Big Panda Boss

Chapter 860: Collect money for treatment

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"You really know how to play." Tyrael said with a dark face.

Chen Fan laughed and said, "With each other, I have been good at acting without seeing you for a few days."

"Do you know how long I have been looking for you?" Tyrael said angrily: "Since you are safely out of trouble, why don't you come and tell me."

Chen Fan looked innocent and said: "Didn't I have a face-to-face with Marsaier? Didn't he mention it to you? I thought he had told you already."

Tyrael twitched the corners of his mouth, apparently Massail hadn't mentioned it to him.

"Then what do you mean by this look?"

"It's fun, anyway, I still have a home and I can't go back. I'm idle, and I can find a group of mortals to hone and hone my acting skills.


While they were talking, the two entered the hall, and Chen Fan saw several familiar faces.

"Who is she?" Morgan said with curiosity, "Didn't you go looking for that bastard?"

Chen Fan looked up and asked, "Is the **** in her mouth talking about me?"

Tyrael was speechless.

Chen Fan put his hands on his hips and said, "Hey, what a little girl, I haven't counted the hatred with you back then!"

Morgan was dissatisfied and said, "Who are you, you are obviously younger than me, so you are embarrassed to call me a little girl!"

"Almost forgot." Chen Fan slapped his forehead and immediately revealed the original shape, which made everyone jump.

"So it's you bastard!" Morgan said in shock.

Chen Fan bared his teeth and said, "Little girl, don't think that there is a big idiot protecting you and I dare not teach you."

Thor, who was drinking, almost choked.

Morgan Jiao shouted: "If you have the courage, come here!"

"Well, it's not the time for the two to quarrel." Tyrael said roundly, "It's important to save people."

"I'll settle the account with you later." Chen Fan glanced around and asked, "Where is the person? Who can I save?"

"Come with me." Tyrael opened a portal and took Chen Fan into it. Several others wanted to follow up and watch how this treatment was being blocked. Even Xing Jue Rocket and others were blocked. Rushed out.

"That bear just now..." Xing Jue gestured: "Can it really heal Kamora's injury?"

"Hope." Roland didn't know, after all, that one didn't seem very reliable.

Suddenly the portal opened again, and Chen Fan clapped his hands and walked out.

Xingjue's face suddenly became earthy, and Roland was also disappointed.

"Can't cure it?" Morgan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Cut, there is something that this king can do in seconds." Chen Fan proudly said: "Okay, the patient needs to rest after a serious illness. Go in and take a look at the two family members."

Xingjue immediately rushed in with excitement.

Roland hurriedly thanked Chen Fan again and again.

"Don't be too busy to thank you." Chen Fan grinned and said, "Which one of you will settle the treatment fee."

Morgan sneered: "Ha, are you embarrassed to collect money?"

Chen Fan glared with fierce light in his eyes, exuding a terrifying aura that shocked everyone like a devil.

Thor immediately guarded Morgan behind him solemnly, and Roland instantly propped up a dozen magical barriers.

As for Rocket and other mortals, they were all deterred by Chen Fan's terrifying aura, and they felt difficult to breathe when they were frozen in place.

The power of the demon king, terrifying!

"Little girl, it is justified to collect money for treatment. If you dare to prevent this king from getting rich, don't blame this king for turning his face ruthlessly!" Chen Fan snorted coldly and put away his horror.

Morgan also saw his horror for the first time, and was so scared that he didn't dare to talk again.

Tyrael stepped out and said roundly: "Old Chen, don't be familiar with children, I will pay how much."

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "You are an angel, not a Virgin, whoever should pay the money will pay."

"Cough cough." Roland coughed lightly and said with a dry smile: "The king said yes, I should pay the money, you will spend it if you don't work. Dare to ask the king how much money?"

Tyrael was speechless, saying that your kid hadn't been squeezed out of the last drop of oil in his hands.

as expected!

Chen Fan said with a smirk: "Who is that little girl in there?"

Roland embarrassed: "It's my sister-in-law."

"Oh, sister-in-law." Chen Fan said with a bright smile: "That's not cheap, after all, your sister-in-law is also a goddess, and saving people and saving gods is not a price tag."

"Yes, it should." Roland could only pinch his nose to recognize, and was ready for heavy bleeding.

"All right, for your refreshment, I only need this number." Chen Fan raised his right palm and turned over.

"Huh?" Roland didn't understand.

Chen Fan curled his lips and said: "Don't you understand the rules of the road? The king just said it straight. If you do ten things for the king in the future, you should treat it as offsetting this life-saving grace. It just so happens that Lao Tai is also there, helping me A notary."

Tyrael nodded and said, "Very fair."

Roland dumbfounded: "Don't you want money?"

Chen Fan smiled and said: "You can give this king a red envelope, but one thing belongs to the same thing, and there is nothing to be done less."

Roland immediately slapped his claws and turned his gaze for help at Tyrael, but Tyrael returned a helpless look.

"Well, I should do it, I don't know the ten things that the king is going to do?" Roland gritted his teeth.

"I haven't figured it out yet, I think I will send you later." Chen Fan patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is Lao Tai as a notary. Are you afraid that this king will ask you to do bad things?"

Roland smiled dryly: "No, no, how can you doubt Tyrael's crown with you?"

After getting one, Chen Fan turned and stared at Thor with a smirk, looking at him all over his hair.

But Thor was also straightforward enough and took the initiative: "Let's talk, I need to do a few things for you to offset this favor?"

With a devilish smile, Chen Fan took out a contract and said: "His Royal Highness only needs to sign this contract."

"What contract?" Thor frowned: "Do you want the deity to sell you?"

Chen Fan smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, don't get me wrong, this is just an endorsement contract."

"What endorsement contract?" Thor took a closer look at one side, and said with a look of surprise: "To be the contemporary spokesperson for Dongfang Immortal?"

"Not bad." Chen Fan smiled and threw a bottle of wine in the past.

Thor caught the wine bottle, unplugged the cork, and immediately a strong aroma of wine wafted out, which made his eyes shine. He immediately raised his head and took a big mouthful, exclaiming, "Good wine!!! I signed the contract!"

"His Royal Highness, please think clearly." Chen Fan smiled and reminded: "My contract is for and there is no salary."

Thor pointed to a clause in the contract and asked: "Then is this wine and water pipe enough?"

Chen Fan said proudly: "Absolutely, this king does what he says and never breaks his words."

"That's fine." Thor immediately signed his name and sold himself.

Roland suddenly felt that he seemed to be taking advantage of the great prince of the Asa Protoss.

Chen Fan put away the contract and waved his hand: "Let’s go, don’t give it away, see you later, Lao Tai remembers to come to me for a drink when he is free. By the way, Your Royal Highness will come to you to shoot the endorsement ad in a few days. Remember to dress up. Be more energetic." After that, I tore open the portal with the space gem and swaggered in.

Tyrael shook his head speechlessly, feeling that the morale of this guy was getting lower and lower, and he had been ruined.

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