and there must be something else hidden in it.

But there is no way, because this is the first task she received after joining the Night Watch, not to mention that it is a bounden duty to obey orders as a soldier, and of course there is another more important reason...

So Selena had no choice but to hold her head and lead this girl to watch the show together.

Renia hummed softly, "But I only got two tickets."

"It's okay, Senior Sanitaya also gave her a ticket." Selena's explanation left Renya with nothing to The three women got VIP tickets, so there was no need to line up. Go directly to the VIP channel and enter the theater first and then find a place to sit down.

After a while, the audience continued to enter the venue, making the huge theater become lively like a vegetable market.

Selena frowned as she looked at the full seat. She knew Sodana’s special identity, so she was worried that a brave guy might assassinate here. If she hurts her innocent by then, she can’t help it. Blame it.

"Senior is not the kind of reckless person, so let me bring Sodana here must have some meaning!" Selena secretly guessed, but she already held the magic wand hidden in her sleeve, and the pocket on the right was already encapsulated. There are three magic scrolls that can be triggered at any time, and five bottles of magic potions are attached to the belt. There are also three rings and two bracelets on the hands, the necklace on the neck, the earrings and hair accessories are all in a stimulating state, and even the cosmetics applied on the face are emergency magic materials...

There was a famous saying in the Terra Empire that was widely circulated among the casters, that is, never provoke a prepared magician, even if the opponent is just a novice, because you don't know what is hidden in the opponent's pocket.

"Tutor, mentor." Renia suddenly leaned over.

"What's the matter?" Selena answered her head slightly, but her eyes remained vigilant around her.

Renia smiled and asked, "Which ancient hero do you like best?"

Selena replied casually: "Slein Rowland."

"Why is Roland Saint Magister?" Renia said with a narrow mouth: "The old man is not handsome at all. I like Beate Randall the most. He is not only a demigod, but also a demigod. The handsome bard, especially the thousand-year-old love story between him and Queen Miadez, is really touching."

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