Big Time 1958

Chapter 220: our heritage

   "Who? Are they from Beria?" Valia's pretty face was full of astonishment, and she saw her husband nod slightly, and his hands holding the child couldn't help but tighten. This news is too subversive. As the most influential leader in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Beria has been dead for the seventh year. Who would have thought that his influence has not been eliminated?

   It's no wonder that Beria has led the Ministry of Internal Affairs for too long, and Biagorda and Yezhov have combined for a long time. If it wasn't for the sudden arrest by accident, it would not be so easy for Khrushchev's people to deal with Beria. The internal forces around Moscow are no worse than the Moscow Military District, and they are deployed closer to the city than the Red Army. Of course, it was useless to be entangled in Beria's mistakes, and it was hard to say whether today's meeting was good or bad.

In the seventh year of knowing Alexei, Serov finally saw the sincerity of the other party. The security cadres in Alexei's house just now were all cadres promoted by Beria. As for whether it is Alexei or not The full strength of the group cannot be guaranteed, but the people I have seen are already quite a force. Because the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has always been the key area for Khrushchev's inventory, so not many Beria's cadres stayed, and most of those people served in the local area.

   The most unexpected thing about Serov was that the chairman of the KGB of Ukraine was also one of them, which was a pleasant surprise. Who would have thought that the security cadres in Khrushchev's base camp were actually left behind after his biggest opponent died. Destiny is such a wonderful thing, of course Serov is not sure that the people among them are very reliable, so he didn't say anything meaningful except for eating and drinking at Alexey's house just now.

   When they got home, they coaxed the child to sleep together. Looking at the innocent little face of the baby, the two looked at each other for a long time without saying a word. "What more do you want? You are already the number two person in the most powerful department, why are you so anxious? Why do you have to go with Beria's remnants?" Valia's weak words were full of complaints . Pointing at the sleeping child, he said softly, "There is an easy way to go, but you must go such a dangerous way?"

"The way I'm going is the safest, Venus!" Shelov pulled his wife into his arms and said, "I want to know why Beria can prevent others from reaching the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only Can assassinate him! What's the difference in organizational structure?"

"But Beria is already dead. He ran a tank-like Ministry of Internal Affairs and lost its driver. Isn't it dismantled? This reason can't convince me to accept your current approach." Valiya closed her eyes weakly, Feel the embrace of her husband.

"No, one of the characters in the KGB is Shelepin. It's not me!" Shelov smiled and said with relief, "Everyone knows that I was promoted by Shelepin, and it is not against me if I want to deal with it, but I have to prepare early, in case One day I will really start being dealt with, so I won't be caught off guard by the sudden blow!"

After    finished speaking, he suddenly picked up the woman in his arms, and the sudden movement caused Valia to let out a coquettish cry. "The child is still sleeping"

"Such a small child has no memory, it's okay!" Serov hugged his wife and left the room with a smile on his waist. When he went out the door, Valya turned off the light with one hand and closed the door with the other hand. Leave it to a husband who has both hands on himself.

   After the National Security and Internal Affairs Cadre Conference, security cadres in some important areas did not leave Moscow, and nearly 100 people in total continued to stay here. Waiting for colleagues from other countries to come to Moscow. The integration of intelligence resources and unified operations within the Warsaw Pact will be the focus of discussions in the final days. The heads of intelligence services of various countries nominally followed the 81-nation Communist Party and Workers' Party Congress to attend the meeting. Most of them are the intelligence agencies of Eastern European countries. Most of these people know Shelov. Among them, Korzinski from Poland, Lassack from Hungary, Ilisescu from Romania, and Marcus Wolf from the GDR are all Shelov. old acquaintance.

There are still a few days left. Taking advantage of the blank period of these few days, Serov specially recruited Major General Kadepov from the General Office of the Secret Police. This is the candidate who can replace Alexey in Serov's eyes. The attitude of religion has always been admirable. Just hostility cannot be the reason to impress Serov. Having a deep understanding of the nature of religion can make the work more effective.

   In the headquarters of the Second General Directorate, Serov met the leader of the Soviet religious circles, Chairman of the Soviet Commission on Religious Affairs and Chief of the Fifth Division of the KGB Secret Police General Directorate Kadepov. Whether it is Orthodox, Green or Yellow, all the religions in the Soviet Union are under the control of this man. At present, Kadepov's work seems to be very effective.

