Big Time 1958

Chapter 1009: empty persian gulf

   "Egypt cannot sit back and watch the Soviet Union and the United States use the Suez Canal to make deployments that threaten world peace." After the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet passed the Suez Canal, Mubarak, the ruler of Egypt, made the following statement.

   Reagan, who got the news, threw the water glass on the ground at will. This statement seemed to be no problem, but the statement after the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet had passed, was obviously partial to the Soviet Union. Of course, Reagan didn't know this sentence, but he thought the same thing in his heart.

   I muttered two sentences about the lackeys of the Soviets, and for the time being, I will not think about how good Egypt would be if it were an American lackey. The Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet, which cooperated with Egypt, entered the Indian Ocean, which greatly increased the defense pressure of the United States in the global ocean. Just as the attackers on land will never have enough troops, it is far more difficult to put out fires in a much larger ocean than on land.

   The obvious only option before Reagan was that the Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf could only contain the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet entering the Indian Ocean, and the U.S. Sixth Fleet was blocked in the Mediterranean Sea. As for the Second Atlantic Fleet and the family cannot move, the Fifth Fleet is already the only option in the hands of the United States.

The telegram    ordering the Fifth Fleet to attack and block a powerful opponent was very unsurprisingly sent from the US Pentagon. Normal people would think so, is this the Cold War? No one can admit it, but a world war is impossible. Reagan thought so, but Serov didn't think much of it.

  When the news of the powerful U.S. Fifth Fleet leaving Bahrain reached Moscow, Serov stood up from his chair and took out a codebook that had not been used for many years, about thirty years. As if his face had been ironed, he sent out a telegram in a strange state of mind, "If the country led by the Iranian People's Party and the Iraqi Communist Party cannot even clean up Bahrain and Kuwait quickly, frankly. The Soviet Union would be very disappointed."

   After hitting the last button, Serov, who was sent out, retracted his finger, and suddenly whistled out of his age. In the history of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Saddam occupied the entire territory of Kuwait in one day. As for Bahrain, although it is surrounded by water, its actual area is only 750 square kilometers, which is only one-twentieth of Kuwait's area. However, the strength of Iran is much stronger than that of Iraq. In theory, the whole battle should not exceed eight hours. .

"According to our information, the aircraft carrier battle group and two-level battle group of the US Fifth Fleet have already left the port to contain the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet. Bahrain does not have heavy warships such as aircraft carriers. As for nuclear submarines, we cannot judge, this is beyond our capabilities!" General Chebrikov is very urban. If even the Soviet Union knew about the underwater situation, the Cold War would not have been so hard. The current Soviet Central Presidium should drink celebration wine.

   "It doesn't matter, things like nuclear submarines, under certain circumstances, are not as good as pistols." Shelov laughed lightly, can the navy replace the army? Okay, haven't you heard that the Red Navy ashore is the strongest army? If the United States faces a third world country, it can easily win even if it pulls its sailors ashore to fight a land war.

   Of course, there are only two triggering conditions for this kind of unprofessional action. The first is that, as during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, the army was insufficient, and the Red Navy was able to withstand it. The second situation is that you have an absolute advantage and play fancy killings. Not to mention beating you with water soldiers, you can also be beaten with police forces. At present, the two situations of the US military in Bahrain are not related. The main fleet has already gone to pursue the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet. The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled, do they really have the courage to go ashore to protect Bahrain?

  How much mental retardation is needed to get a nuclear submarine ashore? As for nuclear submarines carrying out nuclear bomb attacks on Iraq and Iran? Serov raised both hands in approval, not to fight the Soviet Union. Blowing up will only create hatred for the United States itself. After a moment of silence, he said, "No matter what method we use, avoid the contact between the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet and the Fifth Fleet, and enter the southern Indian Ocean to try to rush to Indonesia."

   In short, let the Fifth Fleet be as far away from the Persian Gulf as possible, so far that it will not be able to go back if something really happens. The navy is the slowest service, and the ocean is the farthest. The Cuban missile crisis has given the Soviet Union a lot of experience. One of the more important ones is that the slow speed of navy mobilization, which is also deliberately slow by the United States, gave the two countries time to resolve the Cuban missile crisis.

   The Fifth Fleet bites the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet, and the Seventh Fleet bites the Soviet Red Flag Pacific Fleet, which will slowly leave the Persian Gulf, the area that should be paid attention to. only? Now the hot spots in Timor Island are still not enough, they should be noisy...

