Big Time 1958

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: armistice

   In the current situation, as long as it is shameless, the United States can still talk about making peace, but if it continues, the United States will undoubtedly lose. Nuclear war is a good way to reverse the situation, but nuclear war will not change the outcome either. The Soviet Union has more nuclear weapons than the United States, and the use of only a fraction of the nuclear arsenals in both countries would be unbearable for the world.

  Continuing a conventional war cannot be won, and both sides of a nuclear war will die together, so stopping the war is a realistic consideration. Serov did not mean to humiliate his opponent. It can be said that after this war, the United States has been unable to come back.

"How we can go down the stairs with the United States now depends on the ability of Comrade Gromyko." Shelov handed this matter to Gromyko to solve, and he was not greedy. After swallowing Kuwait, basically the Soviet Union All goals have been achieved. It is basically impossible to copy the results of the disintegration of the Soviet Union to the Americans, so he is not daydreaming, and the rest of the time should be devoted to adjusting the problems in the socialist camp.

  Gromiko nodded, and soon the Soviet Union responded through diplomatic channels to French mediation efforts. This response also gave the French a sigh of relief. The Soviets are still not crazy, and they must drag the whole world to be buried with them.

After two days of silence, the United States reacted violently, massaging its troops at home, shipping forces across the country transported armaments to Europe, and the media also clamored for war. Both the government and Bush himself turned tough, it seems. There must be a decisive battle on the battlefield. This reaction surprised the whole world, and turned into deep fear. Once a conventional war escalated, it would turn into a nuclear war that would destroy the world.

The power of the United States in the world is moving. On the contrary, the Soviet Union responds with silence. The encirclement surrounding the US Seventh Army is still closing. In the face of the aggressive moves of the United States, the Soviet Union did not fight back, but only held those already in its hands. Holding the card, Serov knew that the attitude of the United States was not to fight a nuclear war, nor would it continue a conventional war.

   This judgment is made because these US deployments do not have a Middle East orientation. Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the Middle East, what is the purpose of adding troops to Europe, and there is no connection between them at all. Of course, it is also possible that NATO is preparing to attack the Warsaw Pact, but this possibility is very low. Even so, the big deal is that the nuclear war will be over.

  If the United States can destroy the Soviet Union unscathed, Serov will definitely be counseled, but if the Soviet Union has the strength to pull the whole world to death, he will never be counseled, because the two sides are on the same starting line.

   This kind of behavior is like making a gesture, and now there is a lack of a country to hold the United States. The United States is also looking forward to the emergence of this country. It is like in a couple, the husband looks like he wants to fight with others, and the wife wants to hold the husband's hand to stop it. Now the U.S. gesture has been made, raising the alarm that the whole world is afraid.

   There is no need to do anything now, the Soviet war preparations have long been completed, and the state of first-level combat readiness has not been lifted. All that can be done is to wait, to wait for the emergence of a country that will hold the U.S. by the hand, while preventing a sudden outbreak of nuclear war. No matter how low this probability is, the relevant preparations must be made, and if one is not careful, the whole world will be gone.

   The reaction of the Soviet Union was the exact opposite of that of the United States. There was no statement and no mobilization of troops. It was the exact opposite of the high-profile moves of the United States, causing a very sharp contrast in front of the whole world.

There are many countries that are willing to play the role of Shelov at this moment. France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Italy all sent ambassadors to mediate. Under the pressure of nuclear war, the major powers are very united and must defend the peace of the world. The United States and the Soviet Union can To die, but if you pull other countries to die together, no one is willing.

  These countries appeared at the right time, and they worked very hard to mediate, and finally built a bridge of communication between the Soviet Union and the United States. This bridge is very important to both the United States and the Soviet Union, but neither of them can do it on their own.

  Because the Middle East countries are very obvious, the location of the discussion between the two countries has become a problem, and it will not work in cities such as Riyadh, Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad. In the end, a neutral country had to be chosen. There were not many countries that the Soviet Union could accept. In the end, between Switzerland and Austria, the meeting place was set in Vienna, the capital of Austria.

The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union at the meeting, between Gromyko and the United States Secretary of State James Baker, was not much less intense than the intensity of the battlefield. On the contrary, because the anger on the battlefield was very high, even the negotiations were full of anger. Gunpowder smell. The attitude of both sides is very tough, because the conditions proposed by the other side are far from the conditions that they can accept.

   But there is one thing that both sides agree on. The current war between the two countries puts the whole world in danger, so the first thing to do is to cease fire and let the other side compensate for the losses.

