Big Panda Boss

Chapter 911: People are not as good as heaven

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Xiao Youyou immediately argued: "Master, it was given to me by Uncle Xiong."

Miaoyun Demon King coldly snorted: "I haven't punished you for entering the forbidden area without permission!"

Xiao Youyou took out the Dragon Ball with a grieved expression and threw it to Chen Fan, crying and ran out.

The Miaoyun Demon King shook his head helplessly, and said to Chen Fan, "You will save this dragon ball temporarily. This girl has an undecided temperament. Having too many treasures next to her will only affect her practice."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Four destiny of Taoism, the land of wealth. The first place in the financial ranking is both relying and tempering. Why should the sister-in-law be too demanding?"

Miaoyun Demon King gave him a deep look and said, "Everyone has their own different ways. Now that this girl has already worshipped in my door, she should naturally listen to my arrangements."

Chen Fan arched his hands and smiled: "Sister-in-law is right, it's my little brother that I talked a lot. It's getting late and my little brother is inconvenient to stay, so I'll leave."

"Send off guests." Miaoyun Demon King raised his tea bowl.

Chen Fan followed the little demon out of the hall, and saw Xiao Na Qiao standing outside, squinting: "You still know to come back."

"There are too many things, you can't get away." Chen Fan handed her the dragon ball and the space gem together, and said: "Give you back the gem, this dragon ball, please help an immortal craftsman refine the dragon ring embedded in that girl. How much is charged to my account."

"Humph." Xiaona snorted, accepted the two gems unceremoniously, and asked: "Are you leaving again?"

Chen Fan said, "Well, come back to see An Xin, and I have to rush back overnight."

Xiaona took out the Qibao necklace, buckled the golden gems, and threw the remaining six multicolored gems to him along with the necklace, and said proudly: "This is temporarily lent to you, don't lose it to me!"

"Thank you." Chen Fan was not hypocritical, and readily accepted Xiao Na's kindness.

"I'll go see Yoyo." The little girl hummed softly and bounced away.

Chen Fan smiled, and the little demon who led the way left Wanhua Valley, took out the Seven Treasure Necklace, opened the door directly and returned to the secret base of the Empire's First Fleet.

"My lord, why are you coming back soon?" The Black Horned Ghost King eagerly flexed his hands and said excitedly: "When shall we leave?"

Chen Fan asked, "What body to move?"

"Of course it's going to robbery!" Heijiao Guiwang clicked on a star map, and said excitedly: "Look, my lord, I have already selected the land. This is the place, adjacent to the Three Realms Star Road. We can just grab it and run. No one can catch us at all."

Chen Fan glanced at the star map and said, "Isn't this the realm of the Void Spirit Race?"

"That's right." The Black Horned Ghost King said with a smile: "Great King, the Void Spirit Race is a fat sheep. It's not a day or two that I have been following them."

Chen Fan said with a weird look: "Then you can start late, because they have fallen into other people's pockets."

"What? Who would dare to **** this king's duck?" The black-horned ghost king immediately became angry.

"It is this king." Chen Fan said lightly: "I have successfully raised the new virtual spirit king to the upper position."

The Black Horned Ghost King immediately flattered and said: "Sure enough, I am worthy of being a king. I really can't beat a horse with this smart villain. My admiration for you is like the endless water of the galaxy..."

"It's okay, don't flatter me." Chen Fan interrupted: "This king is going to come back this time to make a big ticket. Just a robbery can get a lot of money."

The black-horned ghost king immediately beamed his eyes and said, "My lord, what are you going to do?"

Chen Fan flicked the star map and finally stopped at one spot, squinting his eyes and said coldly, "This king plans to replace this place!"

The Black Horned Ghost King stared at the star chart and took a breath: "Angry hell?!"


The Wrath Hell is the territory of the Great Demon King Samael. Its territory spans several galaxies up to tens of billions of light-years away. It also happens to border the three realms of Heaven, Hades, and Man. Therefore, it is also the front line for the Hell Demon Realm to invade his realm.

At the same time, this place happened to block the only exit of Hunyuan Star to the outside world.

Therefore, if the Tongtian Empire wants to expand outward, this angry **** is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed!

In fact, Chen Fan has long been eyeing the angry **** and has already secretly laid out.

Secretly controlling the British Empire is only his first move, and his second move is to meet the Supreme Heaven and form a flanking attack on the angry hell.

Then, using a world stone as an inducement, it was his third move to make several big demon kings separate and attack each other.

It is his fourth move to support the Ethereal Prince Haramad to the upper position and control the entire Ethereal Clan. The purpose is to penetrate the place where the three realms meet.

Now that the advance layout is basically complete, it's time to launch a thunder blow.

This trick may not work well against other civilizations, but it is the simplest and most effective method in the demon world where the strong respects the strong.

As long as you can use the momentum of thunder to eradicate Samael and the diehards around him, you only need to change the banner of the king on the city to make the group of demons worship, without worrying about being caught in the ocean of the people's war. .

This kind of incident has been staged several times in the Hell Demon Realm, and the current great demon kings are all in such a high position.

Therefore, the big demon kings are also strictly guarded against internal usurpation, and will not give others a and they will also show extreme toughness and arrogance externally, because as long as you show a little soft-hearted intention, you may be under the group. Demons and ghosts will have thoughts they shouldn't have.

This is why the demons' civilization is biased towards extremism, because the moderates have no soil to survive in hell.

Therefore, Chen Fan plans to use this to add fire to the **** that has fallen into civil strife.

Chen Fan took out the magic weapon that he had collected from the Dragon Palace in Heilongjiang and instructed the Black Horned Ghost King: "You sent someone to smuggle these magic weapons to **** to sell them."

The Black Horned Ghost King looked at the pile of magic weapons, and said in amazement: "My lord, since we are going to attack the angry hell, why do we have to get an enemy?"

Chen Fan said with a faint smile: "The ancient and modern times do not suffer from widowhood and unevenness. You divide these magic weapons into ten parts, and eight parts are taken to the angry **** to sell, and the remaining two parts are sold to other demon kings, and then you release the news. can."

The black-horned ghost king immediately flattered and said: "The king is very clever, high, really high!"

In fact, the Hell Demon Realm, which has already fallen into civil strife, does not need Chen Fan to contribute to the flames. Several great demon kings have almost played out their brains. But Chen Fan couldn't stand it, hiding behind the scenes and constantly adding firewood, which made the parties gradually start a real fire and couldn't stop it at all.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Chen Fan was ready to mobilize the fleet to fight Huanglong and take down the lair of the angry devil, Asazil!

But Chen Fan didn't expect someone to go with him!


"Are you saying that the Archangel of Courage is ready to attack the angry hell?!" Chen Fan stared at Tyrael who was coming to report with a stupefied face: "Is he crazy? Or is his brain flooded? How hard is it for the **** kings? I've gotten each other's brains out. Wouldn't it mean that he will make the entire demons fight against each other with the same enemy?"

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