Big Time 1958

Chapter 240: big brother

   "Do you value Andropov very much?" Valya, who was carrying the child, turned to ask the Andropov couple as they walked away.

   "Yes, he looks like a university professor." Shelov said with a pile of smiles. But it is to leave a way back for himself. Of course, Shelov does not want these preparations that he has made to come in handy. Khrushchev will convene a meeting of the Central Presidium soon. If he is not wrong, his boss Shelepin will enter the ******** as secretary. In the next two or three years, Shelepin will be promoted quickly. Faster than almost anyone in Soviet history. In just two or three years, he will become Secretary of the Central Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, and the most important Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union and the Party and State Supervisory Committee.

At that time, Shelepin discussed major state decisions in the Central Presidium, was responsible for the selection of cadres in the Secretariat, discussed the development of the government with Kosygin at the Council of Ministers, and oversaw all Soviet cadres in the Party and State Supervisory Committee, including the KGB, the Procuratorate and the Court. All the judiciary of the Soviet Union, including Sherepin, were under the control of Sherepin. This is the specific situation of Brezhnev two years after he came to power. No one is like Sherepin, who has positions in almost every department that affects the Soviet Union.

"Bring my daughter back when I come back next time. I didn't kiss you in the first place, so don't even know me as a father!" Serov gave Valya a deep look, his serious attitude not yet clear. After swaying for two seconds, he immediately hugged his son and teased him, and Valya was stunned for a while with her happy look.

It didn't take long to put their son to sleep, and the two of them crept out of the room. As soon as they left the door, Serov picked up Valya with ease and said ambiguously, "Madam is really hard work, I think you should take two years of maternity leave. "That's right, two years. Two years of maternity leave will start next month, first in the Russian Federation.

   "It's annoying. It's another birth." Valiya shyly pulled her husband's ear, saying so serious, isn't it actually doing something that should be done between husband and wife. That's fine, it's better to have **** with yourself than with another woman...

   Regarding the enemies of his own group, Serov can say that he does not dare to take it lightly at all times. But Shelepin and Semichasny in front of him are all arrogant. It seems that except for Khrushchev and Kozlov, who has just become the number two person, the entire Soviet Union has not allowed them to be placed in it. people in the eyes. Compared with overconfident groups, Sheloff always felt really tired with them.

   The most dangerous enemy is inside. The huge power of the Shelepin group cannot be built on the basis of offending all other forces, otherwise it will be the old way of Beria. Currently known forces are Khrushchev's Ukrainian gang. But as long as Khrushchev starts political reforms, Brezhnev and Podgorny will soon dismantle the Ukrainian gang from within. The two of them each won a group of Ukrainian party members, and finally Brezhnev Or use the position of general secretary to slowly divide the forces of Podgorny. The representative event is that Brezhnev's cronies Shelbitsky succeeded Podgorny's cronies Sheresti and became Ukraine. First Secretary, since then the Podgorny forces have disintegrated. In the end Podgorny himself was retired by Brezhnev.

Does    differentiate? Should not work. At least Brezhnev and Podgorny were very united when they first came to power. Both of them are Ukrainians promoted by Khrushchev, and now the Ukrainian gang does not appear to be divided. Because both of them faced Shelepin's powerful threat at the beginning, as the general secretary and the chairman of the Supreme Soviet after Khrushchev, they would not fight infighting in the face of Shelepin's strong pressure. If the Shelepin Group is looking for foreign aid, it cannot be them. Among the remaining forces were Kosygin and Suslov.

   In name, Kosygin is the top leader of the government, and it cannot be said that Kosygin has no power to support himself. But compared to the power of the above three people, Kosygin's power is mainly concentrated in government departments, and it seems that it is not easy to expand. And there is Suslov. Suslov appeared to be nothing on the surface. I can't see how many people support him. The main role of Suslov, who is in charge of ********, is his own prestige, not how many talented people under his command are able to expand the territory.

   This prestige can be understood as the prestige of the second person. It is very useful for the Sherepin group, and it can only be said to be the icing on the cake for Brezhnev. As long as Brezhnev defeats Sherepin and Podgorny, then Suslov will use the prestige's check and balance ability. Greatly weakened, ten years after Brezhnev came to power, it can be said that collective leadership has only existed on the podium of the National Congress.

   In terms of time and severity of the blow, the ranking sequence is the same, namely Sherepin, Podgorny, Suslov and Kosygin. Both Sherepin and Podgorny were forced to retire. Suslov saw that it was irreversible and due to physical reasons, Brezhnev did not force him to retire as he did to the first two. Kosygin's power is limited to the government is best settled, so the last hit.

