Big Time 1958

Chapter 143: it's a riot

There is no doubt that these were armed gangs before they entered the Gulag, and they settled into a group of law thieves in the Gulag, and they will become a group of Soviet gang leaders in the future. In the hands of Serov, they will definitely not be free, or labor. Remodel or die, there will simply not be the conditions of the Soviet mafia twenty years later.

Gulag's mistakes will be made worse by the release of these scumbags, and the imprisonment of this law thief group is one of the few positive aspects of Gulag. As a benevolent Cheka warrior, Serov took care of these scumbags, It may save an unknown number of people in the next few decades, and the future Russian mafia was strangled by him in the bud.

"A group of gangsters who don't know how high the sky is, and they fight so fiercely with the prison guards that they really think they can fight against the Soviets? It's just that our law enforcement officers didn't take you seriously!" Looking at the leader of the big law thief who was slowly leaving , Serov spat fiercely, and staying in the same place with this group of scumbags who were shot ten times was not too much, it made Serov feel suffocated! He would like to see what skills these guys who take pride in fighting against the government are sitting in Kazan Prison.

"All the babies under the age of three from the law thieves group were taken and sent to Garzna to be nurtured from an early age. Following the law thieves group can only grow into criminals. Instead of dying at the hands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the future, it is better to cultivate them into national leaders. Loyal guard!" Sheloff paused and sighed again, "Don't let minors participate in reform through labor, and minors under fifteen are sent to orphanages and schools to study, I hope it's still too late..."

"Okay, there will be no good results for the child to follow this group of people, I agree with the director's opinion!" Isamotney first supported Serov's opinion, then rolled her eyes and added, "But children over ten years old already have their own I suggest that children under ten are sent to prison for education, and babies are sent to special schools!”

   The more time passes, the more Serov discovers one thing. The two female secretaries beside me seem to be getting more and more ruthless, much more ruthless than their own means. When did this kind of thing start?

Knowing that this is a bit inhumane, I still said mildly, "I still have to give them a chance for underage children. Of course, I also know that extending the scope to fifteen years old is a safety hazard, but I can't let them in prison at such a young age. After a lifetime, right?" He rarely gets angry with women, especially those around him.

   That's it, children under the age of three are sent to the Secret Service City for training, and those under the age of fifteen are sent to orphanages. Arrange schools for education, in short, you can't be in prison with these law thieves who are not too many times to shoot.

The Soviet system of orphanages and nursing homes has a great relationship with the KGB. It is not that the KGB always selects orphans to train agents from an early age, but a whole system of orphanages and nursing homes is basically built by agents, who build orphanages and nursing homes by themselves. The man is Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Cheka! At that time, Dzerzhinsky was the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Committee for the Improvement of Children's Lives. This system was inseparable from the KGB from the beginning. It was these Cheka warriors who were merciless in clearing the enemy, so that the elderly and children who could not survive because of the war had a place to survive.

   Serov, who violated human rights once again, has already decided the fate of minors in prison here. Deeply feeling his monstrous sin, he decided that he must find an opportunity to compensate these scumbags in the future, such as sending these **** to the United States to protect their human rights.

   "If the crime rate in the United States has the contribution of these Soviet human rights activists in the future. American friends, please don't thank me!" He threw the cigarette butts out of the window along the barbed wire with a flick of his finger. Serov left the **** cell.

  Kazan Prison is divided into large prisons in different districts, this time and space is due to the relationship of Serov. The scale of Kazan Prison is getting bigger and bigger. Serov, which merged all the mental hospital systems in the whole country, established the Kazan General Mental Hospital in Kazan Prison. In addition to the original prison in Kazan and the prisoners who came in from the Gulag, this prison has surpassed Leningrad and Moscow in one fell swoop and has become the largest prison in the Soviet Union.

"The gulag system in Kazan has been reactivated to deal with these thieves who are not only repentant! Of course they have to change their name!" Serov, who was patrolling in Kazan with the warden, Major General Goryunov, inspected the defense of the entire Kazan prison. Power, and gave his own opinion, "To prevent law thieves from breeding again in the Gulag system, the first thing to eliminate is the phenomenon of black prison!"

