Big Panda Boss

Chapter 917: Sewer

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The more the bar is mixed with dragons and snakes, the less it lacks the reserved festival of bar fights.

Chen Fan heard the noise and turned his head and looked over. The two tables over there had already started fighting.

Then the battle quickly spread to a few tables nearby and directly turned into a lively melee.

But the customers in the pub are just like being beaten up. Not only did no one come forward to persuade them, but they all started to scream.

Chen Fan was in the crowd watching the excitement while drinking wine.

It wasn't until a group of patrolling soldiers rushed in from outside the bar that the farce soon calmed down.

Seeing that there was no fun, Chen Fan got up and left the tavern.

Suddenly, a group of sacred troops came to face him. Chen Fan recognized a few familiar faces at a glance, and was secretly surprised to put on a cap and cover his face and brush past them.

Suddenly, Arkhan stepped down and glanced back.

Pomm, who followed, asked, "What's the matter with the captain?"

"Nothing." Akhan shook his head and moved on.

Pang hurried a few steps and asked: "Captain, do you think there will be any big action in calling us to Kartim this time?"

Akhan said in a deep voice: "You shouldn't know, don't ask more."

Pomm curled his lips and said: "But it's been four days, the bishop called us over and only let us patrol the streets every day. I don't know when we will become a city guard camp."

Akehan said: "Master Bishop's move must have its purpose. If you can understand, you don't need to patrol with us."

Pang asked back: "Captain, are you saying I'm stupid?"

The teammates behind him laughed.

"The captain is in a situation!" Suddenly a sacred army picked up the faintly glowing Holy Deed and said nervously: "There is a demon nearby!"

Akhan immediately said solemnly: "Ready to fight!"

Everyone immediately drew out their weapons one after another, looking vigilant around!

"Here!" The Crusaders holding the Holy Deed came slowly to the entrance of a dark alley: "Here!"

"Battle formation!" Akhan unloaded his shield and carried it in his hand, and took the lead into the alley. The other Holy Order troops followed carefully in their respective positions.

Soon everyone passed through this dark and humid alley, but entered a dead end!

Arkhan was wary of his surroundings and asked, "Where is the demon?"

The forehead of the Holy Order Army holding the Holy Deed was sweating and contrasting, and suddenly whispered: "It's under our feet!"

When everyone lowered their heads, they immediately saw a sealed manhole cover.

Ackhan waved his hand, and Pang immediately stepped forward and carefully pried open the manhole cover, and immediately a stench rushed out and almost swept everyone!

Arkhan held his breath and took a look forward, only to see the sewage slowly flowing.

Pang covered his nose and mouth, and muttered: "Captain, we need a priest, at least a mage who knows how to cleanse."

Although the Crusaders present can use the Holy Light spells, they will only use the Holy Light to purify evil enemies instead of the air.

Arkhan said solemnly: "Mason, you quickly go back and tell the bishop our findings!"

"Yes, Captain!" A priest immediately took the order and left.

"Seal the lid back first, and don't disturb the demons below!" Akhan ordered again.

Pang hurriedly pushed the manhole cover back, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

Soon, reinforcements arrived one after another, with hundreds of Crusaders and a dozen of Holy Light pastors.

But it was completely dark.

In order to prevent the demon dog lurking in the sewer from jumping off the wall, Akhan ordered the Holy Cleric Army to guard the nearby sewer exit, and then personally led the team into the sewer.

Wading in waist-deep sewage is definitely a huge test of human psychology.

Fortunately, the priest Shengguang is accompanying him, who can purify the poisonous gas in the air at any time.

After wading carefully around three corners, the group came to a spacious sewer transfer station.

Arkhan immediately smelled a faint smell of blood.

A holy light pastor whispered: "I have sensed the remnants of evil magic. An evil ceremony should have just been held here!"

"Battle formation!" Akhan immediately told everyone to scatter away carefully, don't crowd together.

Everyone immediately dispersed into a group formation and moved forward carefully.

Soon on a high platform at this transit station, everyone found a blood-stained altar and many sacrificial props that had not had time to clean up.

"Escaped?" Akhan stepped forward and glanced at the altar engraved with devil spells, and said in a deep voice, "Search carefully!"

"Yes, Captain!" All the Holy Cadets immediately dispersed and searched the place carefully.

The priests of the Holy Light began to pray, using Holy Light spells to purify the filthy energy remaining on the evil altar.

"Captain, look what I found!" Pomm came to Arkhan with a blood-stained dagger.

Arkhan took the dagger and took a closer look, and found that the dagger had a peculiar shape, like a poisonous snake. The scarlet twisted dagger is still stained with black blood, and it exudes a disgusting is the weapon of the snake and demons! "A Holy Light pastor recognized the origin of this dagger and reminded: "These snake demons like to sacrifice virgins or young children to their demon gods. "

Akhan said in a deep voice: "The ceremony here is definitely not ready to be completed in a day or two. Eight percent of these snakes have been lurking in the city for a long time, but the most important thing now is to find out that these snakes have used this altar to complete them What ceremony!"

Pomm suggested: "Captain, this evil ritual has just ended not long, and those monsters must have not escaped far, so let's search the entire sewer aside!"

"Pangmu, you are not from Kartim, are you?" Suddenly a priest asked.

"No, I'm from Wuri." Pangmu puzzled: "Do you ask what this does?"

The Crusaders smiled and said, "No wonder, if you know how large the sewer network under Kartim is, you won't make any stupid suggestions."

Pomp was surprised: "Is this piece of sewer big?"

The Crusades said: “It’s beyond your imagination, because Kaltim is a city with a long history, and the monarchs in the past have repaired the underground water network system in order to protect the water source in the city. Over time, the area of ​​the sewer system under Kaltim’s land even It is more than three times the surface area of ​​the ground, and it is a multi-story structure. It is a huge dungeon. If you want to check the entire sewer network, I am afraid that even if you mobilize a hundred thousand troops, you will have to search for ten days. The search can only be completed in half a month."

Pang slapped his tongue and said: "How big is it? Isn't it easy to hide some monsters?"

Ackhan said: "This is why the Sakkarum Church built the Holy Light Cathedral in Kartim. Okay, the chat ends here, clean up here and we will withdraw."

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