Serov analyzed it for a long time and felt that if Khrushchev could not keep it, Serepin’s strategy was to hold on to Kosygin, one of the troikas, and make Suslov, who had a high prestige under the collective leadership, neutral. Offensive by Brezhnev and Podgorny. When looking for an opportunity, you must let Suslov know that his prestige is useful under the collective leadership. Once the forces who disobey Brezhnev are eliminated, only the prestige Suslov will not matter.

   These analyses are based on one less person, that is, the current No. 2 figure, Kozlov, who is two years younger than Brezhnev and joined the party five years earlier than Brezhnev. Since Kozlov has close ties with large-scale enterprises mainly in Leningrad, especially military enterprises, Khrushchev's almost all reform measures have increased investment in agricultural technology and equipment, industry and construction for land reclamation. The restructuring of the industry, disarmament and the development of the rocket and nuclear industry are all inseparable from their support, and Kozlov's status has risen rapidly. But Kozlov was ill, and even if the onset was delayed for two years, nothing would change.

   A hand touched Serov's face, and Valya snuggled into her husband's arms and said displeasedly, "What are you thinking? Am I not satisfying you?"

   "No, I'm thinking about your Ukraine." Shelov snorted and prepared to go to bed.

This answer obviously did not satisfy Valya, and she tugged her husband's chest hair twice and said, "The plan to implement Russian has been relatively smooth since the second half of last year, but Sherest is still a little dissatisfied. There The invisible resistance is very large, which is related to the work of Sherester!"

   "Take your time, my Venus!" Shelov lowered his head and kissed the woman's forehead. From any point of view, Valya is a beauty, and a real beauty will not change because of the passage of time. Even when they are old, they can still look like when they were young.

sleep! Everything that needs to be done has been done, and Serov can't think about everything for Shelepin. However, he had a vague idea. If Khrushchev really can't keep it, since everyone said that he wants to lead collectively, then he will propose it at that time to see if it can be implemented. Anyway, even if it is delayed, it will be beneficial to them. , After all, Shelov and their young age.

   Be fully prepared, and leave the results to God. Serov, who woke up early the next day, brushed his teeth and washed his face, put on his military uniform and was surprised to find that his belt seemed to have reached its end of life. He turned his head and shouted, "Valia, where is the KGB's armed belt?"

   There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Valya carefully put her son on the bed, caressed the blond hair in her ears, and asked, "Which one?"

   "The head of the belt is a red five-star with the party emblem engraved on it!" Serov thought for a while and said, engraving the sickle and hammer on the waistband. No, those companies themselves belong to the KGB, aren't they talking about themselves?

After dinner, Serov went to the headquarters of the Third General Directorate. He was already tired of this kind of back-and-forth work route. Except for the very close distance between the First General Directorate and Lubyanka Square No. 11, the rest of the KGB The units are spread all over Moscow, and there is a little advantage at that time, you can control the movement in the city before the garrison around Moscow arrives.

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters of the General Administration of Military Administration, he ran into the grim-faced Major General Pavlov. After seeing Serov, the head of the first division softened slightly, "What's the matter? Could it be that the general of the Ministry of Defense came to scold him? Are you guys?" Serov thought about it carefully, as if he hadn't offended the Red Army recently.

"It's GRU's cadre who came to see the first deputy director!" Major General Pavlov sniffed and said indifferently, "From the way he walks, he can smell a nasty smell familiar with GRU. …”

   The Third General Administration and the GRU have overlapping powers in some aspects, so the relationship between them is somewhat discordant. Shelov smiled without saying a word, as if the person who designed this was himself.

"Okay, GRU also has our liaison representatives, everyone is a family." Shelov comforted his subordinates and said, "You should know that our KGB has the right to supervise the work of GRU, and their foreign-related intelligence. The work is arranged by us, all comrades in the same department, don't work with emotions."

After speaking, Serov went to the office of the first deputy director. At first, he thought he was from Azerbaijan, but he found out that it was not, so he left immediately to do his own work, first of all, the assessment and identification of middle-level officers at the end of the year. , The opinion of the General Administration of Military Administration is very important. Politically unreliable comrades cannot be trusted. "Bring me the resume of Major General Ivan Bagramyan, the chief of staff of the 23rd Taman Division, I want to see... To be continued~^~)

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