   So far, Serov has fully exerted his remaining 200% spirit of internationalism. Totally see Iraq and Iran as comrades and brothers of the proletariat. Using two of the four major Soviet fleets to lead the US Navy away, and even betraying Indonesia to betray the allies, what kind of spirit is this? He has never been so kind to anything except Mao Mei, and these Middle Easterners did it.

  The dispatch of the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet really made countries around the world realize that Timor Island is a place where birds don't shit, and it even caused Indonesia and Australia, as well as the United States and the Soviet Union behind them to make a tough stance. It seems that in the hands of some newspapers who fear the world will not be in chaos, this will be an opportunity for the outbreak of the third world war.

   This kind of remarks can fool the public, but not the politicians who have brains. The Cold War has been going on for more than 40 years. Has the war ever entered a world war? The Cuban Missile Crisis may or may not count, so it just doesn't. Not to stop the spread of this kind of speech is just to unite the people's hearts of the country. But what? No one would have thought that a certain big spy was going to try the bottom line of world harmony.

   This confrontation is just a very fierce confrontation. It is a confrontation, not a war. Serov doesn't think so, in a sense other people are normal, he's crazy.

  Being in such a high position, others always look at politicians with an unfathomable feeling. In fact, this is just a feeling, not real. This feeling is brought about by the position of general secretary, not Serov is a great leader and revolutionary mentor. But because he is the general secretary now, others think that since she can be the general secretary, she must be a great leader and revolutionary mentor.

   In general, this aura is unbreakable, and no one can tear it apart. Brezhnev was almost unable to speak in his later years, and was still loved by hundreds of millions of people in the Soviet Union. The reason why I say that under normal circumstances is because of the appearance of Ge Tutu later. When the whole world thinks that the Soviet Union is still extremely powerful, even when the weakening situation is very obvious, they think it is a conspiracy. Ge Tutu has proved by practice that Lao Tzu is a fool. It has successfully proved that the general secretary can also be mentally retarded, and breaking the halo is only a small consequence.

   "What a genius I am." Shelov knew the distribution of the US Navy and the response to the Soviet deployment under normal circumstances, and the US response was also very normal and logical. But when the U.S. Navy really followed the Soviet Red Navy's ass, the big spy saw that his deployment was successful, and naturally a sense of superiority in IQ appeared.

Gromyko in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is the most appropriate to fry the hot spot of Timor Island as the foreign minister, and he has not lived up to his role, "About a small island, how can the world let the Attention. We have to ask Australia and its backer the United States. The occupation of Indonesian islands is a downright imperialist act. After the conflict, the United States did not use its international influence to take responsibility, but instead dispatched troops stationed in Japan. The Seventh Fleet threatens a sovereign country like Indonesia. The Soviet Union's countermeasures are just to stop this hegemony."

The Soviet Union's fierce accusations also led to a counterattack from the United States. "Indonesia's unilateral change of the status quo caused casualties and violated the spirit of the United Nations. As a country hostile to the United Nations, it has repeatedly done things that challenged international norms. Such hooliganism cannot be ruled out. countries are behind it.”

  Indonesia once withdrew from the United Nations because of the Malaysia issue, and it has only been ten years since Indonesia returned to the United Nations. The accusation of the United States is very reasonable. As for saying that the Soviet Union planned this confrontation, Serov has to say that even if there is no evidence, the other party’s routine splashing of dirty water this time can be considered a mistake.

Under the fierce accusations from the Soviet Union and the United States, in the Western Pacific, the Soviet Red Flag Pacific Fleet followed the US Seventh Fleet to the south, while in the Indian Ocean, the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet pursued one after another with the US Fifth Fleet. The destination of the two Soviet fleets is Timor Island, but the roles are completely different, one is to pursue, the other is to be pursued.

   Since World War II, there has never been such a confrontation in the world's oceans. This is the first time in more than 40 years. When the two countries used their own maritime forces to carry out this confrontation, the whole world discovered that the armament of the superpowers had already left them far behind.

Aircraft carriers, battlecruisers, cruisers, destroyers, nuclear submarines, the latest carrier-based aircraft, the largest anti-ship missiles, these weapons have appeared in various military magazines one after another, which arouses people's amazement, but at the same time, they are also a little worried that the confrontation is intensified, imagining In the vast ocean, what kind of scene is it now?

   Beneath this confrontation in the depths of the ocean is the already empty Persian Gulf. For decades, there has never been anything worthy of the U.S. Navy’s full response. In order to suppress the arrogance of the Soviet Union and prove that the U.S. Navy is the world’s number one, the U.S. response this time was a bit intense.

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