"Kadepov, you have given a satisfactory answer within the scope of your work." Serov put down his one-year report on the religious work of the Soviet Union, and said with great approval, "including Chairman Shelepin in the All the members of the KGB chairman here think that you are a comrade who is energetic and full of unique ideas, maybe you don't know, I met someone when I was in Italy this year!"

"The person who can be remembered by the First Vice-President must be a very remarkable person. Since it is related to my work, it should be Pope John XXIII of the Vatican, otherwise the First Vice-President will not specifically mention this issue. "Kadypov thought for a moment and locked his target on John XXIII.

Yes, I really don’t know where Alexis found this person. At least in the field of religion, Kadepov is no worse than anyone, even more professional than a professional priest. After all, he has to deal with an enemy, You must have a deep understanding of your opponents, and Kadepov does not need anyone to supervise in this regard.

"Yes, I met John XXIII, so I thought of a problem, that is, in the work of the First General Administration of foreign affairs, there is a lack of a department, a department dedicated to dealing with various religions, this department Internally, you already have it, that is your Soviet Commission on Religious Affairs, but it lacks the same department when facing opponents from other countries. Many departments of the General Administration of Foreign Intelligence and the General Administration of Internal Defense and Espionage have the same configuration. You, the General Bureau of the Secret Police, which is branched out by the General Bureau of Anti-Spy, have undertaken this work, but not foreign-related work." Shelov looked lazily at the snowflakes floating outside, and said in a long voice, "Many areas involved in the First General Bureau are It is a region with a very strong religious atmosphere, whether it is North Africa, the Middle East, or Southeast Asia, if we do not understand the local religion, it will bring us a lot of trouble, do you understand what I mean?"

"In other words, the First General Administration needs a Religious Affairs Office to deal with religious forces in different regions?" Kadepov rolled his eyes and expressed his judgment, and said simply, "No problem, I can get it from The Religious Affairs Committee selects a group of people to enter this post to facilitate the work of the First General Administration..."

"Of course the First General Administration needs such a department, and our original department work can't be relaxed, understand?" Shelov said in a way that I was very optimistic about you, "Before the first half of next year, our KGB work will also change, other people You don't need to know, but your current boss, Lieutenant General Alexey, the director of the Fifth General Bureau, will go to work in the current subordinate General Bureau of Internal Affairs and become the controller of the largest part of the KGB, and the position of the director of the Fifth General Bureau will be Will be free, Major General Kadypov, I like you very much..."

It's almost like telling Major General Kadypov that once Lieutenant General Alexey leaves the secret police headquarters, you are the best candidate to succeed him. , the head is also a little dizzy, and I have to admit that this is great news.

"Vice-Chairman Serov, I will do my best to complete the work of the General Office of the Secret Police." Kadepov repressed the joy in his heart and assured that the Fifth General Directorate, which was born out of the General Administration of Domestic Defense Intelligence, is regarded as the KGB's relatively powerful General Directorate and became the director of the General Directorate. Huge step forward.

"The key is your successor. The newly established Religious Affairs Office of the First General Administration and the Religious Affairs Committee of the Fifth General Administration must choose the heads of the two departments. I need two cadres who are as capable as you!" Shelov did not Let Kadypov's joy last too long, "Our work is of great significance. If you don't choose a good successor, I would rather you continue to be the chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee, because once you relax your vigilance in this regard, this group of like The plague-like thing will come back, and religion is a terrible thing, especially for the weak-willed.”

"Vice Chairman, there is no shortage of people in our department to clean up religious forces. You don't have to worry about this. The entire Soviet Union will not have any opponents for us, nor is there a shortage of people to deal with foreign regions!" Kadepov vowed to guarantee road.

This is not the reason for Serov's belief. In the end Serov asked Kadypov to make a list that he wanted to take a look at. The time is tomorrow. Kadepov agreed to this. When he came back the next day, he brought four or five A colleague of the Religious Affairs Committee, Serov thought that his eyes had gone out at first sight, and finally invited two priests, two imams and a lama under Kadepov's persuasion.

   "Is this what they usually wear?" Sheloff recognized the abilities of these people, and they performed well just now, but this appearance was quite speechless. Kadepov said without any problem, "Before I became the chairman of the religious affairs committee, I also wore a priest's robe every day. This is our tradition..." (To be continued~^~)

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