Big Panda Boss

Chapter 895: Planet Devourer

"Panda Brother (

It took a few days to arrive, and a teleport arrived at the time of return.

Return to the Golden City again to see the goddess of wealth.

"You are faster than I thought." The goddess laughed.

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Thank you not to say such misunderstood words again."

Woking winked and said, "I'm still waiting for your dowry."

"It's easy to say." Chen Fan opened his mouth and vomited Mamen out, wiped his mouth and said: "Do you see how good this bridegroom is?"

Woking had a wonderful face, kicked Mamen away like a dead dog with a look of disgust, and asked, "Where did you catch him?"

Chen Fan said: "Happy Shrine."

Woking's face changed slightly: "That woman's place?"

"Yeah." Chen Fan said with a smile: "That person said he likes me very much."

Woking stared at Chen Fan seriously, and then said very seriously: "My old lady hasn't lived enough yet, so she dare not compete with women for men."

Chen Fan couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm just joking, are you serious?"

Woking snorted softly, took out two gold coins and threw them to Chen Fan, and said, "These two gold coins should be compensated. In addition to letting me be your woman, you can make three wishes to me. Of course you don’t. My little treasury idea."

"I want to be richer than you!"

"...Then I can still be your woman."

"Hahaha, stop teasing you, let's go, these three wishes will come to you when I think about them someday."

"Oh, man!"

Woking rolled his amorous eyes and looked down at Mamen, who was full of horror, with a bright smile on his face.


After removing the Mamen, Chen Fan was in a good mood and took Haramad directly back to Karesh Star.

"My lord." Haramad said eagerly: "Please wait a moment, the villain will come and go."

"Well, go ahead." Chen Fan nodded.

Haramad took a deep breath and jumped off the deck directly into the atmosphere and flew towards the imperial city.

Marduk stepped forward and asked, "My lord, can he do it alone? Anyway, the opponent is the king of the Void Spirit Race."

Chen Fan squinted: "Would you like to help?"

"Oh." Marduk suddenly supported his waist and exclaimed: "My lord, forgive me. My waist injury has not healed yet. I'm afraid I can't do anything with people in a short time."

Chen Fan said lightly: "Okay, you don't dare to fight the younger one, let you take the lead for the old one."

"What little old one?" Marduk was puzzled.

"You bullied the little ones and provokes the old. Have you never heard this old saying?" Chen Fan raised his head and gestured to the distance.

Marduk followed his gaze, and saw a billowing cloud from the depths of the distant starry sky!

"What's that? Voidstorm?"

"It's the planet devourer."

Marduk immediately held up his chest, and said with a sense of righteousness: "My lord, my waist suddenly doesn't hurt. I'll go help Haramad!"

Chen Fan sneered: "It really doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Hmm, it really doesn't hurt anymore!" Marduk twisted his waist specially, and clicked... "Ah, hiss, it hurts!"

"It's a shame to you the devil. Okay, you'll just stay alive on the boat." Chen Fan said he sacrificed the fire lotus and greeted the dark cloud.

The dark clouds were coming violently, and many spacecrafts along the way couldn't avoid being swallowed silently.

Chen Fan drove the lotus up to face each other, punching out before he was too close!

I saw a round of black and white yin and yang Pisces prints let go, as if the branded void became larger in the wind, directly shattering the billowing black clouds, and the aftermath swept through millions of miles for a long time.

"Roar!!!" A roar pierced the void, and if there was any physical bombardment back, it would also shake Chen Fan back thousands of miles.

"Hey! A little wise!" Chen Fan shook his numb palm, but his face was high in fighting spirit.

The dark clouds that were shattered quickly condensed back and transformed into a huge god.

"Where did the ants dare to stop the **** from eating!" The giant opened his mouth to swallow the clouds and mist like thunder, his eyes overflowing with lightning, and the world can be broken between his hands and feet.

"Huh?!" Chen Fan raised his head and looked up, but he let out a soft huh. He originally thought that the Planet Devourer would be the same as in the comic books, but upon closer inspection, he discovered that the real body of this guy was actually just a disguise. .

"Is it a counterfeit?" Chen Fan was suspicious for a while, but this vast divine might could not be faked.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't say anything and didn't bother to talk nonsense, the Planet Devourer threw his fist directly.

That scene was as horrible as an asteroid hit!

However, Chen Fan was not afraid, turning his hand to print a round of phantom yin and yang Pisces in his palm, and patted it with one palm.

In the silent impact, a shock wave swept across thousands of miles.

Chen Fan flew upside down a thousand miles away, but the Planet Devourer just shook his body.

Is it true God will know at a glance.

Chen Fan's doubts were not cleared, and he became serious.

The Planet Devourer squeezed a giant fist, and thunder light appeared from the giant fist.

"Take me another punch!"

When they reach their level, they can easily explode a planet so they don't even bother to make any fancy moves.

Chen Fan knew that he couldn't stop this punch if he didn't show his true ability. He simply slapped his belly and spit out a chaotic air, clasped it in his palm, and blasted out another punch.

It was another frontal blow without any fakes!

Chen Fan flew upside down again and went thousands of miles away, so it was concluded that this guy must have filled his stomach before coming here and lost.

"Huh?" The Planet Devourer rubbed the scorch mark on his fist, looked at Chen Fan for the first time, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Chen Fan steadied his figure and grinned, "I am your uncle!"

"Your uncle!" The Planet Devourer seemed to be irritated at once, and he punched it again.

"Wow, this guy can understand Chinese??" Chen Fan was taken aback, and hurriedly drove away from the lotus, but didn't expect the Planet Devourer to lose his straight punch, and directly made up a left uppercut.

Chen Fan immediately received a sacred fist from the opponent and was directly beaten out for thousands of miles.

The Planet Devourer still couldn't understand his hatred, and he drove Chen Fan with one step, clenched his fists, smashed his head, and shouted loudly, "Fuck you, uncle!"

Chen Fan was knocked off again and directly pierced a nearby celestial satellite.

The Planet Devourer slapped the moon to pieces again, trying to kill him.

Suddenly a flash of green light came, and it hit the center of the eye of the planet devourer, and directly shot his forehead across.

Cuiguang turned upside down and fell back into a fluffy bear's claw, condensed into a bamboo stick.

"Bah!" Chen Fan, who revealed his original form, sipped angrily, grinning grinningly with his mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth: "Have you not eaten? How does the beating look like a woman?"

When the Planet Devourer saw Chen Fan's real body suddenly, it was shocked as if by a lightning strike, and he blurted out and exclaimed: "Chaos????? Aren't you sealed by the old man?"

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