Big Panda Boss

Chapter 897: Forbidden place

Chen Fan opened the portal and returned to Karesh Star and saw that Haramad had successfully usurped the throne and became the new Ethereal King.

"My lord, what about the Planet Devourer?" Haramad asked carefully.

Chen Fanfeng said lightly: "I have beaten away."

Haramad immediately offered flattery: "My lord is wise and brave..."

"You don't need to shoot flattering." Chen Fan interrupted: "The deity has something to do, so I won't stay. Marduk."

"The villain is here." Marduk leaned on his waist and quickly trot over, and asked: "What do you want from your lord?"

Chen Fan said: "You stay to assist Haramad, one of you is in the light and the other is in the dark."

"Yes, sir." When Marduk heard that he could stay in Karesh to enjoy the blessing, he naturally wished.

Chen Fan told Haramad: "Developing your intelligence organization is of great use to me."

"Yes, sir, the villain must live up to what the adult entrusted." Haramad quickly obeyed.

"Very well, now accept the gift of my lord, look into my eyes!" Chen Fan's eyes condensed, and the two souls directly dragged into his chaotic realm.


After bidding farewell to both Haramad and Marduk, Chen Fan drove a small spaceship to fly slowly to the British Empire.

Just when he applied to go through the customs of the Tyra Empire, the Dragon Ball tracker he was carrying with him banged.

Chen Fan tapped his sunglasses and turned the tracking signal to the mirror, and saw that a red dot on the east side of the radar was flashing.

It's just that the distance is too far, so the distance cannot be accurately estimated.

Just as Chen Fan was about to activate the shipborne radar to expand the tracking range, suddenly the signal source disappeared.

"Is it broken?" Chen Fan took out the Dragon Ball signal tracker the size of a pocket watch and checked it, but he didn't find out what was wrong: "It's not reliable."

Chen Fan took the tracker back in his hand and continued to sail through customs.

After clearing the customs and entering the territory of the Terra Empire, Chen Fan thought for a while and wanted to stop by the Bone Fort galaxy.

This Bone Fort galaxy is located in the northern frontier of the empire, bordering the Beilei galaxy where the Alto Barbarians are located.

Chen Fan entered the destination on the navigator and calculated the route to make the spacecraft enter the automatic flight state, then closed his eyes and contacted the Red Devil.


"My god, the villain is here, what do you command?"

"Have you found that mist?"

"...Not yet, my god, the villain has tried his best to search, but this galaxy is too vast."

"Leave this matter aside for now, is there any eye for the artifact?"

"The villain has already sent additional manpower to sneak into the White Bone Fort to investigate, but there is a powerful lich on that planet, and any living person who breaks in cannot escape its perception."


"Yes, Lich. The legend is true. The Lich is definitely a ghost. The villain had seen him before and was forced to come back. He asked the adults to forgive the villain for his incompetence."

"I see, I will meet this lich myself."

Chen Fan ended the call and hurried to the Bone Fort galaxy.

A few days later, the spacecraft flew to a deadly Bone Fort galaxy.

Chen Fan first joined the Red Devil and the others, and then flew them to the only planet in this galaxy with ‘static’.

"My lord, in front is the White Bone Fort Star." The Red Devil pointed forward, and saw a planet quietly suspended in the deadly void.

In the extreme distance, a white dwarf star has reached the end of its life and can only emit a faint light, but it shines a bright red on the moon beside the planet.

"The environment here is really like the underworld, except that there is no such strong radiation." Chen Fan asked, "Are there other forces on this planet besides Bone Fort?"

The red devil replied: "Yes, but the villain has only investigated three at present, namely Ice Wind Valley, Ghost Forest, and Zombie Cave. There are undead creatures in these three places, but in terms of strength, Bone Fort is definitely the only one. The villain has also tried to contact these forces, but those undead have a strong hostility towards the living, and they cannot have peaceful exchanges at all."

Chen Fan slightly lowered his jaw and said, "You stay on the spaceship, I will go down and take a look."

"Yes." Everyone promised.

Chen Fan sacrificed Baolian and plunged into the gray atmosphere.

After breaking through the atmosphere, what caught Chen Fan's eyes was a frozen world.

The extremely low temperature makes it extremely difficult for all life to survive on this planet, and only the undead who fear the light regard it as a paradise.

Chen Fan hovered Baolian and opened the lotus cover, a layer of frost formed on his body in an instant.

In such a low temperature environment, normal people will get frostbite their respiratory tract even if they just take a breath.

Chen Fan called out a cold mist, closed the lotus cover again to isolate the cold, and then drove the lotus straight to the direction of the Bone Fort.

According to the information provided by the Red Devil, the Bone Fort is located at the North Pole of the planet, which is in the polar night at the moment.

As the latitude gets higher and higher, Chen Fan found that the snow on the ground is receding instead. After entering the Arctic Circle, there will be no more white, leaving only the sand and stone Gobi with no end in sight~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Chen Fan stopped Baolian again and opened the lotus cover, and immediately felt a colder chill over his body.

Although there is no snow in the north pole of this planet, the temperature is even lower.

Chen Fan felt it. The temperature here has definitely dropped to below minus Baidu, but the air is very dry and there is no wind.

If you are in this environment, you will not feel the extreme cold, because there is no air flow, you can’t take away the temperature of the human body surface, but as long as you open your mouth and breathe, you may be frozen into ice sculptures without knowing it. , Just as scary as the terrifying ultra-low temperature in the movie "The Day After Day"!

So this is a forbidden zone of life.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and looked north, and saw a black spot approaching quickly.

Within a dozen breaths, the black spot turned into a hill and flew over.

It was a skeletal dragon with a wingspan of 100 meters, comparable to a passenger plane.

Chen Fan waited in place in his spare time.

The bone dragon slowed down ten thousand meters away and hovered over one thousand meters away.

Chen Fan saw a black-robed man standing on the bones of his head and sent him a chill full of mental fluctuations.

"Bone Fort prohibits any living from approaching!"

Chen Fan smiled and said, "I'm here to ask Master Guibao about one thing."

"Get out!" The other party yelled unceremoniously: "Otherwise, just stop blaming me for being unkind!"

"Well, maybe we should change the way of communication." Chen Fan raised his hand and pressed it.

The black robe man and the huge bone dragon seemed to be directly photographed on the ground by an invisible big hand.

Chen Fan controlled Baolian to slowly land in front of the black-robed man, smiled and said: "Now you have learned how to talk to the deity politely?"

The black robe man's hat slipped, revealing a white skull.

"I don't know if the **** is coming, the villain will go and inform my master for you."

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