Big Panda Boss

Chapter 845: Everlasting Forest

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But obviously Mona will not take Chen Fan to drink, after all, she still wants to train Fanya into a singer.

After the two entered the magic drink hall, a waiter took them to a table and sat down, and then reached out and tapped the table to light up a magic menu, smiled and asked: "Two ladies, this is the magic drink in this store, please choose at will. Please greet me if you have other needs." After speaking, he bent over and left.

Chen Fan flicked through the menu a few times at random, but didn't know any of them, and finally Mona helped him order a colorful drink.

There is a continuous rain curtain across the window, but no rain is heard all around, only the soothing sound of piano echoing in the magic drink hall.

Mona seemed to enjoy the quiet atmosphere, and while sipping the magic drink, she recalled every bit of her youth.

Chen Fan became a qualified listener and learned about the unknown past of this large-scale master. Even gossiping that Mona had a lingering relationship with a prince when she was young...

"What happened later?" Chen Fan asked with bright eyes: "Did the prince abandon you from beginning to end? Ouch!"

Mona took back the chestnuts, and said in a bad mood: "What is the beginning and the end, we really love each other, although I know I am definitely not qualified to be a princess..." At this point, her face was silent.

There is no need for her to continue, Chen Fan can almost make up for more than forty episodes of the plot.

Unexpectedly, Mona sighed softly, "Later he died."

"Huh?" Chen Fan was stunned. "Could it be that too much kimchi was eaten so that he was terminally ill? Isn't the screenwriter killed?"

"What are you thinking about? I won't watch those dog-blood dramas at eight o'clock in the future." Mona smiled bitterly: "In order to marry me, he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the front line, hoping to exchange merit for me with a reputation... "

"Sorry..." Chen Fan smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, it's been decades, I want to drive too." Mona sighed softly: "I wanted to go with him when I heard the news of his sacrifice, but I couldn't commit suicide to heaven. So I Try to live so that he won’t be sad for me again."

Chen Fan gently stirred the colorful drinks.

Mona smiled and said: "Why am I telling you this? I don't understand it after telling you. Maybe you will understand when you meet someone you like."

"The person I like..." Chen Fan said softly, shook his head and smiled bitterly. He only has family, brothers, friends and food in his heart. As for love, he really didn't think about it. First, he didn't have time, and second, it was too troublesome. Coupled with his special status, I'm afraid no one would look at him as an evil spirit.

At this time, a group of people came in outside the shop and asked the waiter to take them into the private room.

Chen Fan Yuguang glanced at it and recognized that one of them was Marduk's old friend Pires.

Chen Fan calmly drank a drink and chatted with Mona, and secretly infiltrated the private room.

After a few people inside took their seats, they ordered some drinks at random, and the waiter whispered.

"Have you found the whereabouts of that group?"

"Finding the boss, our informant found that one of the guys was hiding in the forest that never sleeps. Those guys were very cautious and changed several pseudonyms, but we still checked them out. These guys are all from the same name. The Star Thieves of the Crimson Blade."

"Wuye forest area? What is that place?"

"In a civilian area outside the western suburbs, there are mountains, rivers and lakes. The environment is very complicated. Our informant also spent a lot of days to find the whereabouts of the group."

"Very good, tell my brothers to act at night!"

"How fast?"

"Ye Chang has a lot of dreams, it's not just our family who is eyeing this million!"

"Yes, I am going to deliver the order."

"By the way, did you find out who moved our cargo?"

"There is no boss yet. Those crew members have been controlled by high-level spiritual spells. No matter what we use, there is no way to relieve them.

"You mean the other party has a high-level caster?"

"It's 80% possible..."

"Well, let's put this matter aside for now, let's grab the ten million yuan first!"

"Yes, boss."


Chen Fan left a spiritual mark on several people and recovered his spiritual consciousness, and then returned to the boat with Mona when the rain subsided slightly.

"Goddess, what orders do you call me?" Marduk asked.

Chen Fan asked, "Have you found the whereabouts of the Crimson Blade?"

"Not yet." Marduk answered cautiously: "But I have arranged many informants to look for them. I believe I will find the clues soon. Goddess, please give me two more days, as long as those people have not left Terra Star. I will be able to find those people!"

"No need to look for it." Chen Fan said lightly: "Those people are hiding in the forest that never sleeps."

Marduk immediately offered a flattering: "Goddess, you are really like a god."

"Okay, don't flatter me." Chen Fan ordered: "Go and do something for me."

"What's the matter?" Marduk said excitedly: "Is it the guy who is ready to do it?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "It's not you go and spread this news."

"Get out?!" Marduk stunned: "You don't want the goddess that ten million?"

Chen Fan said lightly: "I am a god."

Marduk immediately understood how the values ​​of gods could be the same as those of mortals, so he collapsed and said, "Goddess, if you don't care about ten million, you can give it to me."

Chen Fan said: "Don't worry, the benefits of doing things for me are more than ten million."

Marduk immediately said excitedly: "Goddess, don't worry about me doing things."

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

At night, Chen Fan disguised as a killer sneaked off the boat and hurried towards the forest that never sleeps outside the western suburbs.

Perhaps the news that Marduk had spread had spread, and Chen Fan had discovered that many people with the same purpose as him were rushing to the western suburbs.

But the interesting thing is that there is no night watchman on the road, which is very strange.

When Chen Fan turned over the top of the city to reach the forest area that never sleeps, he saw a civilian area surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The entire civilian area is built on the hillside, and the alleys and alleys in between are stacked on top of each other. It is a paradise for dirt and dirt.

And even though there is only a wall separated by a wall, this civilian area does not have a law enforcement station, and it is completely outside the law.

Chen Fan, like a night owl, fell lightly on a statue on the top of the mountain, spreading his spiritual consciousness and instantly enveloped the entire civilian area, and immediately a massive amount of information flooded his mind.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and immediately locked onto one of the humble little stone houses.

This stone house has only two floors, but there are things inside.

At the moment there is a group of people in the basement of the stone house fully armed.

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