Big Panda Boss

Chapter 875: 1 night explosion

"Panda Brother (

town Hall.

Deputy Mayor Bulko was also watching the live broadcast. When Chen Fan made the shocking remarks in public, he was not only shocked, but he also felt cold from head to toe.

Sure enough, his personal terminal rang the mayor's special line in the next second.

"My lord, you..." Before Bourko finished his greeting, he yelled at the other end of the phone: "I'll pinch the live broadcast right away! Right away! Also order the law enforcement team to arrest the woman as soon as the performance is over!"

Bourko's forehead was sweaty and said, "My lord, this, please forgive the villain for not being able to do this."

"What do you mean? Don't you want to do it?" roared over the phone.

"Let me talk to him." Suddenly a cold voice rang in front of Bourke, and Bourke immediately handed over his personal terminal.

"Who is it? Bulko who is next to you? Let him get out now..."

"Viscount Marcus, it's me, Amora."

"Ah! Master Amora, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to lose my temper to you..."

"From now on Bourko will replace you as the mayor. This is what the lady meant."

After Amora finished speaking, she threw her personal terminal back to Bourko and disappeared without a trace. She didn't bother to listen to the other party's excuse, because she had to go back to watch the show.

Soon all parties heard the news, and learned that Ms. Magic had actually come forward to shelter that Fanya, and they were all shocked in disbelief.

Immediately, the first response was to invest in the filming of Valkyrie Star Dream Entertainment, and immediately issued an announcement overnight announcing that it had directly replaced the great director due to personal reasons and sent him into the cold palace.

Then Harrington, who was in prison, saw a few familiar faces who were locked in together, and accompany him to count cockroaches....


It was another song ending, and many viewers were too tired to stand still.

On the other hand, Chen Fan on the stage was still full of vigor and no fatigue.

"I almost forgot that today is the Wine Festival." Chen Fan suddenly smiled: "A good song needs a good wine, so I invite everyone to drink tonight."

"Oh!!!" There was an elated cheer under the stage, and the netizens watching the live broadcast became even more sour.

Chen Fan beckoned behind the scenes, and a group of staff immediately raised five or six large wine barrels together.

Standing behind the curtain, Mona stunned: "When did this girl get so much alcohol?"

A staff member was surprised: "Isn't the class owner arranged for you?"

"That **** girl!" Mona gritted her teeth immediately.

"Okay, let everyone open their mouths and drink as much as you like." Chen Fan walked to the big wine barrel, suddenly picked up the **** two-headed dog and smashed the huge wine barrel into the sky, and then exploded on the spot. The pompon wine rained down.

Immediately there was a cheerful melody on the stage.

"Wow!!!" The audience who was drenched in alcohol was not only not angry, but followed the melody and danced with excitement.

Mona is right at least one point, Chen Fan's hand can indeed be used as a weapon.

Chen Fan carried the **** two-headed dog and walked to the next wine barrel. The audience underneath immediately made a louder sound: "Smash! Smash! Smash!"

When Chen Fan rounded it up, it was another blow, and saw the wine barrel flying up to the sky with a bang, and exploding in the air again, showering many spectators. The audience who caught it all fell into a state of excitement, and those who were not caught screamed frantically for Fanya to smash them.

Soon a dozen large wine barrels on the stage were all smashed out by Chen Fan, leaving only the last one.

Then the audience saw that Fanya held up the nearly one-person-high wine barrel in front of countless people and drank his head up, just when the melody reached its climax.

Countless audience members cheered for him immediately: "Drink! Drink! Drink!"

When the last drop of wine ran out, the atmosphere on the scene exploded completely.

Chen Fan threw the empty wine barrel into the air, then picked up the guitar and played vigorously again. He also shook his head vigorously and flicked his long hair, as if drunk crazy.

And countless audiences under the stage were also driven by the warm atmosphere, and they shook their heads crazy together.

Tonight will not be doomed to be peaceful!


Early the next morning, many residents opened the door and found that the street was full of drunks.

This is also often seen at the honey wine festivals in previous years, but this year seems to be particularly frequent.

The key is that these drunks seem to have cramps, even if they are drunk and unconscious, their bodies twitch rhythmically, looking very crippled...

But the more crippled people are the drunks who just came out of the bar, each with dark blue eyes, sluggish and vacant footsteps, just like walking dead.

Later, a scholar jokingly called this phenomenon the sequelae of rock and roll.

Three minutes on the sun.

Chen Fan came to the restaurant with a yawn and found that the crew looked at him with a very enthusiastic look, and then stood up in awe to say hello.

"Okay, just continue to eat, don't be polite with me." Chen Fan walked to the meal and chose a set meal at random. Just after sitting down, Diva walked into the restaurant wearing a tight leather jacket with flame patterns.

"Puff, cough, cough, cough." Chen Fan hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth, looking ashamed of what to You know that Mrs. Prawara Laguna is dressed very often. Simple and elegant, his unrestrained dress is definitely the first time he has seen it.

"Madam, what is your dress?" Chen Fan asked with a black line on his face.

Di Wa chuckled: "What? Isn't it pretty?"

That's it! The alien song was broken by him afterwards, and he actually painted purple smoky eyeshadow...

"It looks good." Chen Fan said with a dry smile on his face.

At this moment Mona entered the restaurant with a yawn, and suddenly saw Diva in a leather jacket staggered and almost fell.

"Master, slow down, no one will grab food from you." Chen Fan smiled.

Mona glared at him fiercely, then looked at Diva, and finally said nothing, and went straight to get food.

Diwa laughed softly to Chen Fan: "She didn't sleep all night last night and has been watching your live broadcast."

Chen Fan smiled knowingly, and when Mona sat down beside him, he suddenly asked, "Do you want to sing rock and roll?"

"Cough, cough, cough." Mona was choking and coughed, trying to scold Chen Fan but coughed and couldn't speak.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Chen Fan hurriedly reassured: "It happens that there is still a lack of an organ player in the band. Would you like to make a guest appearance with the host?"

Mona said with a dark face: "Ahem, you don't want to drag me into the water."

"Singing rock and roll is not illegal, how can it be regarded as dragging you into the water." Chen Fan cried out: "You see, Mrs. Diva also sang very high last night."

Diva smiled and said, "Speaking of which, several of my battle songs are all taught by Mona."

"Oh?" Chen Fan really didn't know about this, but Mona also had a rock and roll heart.

"I'll talk about this later." Mona bluntly changed the subject: "Fanya you are really red this time, guess how many people watched your performance last night."

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