Big Panda Boss

Chapter 837: Mid game

???? Selena appeared quietly from the darkness holding a magic wand, her expressionless face was still stained with a few drops of blood, her cold eyes gleaming in the darkness like a beast leaping out of the darkness.

???? "Teacher, wow-um!" Renia finally lost control of her emotions and cried out wow.

???? Diana hurriedly covered Renia's mouth, but she herself was already shaking all over.

Selena sensed that the outside was surrounded by the law enforcement team. She sighed with relief and calmed down her murderous aura. She calmed down and said: "It's okay, just cry if you want to, it will feel better."

???? Diana's face was pale, her mouth squatted and smiled bitterly: "What the **** is going on, tutor? Who are these guys?"

???? Selena glanced at Sodana who was nailed to the wall, shook her head slightly and said, "I'll talk about it when I go back."

???? "The people inside immediately put down their weapons and stop all resistance!" At this time, the shouts of the law enforcement team finally sounded.

???? Selena put away her magic wand, and helped the stumbling second daughter out.

???? "Diana!" Elandi pushed a few guards away to greet him, and said nervously, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

???? "She's okay, but she was frightened." Selena said, "Your Highness, please take them back first."

???? Elandy noticed the blood stains on Selena's face and said sincerely, "Thank you, madam, for protecting Diana."

???? "They are also my students, this is what I should do." Selena took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood stains off her face.

???? Elandi got into the car with the two girls, and then quickly left this place of right and wrong under the protection of a group of guards.

???? At this time a police chief flew over and asked: "What happened to the lady?"

???? Selena turned around and put on a mask, and said calmly: "The night watchman is doing things, and you don't have to worry about other people waiting. You only need to block the scene."

???? "Yes, my lord!" The sheriff was taken aback, and hurried...Chapter 837 Central Bureau (page 1/4). He salutes and obeys, dare not ask half a word.

???? After a while, several night watchmen rushed to enter a messy restaurant with Selena.

???? I saw stumps and broken bodies all over the floor, and there was almost no complete body.

???? Sanitaya took off her mask and said silently, "You were too ruthless. I didn't know, I thought I was in a slaughterhouse."

???? Selena tore off the mask and said indifferently: "Sorry, I have been dealing with demons for a long time, and I am used to it. Next time I will try to keep a few whole bodies."

???? Several night watchmen who came with Sanitaya all looked at her for a while.

???? Then a few people went into the bloodstained back kitchen again, and came to Sodana who was still nailed to the wall.

???? There was a strange silence.

???? Sudana, who had a sharp blade stuck in his forehead, rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue, suddenly came back to life, staring: "When do you want to appreciate it? You can't help me!"

???? Sanitaya chuckled softly: "Sorry, you pretended to be too realistic, we are silently mourning for you."

???? "Get out!" Sodana yelled angrily, trying to break free from the wall, but found that there were still several Forbidden Magic pestles stuck in her body.

???? Sanitaya said: "The mission is not over yet, we must make the outside world think that the real Sodana has died in this attack, so please keep this state and wait for the reporter to come. You have to be carried out grandly by several forensic doctors."

???? Except for Selena, the other night watchmen are holding back a smile.

???? Sodana, with a sharp blade on his forehead, directly yelled: "You old witch cheated me again. It was not like this when I said it. I want to protest. I want to strike. We monsters Is there no human rights?"

???? Sanitaya smiled faintly: "The bonus is doubled, plus a month of paid vacation."

???? Sodana spit out her tongue and died again, so lifelike...

???? Selena said with a black line on her face: "Senior, why don't you sue...Chapter 837 in the game (page 2/4), v. I'm a mid game? Did you know that I didn't even dare to go to the toilet to protect this monster! And tonight I almost implicated two great nobles and a prince!"

???? Sanitaya smiled and said: "This is actually the last test for you. You did a great job, strawberry toffee."

???? "Ah, shut up! I'm not allowed to mention this code name again!" Selena immediately furiously said: "You have promised me before. As long as you complete this task, you will give me a chance to draw a lottery again.

???? "Yes, strawberry toffee, I did promise you." Sanitaya turned and said: "But your mission is to protect Sodana from death, so your mission failed. But it doesn't matter, I I'll give you another chance to keep up, strawberry toffee."

???? The other night watchmen turned their heads uncontrollably.

???? Selena's face flushed with anger, wishing to rush forward and squash the old witch on the ground.


???? At dawn.

???? As soon as Chen Fan got up, he noticed that Marduk came to the door and knocked on the door a few times.

???? "Come in, the door is unlocked." Chen Fan shouted, putting on a coat.

???? Marduk pushed the door in anxiously, and said: "The goddess's event is not good, Kamora has been preempted by others, and our money has all been lost."

???? "I know." Chen Fan, who'watched' the live broadcast last night, naturally knew it.

???? Marduk said with a mournful face: "That's a full ten million, UU reading www.uukā is gone, how many votes can I earn to get it back?"

???? Chen Fan asked calmly: "Has the hotel canceled the reward? Who got the bonus?"

???? Marduk's eyes lit up immediately, thinking that Chen Fan was going to eat black, he immediately lowered his voice and said: "Don't worry, goddess, I'll go to investigate if that **** got lucky."

???? "Well, let's go." Chen Fan nodded and sent Mardu away...Chapter 837 in the middle game (page 3/4). Grams.

After eating breakfast, Chen Fan strolled on the deck for a few laps to bask in the sun, and suddenly noticed that a police car of the law enforcement team flew over and parked next to the spacecraft, then got off the car and two law enforcement officers boarded. spaceship.

???? After a while, a servant hurried up to the deck to find Chen Fan and said, "Miss Fanya, the host invites you to go."

???? "Well, I see." Chen Fan nodded and followed the servant to Mona's office.

???? Knocked the door to enter, and saw two law enforcement officers sitting inside.

???? Mona opened the mouth and said: "Fanya come over and sit down, don't be nervous, this is Sheriff Greg, here to ask you something, just answer it honestly."

???? "Hello, sheriff." Chen Fan sat down beside Mona with a stiff expression, and asked politely, "Is there anything you can do with me?"

???? Greg try to make himself smile more kindly, and asked politely: "That's it. Yesterday there was a theft in Sir Charles' dressing room. We are here to ask Miss Fanya if you have heard What's going on? Or something unusual?"

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