Big Panda Boss

Chapter 899: Bad news

"Panda Brother (

"This girl must miss the food I cooked." Chen Fan laughed blankly and carefully put the letter away.

"Big King." The Black Horned Ghost King took out a stack of official documents and submitted it: "This is a list of the goods between the two places in the past six months. Please take a look."

Chen Fan took the list and read it carefully. The upper half of the official document mainly recorded the total amount of spirits and arms exported by the Tongtian Empire, and then imported various rare minerals, equipment and technology from the British Empire.

The lower half recorded the trade volume of arms and drinks in Niscala. That long figure surprised even the mentally prepared Chen Fan.

"How many?" Chen Fan carefully checked the total sales again, confirming that he had read the numbers correctly.

The Black Horned Ghost King said: "You know, my lord, that the devil world is not peaceful now, and there are wars everywhere. Our military factory in Niscala has received orders three years later. The supervisor there just came to ask if To expand the scale."

"Well, I see, I'll take a trip myself." Chen Fan sacrificed his precious stones and sent them away.

"Lord, wait a minute." The Black Horned Ghost King suddenly shouted.

"What else?" Chen Fan stopped and asked.

The Black Horned Ghost King said sneakily: "I heard that something big has happened in the underworld recently!"

Chen Fan asked, "What's the big deal? Say it quickly!"

The Black Horned Ghost King lowered his voice and said, "Someone tried to rebel against the flag and was temporarily suppressed by the underworld."

Chen Fan's heart jumped and he immediately thought of that woman.

"Any more news?"

"Not yet." The Black Horned Ghost King shook his head, and then looked like playing with a taste: "But the matter was very disturbing. After the Heavenly Court heard about it, he ordered the underworld to capture the mastermind as soon as possible, and sent a great **** down. Guess who is that great god?"

Chen Fan stared and said, "Don't sell it, can I guess it? Come on!"

The Black Horned Ghost King chuckled, grinding his fangs and spit out a big name like a thunderous ear: "The Lord of War, Chi You the Great!"

"It's actually this great god!" Chen Fan looked astonished, and then thought of the ancient battle. Female Yun helped Huang Di beat Chiyou. As a result, Huang Di won, but Female Yun was sealed.

Now the female ghost ran to the underworld to rebel, but Heavenly Court sent the Great Chi You to counter the rebellion.

If there were no dog-blood stories in it, Chen Fan wouldn't believe it either.

"It's a great show!" Chen Fan shook his head and exclaimed, "It's a pity that I missed it."

Watching a show also depends on strength, and not everyone is qualified to be a spectator at that level of battle.

Moreover, since this matter has attracted great attention from the heavens, it is conceivable that the gods and Buddhas of the sky must have been observing the development of the situation secretly.

"Great King." The Black Horned Ghost King stared at him strangely.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fan wondered: "Why are you looking at me with such a look?"

The Black Horned Ghost King emphatically said, "Chi You! Don't you remember anything?"

"What can I think of? I'm not familiar with others." Chen Fan directly slapped him on the back of his head, and said with a smile: "What do you think, there was no me at the time of the Ancient War."

The Black Horned Ghost King rubbed his head and curiously said: "I heard that the Great Chi You lost the battle back then, half because the Yellow Emperor borrowed the luck of the human race to defeat the Great Chi You, who represented the Wu Clan, and the other was because the two sides faced the Great Chi You. His mount has lost its chain..."

"Okay, it's all unofficial history from hearsay. In ancient times, except for the great **** who was present at the time, who knew the true situation, don't guess." Chen Fan tore the portal to Niscala and exhorted: "You Keep staring at the underworld, and let me know if there is any new movement in the underworld."

"Yes, King."


Chen Fan teleported to Niskara, and saw that the once-out-of-law place is now prosperous like a thoroughfare, and several star ports are full of fleets waiting to enter the customs.

Chen Fan directly approached Sadiz and asked about the situation.

"Half of the ships outside the port are here for cargo and half are for refuge." Sadiz exclaimed: "Who would have thought that our ghost place where birds do not **** could one day become a haven for disaster."

"This is not a good thing." Chen Fan said with a light smile: "With more people, all walks of life will flourish."

Sadiz laughed and said, "That’s right, I’m going to open the tenth tavern this week. Your wine is now Niscala’s most popular commodity, and it’s more popular than those fel arms. I don’t know how much. People are jealous of our fat, but with Her Majesty’s oracle, no one dares to make us think."

Chen Fan toasted and laughed: "Being rich together is the long-term way. You should also share some soup for others to drink so that you can grow your business."

Sadiz admired: "It's still a good idea, I will make arrangements."

Chen Fan believes that Sadiz must have thought of this a long time ago, but without the approval of his big boss behind the scenes, he would not dare to make a good opinion.

Now Chen Fanken let go is naturally too happy to be too late.

Then Chen Fan went to see High Lord Varimathras.

"My king has been waiting for your good news." Varimathras was straightforward, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Chen Fan doesn't need to guess that the boom in the arms business has made this guy's status in the Dreadlord rise.

Chen Fan smiled and said: "I did bring good news to your majesty."

Varimathras leaned a little closer and asked, "What good news?"

"Can't say it." Chen Fan smiled and said nothing.

Varimathras immediately stopped asking too much, and personally drove Chen Fan to the palace.

Seeing the enchanting Queen of the Devil again, Chen Fan smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I have brought you a good news and a bad news. Do you want to hear that first?"

Usalus Lolobonari gently stirred the tea, glanced at him sideways and said, "I don't like to hear bad news, especially when I am drinking afternoon tea."

"Then I will tell you the good news first." Chen Fan smiled and said, "I found Mephisto."

Uzarus Lolobonari's eyes burst with a cold light, and asked, "Where is this old miscellaneous hair?"

Chen Fan smiled and said, "The following is bad news, he is dead."

Usalus Lolobonari twitched the tip of her eyebrows and asked, "Dead? How did it die?"

"It was killed by several great demon kings." Chen Fan said: "Because Mephisto found the whereabouts of the world stone, and then several great demon kings missed and killed him in order to ask him about the whereabouts of the world stone. Several big demon kings fought each other."

Usalus Lolobonari put aside the tea cup and said very calmly: "Well, I see, you can go down and receive the reward."

"Your Majesty Xie." Chen Fan retired with a smile.

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