   In this way, on the 50th day after the US launched air strikes against Iran and Iraq, the two sides officially announced a ceasefire, and the world finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Vienna, the place where the Austrian government held negotiations for both sides, Gromyko and James Baker had a heated debate over the cause of the war, but also the ownership of Kuwait and Bahrain, as well as reparations, prisoners of war, etc., so many conditions of course Not to give up and not come to the stage, but to make an attitude.

Both sides understand that many issues cannot be reached at all. The reason for bringing it up at this time is very simple. It is for compromise. Even if the United States knows that the Soviet Union will not let Iraq and the swallowed Kuwait spit it out, even if it knows If you want to talk about it, you can't justify it without saying a word about the United States.

"It is impossible for the Soviet Union to let Iraq and Iran spit out the area that they occupied. The result of the Soviet Union's actions is to lose all its allies. On the contrary, the United States has made efforts to help the Kuwaiti royal family. This is the end of the matter. So far. Armistice between the two sides is the best result!" Gromyko said in a mechanized voice with his usual stereotyped face, "One more thing, we have to say that Iraq and Iran have suffered far more losses than the US military, but Out of respect for the U.S., the Soviet Union is willing to help the fallen U.S. troops to a certain extent. For example, by opening a passage for the injured U.S. soldiers to be treated.”

Moscow, Serov thought about whether to postpone the Kodak matter again. It is very doubtful that there will be another incident in the United States within a year. He has already thought of a good day for the implementation of the plan. A big gift package in the United States is also very memorable.

In the war between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Persian Gulf, the most direct impact was Japan. This time the two countries fought in the Middle East, which directly detonated the Japanese stock market crash. According to history, Serov knows that Japan, which is completely dependent on oil imports, is in extreme panic. Shares fell sharply. With the end of the war, the Japanese stock market rebounded strongly, but it has not been able to reach its original heights. However, people still have illusions about the economic bubble-like prosperity, hoping that the impact of interest rate hikes and the Gulf War on stock prices will be eliminated as soon as possible, and stock price fluctuations will stabilize in the short term. However, the expectations of almost the vast majority of stock investors and speculators fell through, and the Japanese stock market plummeted.

  The Soviet Union has withdrawn all funds earlier, absolutely no loss. However, whether the hot money overflowing from the Japanese stock market crash will return to the United States to make the US stock market rebound, and whether this consequence will be realized, Serov still does not know for the time being.

The most important thing at the moment is the pension of the soldiers killed in the Soviet Union. Serov is going to find the two Iraqis. With the beginning of the armistice, both countries began to count the war losses. Although the ground war was only a few days, the Soviet Union The intensity of the war with the United States far exceeded that of the United States itself. The Soviet Union killed 21,000 people, and the United States announced that the number of casualties was as high as 17,000, and this did not include the British Royal Navy.

In terms of casualties, the United States won, but the war is not only considering the exchange ratio. If you think about it, Germany should win World War II. The number of American soldiers killed in battle is smaller than that of the Soviet Union. No effect.

"Our war this time also helped Iraq to occupy a disputed area on the border with Saudi Arabia that is rich in oil reserves. In fact, the currency hegemony of the United States has been touched, and we control more than half of the world's oil. This is our The biggest gain, coupled with the Japanese stock market crash, the other side's economic advantage has become a thing of the past."

   It is the end of the year, Serov and the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Tikhonov, talked about the harvest this time. Gromyko’s work in Vienna is still going on, and the day when the United States and the Soviet Union reach a consensus is not far away. War has still not evolved into the worst case scenario, nuclear war did not come on the first day, it will never come again.

"Fortunately, I won the bet this time. I won't make such a dangerous decision in the future. I can't take the country and continue to take risks with me!" Shelov said with a relieved expression, "Fortunately, in fact, I am not everything. Don't be afraid."

   "Peace is indeed too precious!" Tikhonov, who had just been discharged from the hospital, felt the same way. When the atmosphere was at its most tense, he could hardly withstand the pressure and entered the hospital for treatment. He has only just been discharged from the hospital for a few days.

   When there was still half a month before 1990, Gromyko and James Baker formally reached an agreement, the Soviet Union and the United States officially stopped the war, and then the Kremlin and the White House officially announced the matter. But in private, the US military will be stationed in Saudi Arabia in the future to keep this oil tyrant. The Soviet Union is also preparing to leave a force in Kuwait to guard against the United States.

The action after the armistice has just begun, and the United States will not admit defeat, but at this time Serov believes that the United States can no longer come back. Through this battle, the strength of the United States and the Soviet Union will be fundamentally reversed, but it will take a few years to wait until the Soviet Union After the digestion is complete, the fruit can be slowly manifested.

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