Big Panda Boss

Chapter 888: Cut off

"Panda Brother (

Haramad replied: "My lord, the strength of the soul is the same as the strength of a creature. It is impossible to exhaust all of it. Because it was exhausted before it was exhausted and died, and the experimental research of our Void Spirit Race found that the strength of the creature The same is true for soul power, even with less room to play.

Ordinary creatures without any training and development can only exert 10% of their soul power, and they are considered to be the best in this group, and phantoms like us, who are purely psionic creatures, even untrained larvae. Can play 50% of the soul power.

And I can exert nearly 90% of the soul power. However, the consumption of soul power is more dangerous than the consumption of life force, and it is extremely difficult to recover. Therefore, when we fight with people, we usually only use 50% of the soul power. In case of emergency, it can only consume up to 70%. Once the consumption exceeds 70%, It may cause damage to the core of the soul. "

"So that's it." Chen Fan played with the combat power detector and ordered: "Order me some."

"Yes, my lord." Haramad asked: "Is the adult made in this shape? Or do you design a unique style specifically for you?"

Chen Fan said: "It's enough to make sunglasses, but the whole bells and whistles are eye-catching."

"Yes, sir." Haramad immediately ordered his men to rush to work.

Ten minutes later, ten combat effectiveness detectors tailored specifically for Chen Fan were already in front of him.

Chen Fan picked up a pair and put it on his face, scanning around and found that the effect was not bad. With this kind of feeling of playing with VR glasses, it would be more perfect if a blood bar was displayed on the target's head.

On a whim, Chen Fan raised this idea to Haramad. Although Haramad didn't understand the significance of adding a health bar to the target, he immediately ordered the accompanying engineer to work overtime.

After half an hour, Chen Fan wearing sunglasses saw that there was a blood stick floating on his forehead, and couldn't help but laugh: "It's a bit internal."

Suddenly he sensed in his heart that the ice magic star thief had tracked down the little thief, and was contacting other star thief to come to contain the little thief.

However, this little thief seemed to be very talented, and was very good at escape. He played these ice magic star thieves around the streets and alleys, making a lot of trouble.

However, with the arrival of several masters of the Ice Demon Star Pirate Group, the situation of this little thief became dangerous.

If it hadn't been for this little guy to rely on his familiar environment, I'm afraid he would have been caught by the ice demon star thief.

Chen Fan saw how the Ice Demon Star Thieves Group had fought to catch this little thief, and couldn't help wondering what kind of treasure this little guy was stealing.

Dismissing everyone on the grounds of purifying, Chen Fan quietly disappeared and got off the spaceship.

At this time, the little thief had been blocked by the Ice Demon Star Pirates in a slum in the southern part of the city, and as the encirclement narrowed, the space he could hide in became less and less.

What's more important is that every ice demon star thief wears a combat power detector produced by the Ethereal Race, and as long as it enters the detection range, even if you hide in the ground, it will be dug out.

The little thief was obviously aware of this, so he decided to give it a go and flee madly towards the east.

But as a master of the Ice Demon Star Pirate Group suddenly appeared and blocked the way, the little thief fell into despair.

"Little bastard, hand over the things obediently, I will make your death easier." The master of the Ice Demon Star Pirates Group grinned, and he didn't even believe this.

"Things have been hidden by me, unless you want to let me go first!" The little thief said with a sharp voice.

"It's okay, as long as you catch you." The master of the Ice Demon Star Pirate Group sneered: "I have ten thousand ways to pry open your mouth. Then you will only beg me to give you a happy...well!"

Suddenly, a big hand came out from behind and clasped it on the forehead of the master of the Ice Demon Star Pirates Group, and immediately saw him twitching and falling directly to the ground.

A mysterious black-robed man beckoned to the thief and turned to hide into a dark alley.

The little thief hesitated for a moment, and ran after him.

After a long time, the little thief followed the black robe man and finally escaped from the encirclement of the Ice Demon Star Pirates Group.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?" the little thief asked with a vigilant look.

The black-robed man said in a low voice: "I will save your life. You give me the stolen things as a fair deal."

"No!" The little thief insisted: "It took me a lot of effort to steal it. You want it unless you give it money!"

"Heh!" The black-robed man asked with a low smile, "How much?"

The little thief's eyes turned and said: "One hundred, no, one thousand stars, don't talk about one less!"

"Okay." The black-robed man took out a bag of virtual spirit star coins and threw it in front of him, saying: "This is a thousand star coins, what about things?"

The little thief immediately picked up the purse and weighed it, and said with great joy: "Things are hidden..." Suddenly he disappeared into a dark shadow as soon as he twisted his body, leaving only a ridicule: " ~You just assume that I will sell that baby for a thousand...Uh!"

The black-robed man reached out into the dark shadow and pulled the boy out again.

"The hybrid of shadow demons and humans is indeed a bit capable, but unfortunately you shouldn't be too greedy."

"I was wrong, sir, forgive me, I will give you the baby, and no money." The thief immediately begged for mercy.

"It's late." The black robe man didn't give the little thief a second chance at all, he broke his neck and pulled out his soul to search for the memory, and then the corpse disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, it was located in a sewage alley in the west of the city.

The black-robed man appeared quietly and opened his hood to reveal his true face. It was naturally Chen Fan.

"Hid you hidden here?" Chen Fan twisted his brows and held his breath, walked to a sewer entrance, opened the manhole cover directly with thought force, and then raised a metal box from the small hole at the bottom of the well where sewage was flowing.

Chen Fan flicked his finger and opened the metal box directly through the air, only to see a fist-sized metal ball falling out.

Chen Fan grabbed the metal ball with thought force, reached out his hand to grasp and curiously played with it to guess what the treasure was.

Suddenly he noticed that the forcibly opened metal box was sending out secret signals.

Chen Fan put away the metal ball and immediately turned and walked away.

After a while, a group of ice magic star thief swarmed but only found an empty box.

Chen Fan quietly returned to the spacecraft and took out the metal ball to play with it again. The more he watched, the more familiar the metal ball became, and he held the two petals in his heart and twisted it forcefully.

Hearing a click, the metal ball cracked open, shining with a hint of light.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and continued to unscrew the hemisphere slowly. He saw a translucent golden crystal ball embedded in the metal ball, and a red five-pointed star was embedded in the crystal ball.

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