Big Time 1958

Chapter 191: able to go up and down

   Once the location is set, the relevant units will be called for implementation. The corn will be transported to the arid areas in the north through the Nile River for storage for a period of two months. Time is neither tight nor abundant, it all depends on how Major General Leonid, the commander of the Aswan military base, handles it. This is also the time to test the ability of Igor's successor. After thinking about it, Serov asked Lukani to send it to the other party. A telegram stating the importance of this matter.

  The General Administration of Military Administration has the first deputy director Roman, and the whole process of operation is well-organized, without causing Serov to worry too much. For him, the new challenge was the huge Second General Bureau. First, he went to No. 11 Lubyanka Square. In fact, the KGB agents preferred the new name of the square, Dzerzhinsky Square, where Felix like steel stood. On the doorstep of the KGB headquarters, the heirs of Cheka fighters are inspired to contribute to national security.

"First of all, the Second General Administration must be reorganized. Many departments of the Second General Administration have been transferred to the Fifth General Administration of Alexey, and some departments are no longer necessary to exist. The espionage work will be re-divided, and the counter-espionage work will be carried out in more detail!" Shelov took a glass of water from the new water dispenser and asked with a smile, "How is it, old secretary, the design of the General Administration of Technology Management is not bad..."

"Not bad!" Shelepin, who was holding a pen, didn't know whether he was saying that the water dispenser was good, or that the reorganization plan of the Second General Administration was good. Among the cadres he knew, Serov was the longest working time in the KGB, and there was originally a season left. Kunov, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs was revoked, and Tikunov also left the security service, so the job of making the KGB his trump card was done by Serov. In fact, the reason why Shelepin always wanted to abolish KGB personnel was partly to drive out those old spies. Let the cadres of the Communist Youth League you know take control of the KGB.

   Shelepin is not completely unaware that this has an impact on the combat effectiveness of the KGB, but rather than commanding this agency, it is better to weaken a part of the combat effectiveness and control this powerful department in his own hands.

The documents in his hand were quickly issued, and Shelepin could have a good chat with his ace chief, made a cup of coffee, and while stirring the coffee, Shelepin said, "A comrade is also the director of two general bureaus, which only appears in the history of the KGB. There have been two times, one dating back to the Cheka period and the other being the NKVD period. This has not happened since the formation of the KGB. On the one hand, it is a recognition of your ability, and on the other hand, it is also the trust of the party and the state in you. …”

"If it goes on like this, I may die young. If it wasn't for Uncle Bagramiyang in the Ministry of Defense, and the group of old marshals knew that I was only doing things according to the orders of the first secretary, the bones of others would have been dismantled three times." Shelov But without any appreciation, he directly pointed out that the boss asked him to dismantle the Second General Bureau. Let the Second General Bureau become the strength of Xie Leping's heart, "As long as you support me, old secretary, I will definitely make the Second General Bureau a trusted force without losing combat effectiveness! But I have an invitation."

   "It's strange that you didn't ask, tell me, I'm listening!" Xie Lepin took two breaths, confirmed that it was cold, and drank the unsweetened coffee into his stomach. Sheloff is also not surprised by this alternative style. Shelepin never added sugar to coffee. According to him eating too much sugar is bad for the throat. The point is is this useful? You cut your two packs of cigarettes a day, and it's better than adding less sugar.

With a cigarette **** in his mouth, Serov stood on the moral high ground and slandered Serepin. The cigarette butts on his mouth opened and closed, "I will conduct an inspection of the original cadres of the Second General Administration. Before the inspection is completed, do not let the cadres of the Communist Youth League enter the positions of the Second General Administration, and don't wait until I have not completed the reorganization. The cadres of the Communist Youth League and the veteran cadres will work first.”

   In the entire KGB, only Serov dared to say this. No one dared to say that the cadres of the Communist Youth League were not good in front of Shelepin, especially Shelepin's excessively strong temper. Ordinary people opposed such a KGB chairman, it was simply courting death. Only Serov himself is a cadre of the Communist Youth League who can give his opinion confidently, because he entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs very early, and these cadres of the KGB have a good impression of Serov, mainly because Serov has the style of a Cheka warrior in his work. Things are very beautiful, no matter what department, people who have credit will be convinced, otherwise no one will look down on it.

"No problem, it's better to be able to maintain combat effectiveness and loyalty at the same time. However, it's better to transfer some cadres with a bad reputation!" Shelepin said uneasy, from this point Serov and other cadres of the Communist Youth League are not at all. Different, he was too good to those cadres in the Beria period, Shelepin also knew this, but it was hard to say.

