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Bei Tanglie managed to pounce on the ground, and there was a faint stench in the air.

Chi Jiao subconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose because of the smell, frowned and looked towards the second bedroom.

In the darkness, she could clearly feel something on the ceiling.

Seeing the new prey, the black lizard tilted its head, and those copper bell-like eyes flashed a cold light in the darkness. With a grunt in the throat, it flew from the ceiling in the next second, and quickly moved towards Chi Jiao. jumped over.

"Boss, run away, boss!" Bei Tanglie's soul almost flew out in fright, shouting at Chi Jiao with a look of horror.

He is really sick of this cold-blooded animal.

It is precisely because of extreme disgust that fear arises.

Chi Jiao saw that the black lizard was aggressive, and without saying a word, she picked up the floor lamp in the living room, swept it back, and smashed the black lizard with the rigid base of the floor lamp!

With a bang, the black lizard was knocked out by Chi Jiao before it even touched a single hair on Chi Jiao.

Hearing a loud bang, the black lizard didn't even think that he would be kicked out, and then writhing his body on the ground with a painful face, and kept squeezing out bursts of mourning from his throat.

"Beep, beep!" While struggling in pain, the black lizard glared angrily at Chi Jiao, and the eyes seemed to accuse Chi Jiao of being cruel!

Chi Jiao didn't have time to talk to the black lizard. She was so hard just now that she almost twisted her waist.

what's the situation? Why is this black lizard so weak?

Chi Jiao estimated just now that the black lizard was at least 100 to 200 jin, so she exhausted all her strength and only intended to knock the black lizard to the ground with one blow.

But who knows, this black lizard seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is just a paper-clad tiger, with no attack power at all.

Bei Tanglie sat on the ground like a little daughter-in-law, looking at Chi Jiao's thin back with admiration, and almost wept with excitement. extraordinary

My God, boss, this is too sassy!

"Boss! You are too powerful!" Bei Tanglie said excitedly.

Chi Jiao turned her head and glanced at him: "You are too weak. It's just a lizard, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Beep?" The black lizard rolled on the ground and looked up and gave Chi Jiao a puzzled look.

what's the situation? Is it looked down upon!

The black lizard got angry in his heart and stood up abruptly, shaking his thick tail behind him unhappily, the scales all over his body trembled, and he made an attack.

"Boss, this lizard's magnetic field is very wrong, it must be affected by the soul stone, you have to be careful." Bei Tanglie said nervously, "It's disgusting to be touched by it!"

Chi Jiao's eyes showed a deep condensed color, and she was a little surprised to see this scene.

It was the first time she saw an animal mutated by a soul stone.

In the past, soul stones could only affect people, but now they can also affect animals.

This is not a good sign.

"It's really a rare thing, grab it, take it to the 117 headquarters, and study it." After speaking, Chi Jiao narrowed her beautiful eyes and stared at the black lizard, as if staring at the black lizard. prey.

Chi Jiao's sharp gaze made the black lizard shiver.

what's going on? Why is this girl not afraid of it at all?

Not only was Chi Jiao not afraid, she even wanted to take it away and dissect it.

The animal's alertness made the black lizard not dare to provoke Chi Jiao. It silently got up and walked towards the second bed against the corner of the wall. When walking, it did not forget to cover its head with its big tail, as if saying 'you can't see it. I, you can't see me', I chose to run away without saying a word.

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