Big Panda Boss

Chapter 862: Virtual reality

"Panda Brother (

Harrington led Chen Fan and Mona to the gate of the company. The security guard glanced and raised his finger to a side doorway: "Take your daughter to try your luck? After entering, find a place to sit down and don't run around."

"No, I am..." Harrington took out his business card and prepared to declare his home.

The security guard looked impatient and said: "Don't pretend, I see many parents like you, and I can see hundreds of them every day. If you want to try your luck, hurry in, maybe if you are lucky enough to meet the assistant director. Pick a dragon, if you don’t see it then just wait."

Harrington twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't even breathe with a janitor: "I am the manager of the Royal Theatre."

"I'm still the principal of the Royal Academy." The security guard said bluntly: "I can see more than a dozen of them a day without fear of impersonating a nobleman."

Harrington became angry for a while, and simply took out his personal terminal to make a call.

"Brother security guard, we are really not here to run the game." A soft voice sounded, making the security guard feel that his bones were lightened by two or two. He turned his head and looked intently and said with surprise: "You, you are Vanessa?! "

Chen Fan smiled sweetly and said, "I am Fanya who plays Vanessa. I'm here to audition."

"Oh, I'm really blind, I didn't even see you, Miss Fanya. I was really offended just now. Please come in. Please come in soon." The security guard immediately nodded and bowed, and walked away for several people.

"Thank you." Chen Fan smiled slightly to make the security guard feel like a spring breeze, and then walked in through the main entrance with two silent faces.

Harrington had just lost his face, so as soon as he entered the door, he took out his magic business card and showed his identity to the beautiful receptionists behind the reception desk.

A female receptionist saw the name on the business card and smiled brightly and said: "Welcome to Mr. Harrington. Director Zeros has taken care of it and said that if you arrive, you can go directly to Hall 5 on the 76th floor to find him."

"Thank you." Harrington put away his business card, and took Chen Fan into a magic floating ladder.

As the magic floating ladder slowly rises, the scenery outside the transparent curtain wall becomes vast.

During this period, there were beautifully dressed women coming in and out from time to time. Although Chen Fan had been admiring the scenery outside, he could sense all kinds of eyes on him.

The floating ladder slowly rose to the 76th floor, and the door opened with a ding-dong sound.

Chen Fan followed Harrington and Mona out, and found that there was a cave on the 76th floor.

A hall is separated by a transparent magic crystal curtain wall. Each hall is like an independent space, which simulates a super-real virtual environment under the cover of gorgeous magic light and shadow.

Chen Fan slowed down and passed through a hall, and saw a scene of heroes saving the beauty being staged inside. The male protagonist was fighting **** while reciting the lines loudly. The female protagonist was only responsible for screaming, but because of the curtain wall, it was more like watching mime.

Passing by the next simulation hall, an interstellar war is being staged in it. Several battle mages are fighting a big demon, surrounded by spaceships and fighters flying in the sky.

Chen Fan walked through the next simulation hall, and saw that the prince chasing Cinderella was being staged inside, but it seemed that because Cinderella's acting skills were not in place, the director shouted angrily to pause, and then confronted... the prince was just smashing his head. Reprimanded, the Cinderella next to him was surrounded by everyone...

Chen Fan looked very interesting, and felt that if this virtual technology was applied to the game, it would definitely make countless otaku go crazy.

"Here." Harrington stopped suddenly.

Chen Fan looked inside through the wall, and saw a group of golden armored soldiers on fire and a group of green-skinned orcs, and the fight was fierce.

An old man with gray beard and a large magic robe next to him was carrying a crystal wand in control of the scheduling of the entire battle.

The fierce battle lasted for five or six minutes before it was over. The old man shouted for a timeout. The two enthusiastic players who had just been fighting immediately went to the rest area outside the court to take a rest.

The old man was calling several assistants, staring at a few floating mirrors and gesticulating.

Chen Fan stepped and took a look, and found that several magic mirrors were playing the battle scene just now, and they were still from different angles, but he didn't see where the camera was.

"You wait here first." Harrington whispered, then raised his hand, knocked on the door and walked in.

The old man glanced at Harrington and said a few words. Harrington immediately responded with a smile on his face, then turned around and called the two of them to enter quickly.

Chen Fan stepped into the simulation hall behind Mona, and immediately felt as if he had entered the other space through an invisible curtain.

And there is a cave inside the simulation hall, standing outside it is only a dozen square meters, but being in it seems to be in another vast world.

Chen Fan was moved, and secretly decided to get this technology in hand.

At this time, the great director was still discussing a few shots with his assistant. Harrington asked Chen Fan to stand quietly and When the discussion was over, he brought Chen Fan forward with a smile on his face. The introduction said: "My Lord, the Fanya I mentioned to you is here, do you think it is appropriate?"

The old man put away the magic mirror and looked up and down Chen Fan with critical eyes, and commented: "The appearance barely fits, but it's a little thinner, without the sense of bodybuilding like Valkyrie. Your name is Fanya?"

"Yes, hello director." Chen Fan came forward to say hello.

The old man said blankly: "My old man's time is precious, so I won't go around in circles, do you know how to use swordsmanship?"

"Uh..." Chen Fan smiled awkwardly. He really doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, he can only play sticks.

The old man frowned, then asked, "Have you ever practiced any fighting skills?"

"Uh..." Chen Fan said with a dry smile: "Only a little bit of fistwork."

Mona squeezed a sweat for her for fear of revealing something.

Zeros looked impatient and shouted, "Hashim, come over with a sword and do some tricks with her."

Mona suddenly shook her heart, and hurriedly cast a look at Harrington for help.

Harrington sweated on his forehead and hurriedly said: "My Lord, Fanya is just a layman."

Zeros waved his hand to make Harrington retreat, and said lightly: "This remake of the Valkyrie is meant by the prince. I must control every joint."

Harrington was speechless immediately, and turned to the next step: "Lord, you see Fanya, even if she can't be a heroine, it's not a problem to play a supporting role, right? I can pack tickets for acting, absolutely no problem."

Zeros said: "Her image is too outstanding, but the supporting role will steal the limelight from the protagonist. Let Hashim try her details first."

"Lord, the sword is here." A big man in gold armor came over with a double sword.

"Give her, you have a few tricks with her." Zeroos ordered directly.

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