This is of course, the real Serov has less than a year of experience in the Communist Youth League, and the KGB group is the job where he really invested his feelings. In fact, Serov loves this group more than Tikunov. The Communist Youth League airborne cadres point fingers at the veteran cadres. It is not necessarily how good they are to those old secret agents. The key is to compare them with other Communist Youth League cadres.

   The first thing is to move the headquarters of the Second General Administration to the side of the First General Administration. The headquarters of the KGB general offices are scattered, which is probably because there are too many people in the KGB agency to work together. Shelov didn't plan to move the entire Second General Administration, but just moved to a headquarters. The other subordinate departments were still in the embassy area, and it was good to keep an eye on those embassies nearby.

Of course, before moving out, Serov still had to meet with the heads of various departments of the Second General Administration. Accompanied by Lieutenant General Serdyuko, the first deputy director of the Second General Administration, Serov came to the headquarters of the General Administration of Defense Against Espionage. Fifty-two-year-old Lieutenant General Serdyuko has been working for 29 years. He has gone through the eras of Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria, and has been nurtured by various eras of the KGB. This old comrade will play a very good role in comforting , Serov also respected Serdyuko very much and paid great respect to the first deputy director.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the Second General Bureau, Shelov expressed respect for the former director as usual, affirmed the previous achievements, and said that he must make some achievements when he came to the Second General Bureau, and then expressed his thoughts, "The current The KGB has reached a new historical stage. Our work should keep pace with the times and use more scientific management methods to complete our work. The work of some departments has been handed over to the Fifth General Administration. Now the work of the Second General Administration is more clear."

   In a straight-to-the-point way, Serov clearly told the department heads of the Second General Administration that his first step was to reorganize the organization of the Second General Administration.

"Vice-Chairman Serov is also the director of our general bureau, which shows that Chairman Shelepin trusts him, and everyone is familiar with Comrade Serov. Our KGB is the place where the achievements are most admired. I believe that Comrade Serov's achievements are not unknown to everyone." Serdyuko Will come out to make a roundabout way, "Our General Administration naturally supports the work of the new Director. I believe that under the leadership of Director Shelov, we are no worse than the General Administration of Foreign Intelligence!"

   This kind of welcome speech made Serov secretly grin. The Domestic Anti-Spy Bureau still has such a big resentment for the first and second sequences.

"I will try my best to take the work of the General Administration of Domestic Defense to the next level!" Shelov found that the department heads in this conference room were not like cadres of other general administrations, such as the Third General Administration, sometimes calling themselves the General Administration of Military Administration, sometimes calling themselves the Third General Administration . The cadres here seem to never call themselves the Second General Administration, they all call themselves the General Administration of Domestic Defense and Espionage. It is conceivable how much they care about the sequence of the first and second.

Not much to say, Shelov said the reorganization plan that had been prepared, and planned the work of the General Administration of Defense of China. The division of the General Administration of Defense of China and the General Administration of Foreign Intelligence is the same, corresponding to all six departments of the world's countries. Shelov No objection, the first deal with North and South America, the second with the Commonwealth Empire, the third with the Germanic countries, the fourth with Latin Europe including France and Italy, and the fifth with developed countries outside of Europe Countries, the sixth department deals with third world countries.

   Shelov planned the administrative scale of these six departments, setting up one minister, two deputy ministers, fifty staff officers in each department, and three hundred agents including secret service and reserve personnel. The planning of the seventh department is particularly important. The travel agencies of the entire Soviet Union must cooperate with the work of the General Administration of Internal Defense and Espionage. The staff of the seventh department must at least speak a foreign language to deal with tourists from different countries. Serov focused on expanding the size of the twelfth department of the General Administration of Defense Against Espionage. This department is the anti-corruption bureau within the KGB. The department of the General Administration of Defense Against Espionage can investigate any enterprise in the entire Soviet Union at any time. At the same time, three new ones were established. Replacing several departments assigned to the General Directorate of the Secret Police, plus an additional technical supply department, the General Administration of Internal Defense and Espionage was reorganized into seventeen departments, each corresponding to the General Directorate of various domestic issues.

   After Serov's reorganization, the departments of the General Administration of Internal Defense and Espionage did not decrease a little, and there were five more than before. The division of labor has been more refined, and all the cadres of the former Second General Bureau, including Serjiuko, are very satisfied.

"Currently, our job is to immediately summarize the data from all walks of life in the country as an experiment for results after this reform!" Shelov slapped one hand on the table and shouted, "The KGB is the place to look at the results. The high-ranking mediocrity, get out of the way, understand?" (To be continued~^~)

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