After thinking about it for a while, Serov felt unrealistic. Even the United States could not eliminate it. No, for example, some northern European countries that have already brainwashed themselves into brain-dead countries, added, "To suppress the phenomenon of black prisons, the death rate in prisons must not exceed twice the normal death rate of Soviet citizens. The case must be serious and quick, the dead is the bottom line, and once the prisoner dies, it is a major event, understand? Major General Goryunov"

"Understood, Vice-Chairman Serov! I will definitely control the death of the prisoner. This is the bottom line!" Major General Goryunov nodded fiercely. Serov has made it clear that the bottom line is the death of the prisoner. The Major General left room for de-escalation.

  The current Kazan Prison has re-opened the original Gulag facilities, forming three parts, one is the mental hospital system, the other is the original criminals of the Kazan Prison and the new gulag thief group.

"Among all the prisoners, what I care most about is the people in the mental hospital system. You and I both understand! Most people are not mentally ill at all, they are Stalinists!" The two of them went back to the prison director's office after turning around. , Serov, who was smoking a cigarette, sighed, "Most of those people are normal people. My suggestion is to first detain normal people and mentally ill people separately!"

  The Soviet Union has always been simple and rude in this regard, and there is no difference at all. It turned out that when Serov was in Georgia, he saw normal people and mental patients being detained together. After a long time with mental patients, normal people will become abnormal. I didn’t expect that it would still be like this after the merger into the Kazan General Mental Hospital. In Serov’s mind, these will be acquitted and compensated sooner or later. They are the real people, not the thieves of the Gulag. They can be compared, so the mental hospital system must be put to an end. Harmful behavior, separation of the normal and the mentally ill is a must.

"Yes, it seems that there is still a problem with my work. There have been so many neglects in the six months since I took office!" Major General Goryunov resolutely admitted his mistake. will improve.

"You just took office. There have been so many things happening in Kazan Prison recently. The mental hospital system and Gulag's law thieves have been merged. You are also very busy. I can fully understand it!" Usually, Shelov is considered a very A person who thinks of others will not make big moves over trivial matters, so although he has a bad reputation in some departments and is accused of being too cruel, the cadres under him have never felt that way.

Major General Serov and Major General Goryunov reviewed the prison and the situation in Kazan Prison, and prepared to take different measures for different groups of prisoners. The mental hospital system must relax supervision, treat real mental patients, and treat normal people. Just detain. The prisoners in Kazan itself remain as they are, and the gang of law thieves must be strictly guarded.

"Our job is to completely eliminate the soil of crime! The law thief group is very cunning and cruel, and we must not relax our vigilance against them. We must know that they have been fighting against us for more than 30 years!" In the end, Serov increased his tone. Remind the rookie warden, Major General Goryunov, that he must not think that a single blow will make the law thieves docile.

   In fact, these things should have been done by Alexey, the director of the Fifth General Bureau. The key is that they are staying in the office, and there is no problem with Serov running around, so dealing with the Kazan prison has become Serov's job.

   In a sense, this was Serov's second time to clear the prison, but this time he didn't force the prisoners out and shoot them directly. The reason why the two prison clearing operations are different is that he has now reached a certain position, and more people are staring at him. There are more than 50,000 people in the law thief group, which is not the same as the thousand foreigners last time. order of magnitude. If he kills 50,000 people without blinking, he will be in prison! How to say, these 50,000 people are all people with Soviet nationality, although they are scumbags.

   "I won't leave until Kazan Prison is fixed!" Serov said with his crow's mouth open, "Prisoners should look like prisoners!"

The effect of the vicious curse was immediate. That night, a group fight broke out in the prison area where Gulag was being held. The entire southern prison area was loudly alarmed, and all the high-power searchlights illuminated the prison area. Suppressing the riots, the siren that spread throughout the prison made Serov jump up in his sleep and ran to the window to watch the movement of the Gulag thieves through the barbed wire. Behind him, two women were busy dressing up** , it's like letting people get raped and go to bed again.

  The dressed Serov immediately left the room, left the dormitory in the bright lights and came to Major General Goryunov's office, rubbed his eyes and asked, "What's going on?"

   "A group fight broke out among the Gulag thieves in the southern prison district, and it has now subsided! The prison guards are counting the casualties!" Major General Goryunov said, putting down the phone in his hand.

"Group fight? Hehe!" Sheloff laughed for a while and suddenly stopped the laughter, gloomily set the nature of the matter, "It's obviously the Gulag's law thieves fighting the Soviets, this is not a group fight! Yes Riot..." (To be continued~^~)

  PS:  I originally thought that people with more monthly passes must be better at writing than me. Why do people always issue a single chapter today until tomorrow? It turns out that the monthly pass is really asked, and I am still too young

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