Big Time 1958

Chapter 500: Anti-coup preparations

As for the final result, Serov is still optimistic so far. His planning time is no shorter than that of the Central Intelligence Agency, and he has invested more power than the other party. It can be said that any general-level general in Indonesia has several children and is there any support. Mistress, whether there is still a hidden place of residence, he is clear about his usual activity route. This is why intelligence organizations with armies are often more feared than armies alone.

   For intelligence organizations, any means can be used, including assassination, beauticians, bribes, and so on. Therefore, intelligence organizations often play a role first when interfering with foreign countries. The Soviet Union's intervention in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan, the KGB has played the role of the vanguard.

"You want to instigate a coup in Indonesia? Do you know the risks involved?" Khrushchev put down the plan submitted by Serov and said solemnly, "Yuri, do you think you can succeed once in Sudan, then you can do it elsewhere? Other countries are also successful? You must know that Indonesia is very far away from our Soviet Union, and it is almost impossible for us to support it in the event of an accident!”

"It's an anti-coup, first secretary, as for the disadvantage, the same is true for the United States, so this confrontation may end in just a few days, if the confrontation ends in a week, neither us nor the United States can change the final As a result. With Indonesia's geographical location, there is no country in the world that can assemble intervening forces in a few days."

  The United States has been preparing to land in Vietnam for half a year. Even if the base in South Vietnam is not far from Indonesia, it cannot be completed in a few days. Sheloff doesn't need to be very professional about this, he can see it at a glance with common sense.

   "If the possibility of a coup d'état exists, then we really can't assume that we haven't seen this risk." Suslov can say that this kind of thing is more important than any member of the Soviet Central Presidium. This has to do with the work he is responsible for. So the first to express support for Serov's anti-coup plan.

  Brezhnev immediately expressed his support. His support had nothing to do with belief. Brezhnev's criteria for judging are simply terrible, what is favorable and what is unfavorable. What do you gain in success and what do you lose if you fail. He never made mistakes in this judgment, and he saw the risk from the report submitted by Serov, which was the reason for Brezhnev's support.

   As Serov's old superior, Shelepin, Chairman of the Party and State Supervisory Committee, also expressed his support, and his support was entirely based on his belief in the judgment of his own subordinates, and out of friendship.

Except for Kosygin, who had nothing to do with this matter, who did not attend the meeting, several big figures in the Soviet Central Presidium have already expressed their opinions. Finally, Khrushchev, who needs to consider the pros and cons, on this issue It is also necessary to listen to the opinions of others. The Soviet Union cannot bear the loss of the collapse of the Indonesian Communist Party. As the first secretary, he also understands this very well. After a long silence, he said, "I don't want the coup to become a reality, but since this risk exists. , then you must prepare early. Tell me, how much support do you want from the central government."

"This confrontation is a face-to-face contest between us and the CIA. It is different from the advantage of slaughtering the indigenous people in Sudan. This is a complete even-handed contest. I believe in the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs that I have cultivated, but I will not despise the United States. The Indonesian military supports the Indonesian military, so this time I am based on the defensive counterattack and wait for the United States to take risks.” Serov began to describe his overall plan, and finally said, “Once the confrontation begins, I hope that after the United States issues a war threat, the country can firmly give Indonesia supports!"

   "Even if it's a war?" Brezhnev interjected in a timely manner.

"Even if it's a war!" Serov emphasized this point in particular, but added, "This is an assumption based on success. I never believe that the United States will invade a large country with a population of nearly 100 million and an area of ​​2 million square kilometers. Just hold the U.S. in the diplomatic sphere for a few days and the risk will pass."

"I hope that the situation you envisioned will not happen in the end, but as the general political commissar of national security, you must also have the responsibility to save the Indonesian Communist Party when they are at risk. You focus on your own business, and we will solve the pressure from the United States." Su. Slov, the authoritative statement of Soviet thought, showed the attitude of the Soviet Central Presidium on this matter.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I have been looking forward to this day since I was the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan ten years ago. I dreamed that I could compete with the CIA once a day. If the CIA thinks they can Win, I can only have their bodies stuffed into the Mariana Trench."

   Really waited for this day for too long. This time, it is not to rely on the Soviet Union's western group to shoot guns under the Berlin Wall, nor to hang up the natives in Sudan, but to compete with opponents of the same level. Although there is no suffocation like the Cuban missile crisis, the risk is actually greater. With Indonesia as the battlefield, the United States and the Soviet Union will not have any scruples, even if they will not directly confront each other.

   In fact, if the confrontation starts from Indonesia, maybe this confrontation will become very bloody. For both the United States and the Soviet Union, there was a belief that the Indonesians would never surrender until their blood was dry.

At this time, Indonesian affairs became the focus of the KGB's most attention. Shelov issued the chairman's order to order the Southeast Asia Department of the First General Administration to ensure that Jakarta will connect with Moscow. At the same time, he ordered the Seventh General Administration to build a backup line to prevent the KGB and Indonesia's internal affairs when something happened. The Ministry's line was cut off, and in order to prevent the Soviet embassy from being monitored, the KGB opened another communications center in Jakarta.

  This communication center is located in the wealthy area of ​​Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The KGB bought it through French KGB informants and transformed it into a backup command post. The internal affairs unit of the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs received communication equipment including small walkie-talkies to maintain the maximum flow of information.

   A list was compiled by the KGB, which listed in detail the people who might become suspicious elements and the places of intelligence bureaus. These places belonged to the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, and unknown forces. But as long as it's not a network of relations between China and the Soviet Union, Serov sees that as a suspicious location for the enemy. These locations are all listed on the list that must be cleared. It involves a country's faction ownership. It is not too much to prepare how many back-ups and how many plans are listed.

The situation in Indonesia has become Serov's main job. Anyway, there is nothing to do in other directions for the time being, and even the Middle East can be put aside first. He does not have the strength to act in both directions at the same time. To solve the Indonesian problem this year, then Only one problem can be solved. He didn't even care too much about the establishment of Fatah.

   Representatives from all walks of life in Palestine, with the support of the Arab League, held the first Palestinian National Assembly in the East City of Jerusalem, determined the formation of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and established the Palestinian armed force "Fatah".

Serov wrote a letter to a senior Egyptian government official he knew in his personal name, expressing that he should be careful about Israel’s use of surprise attacks to start a war, and then he stopped talking about it. Anyway, Israel’s war preparations will take time, and it will definitely not start this year. There will definitely be results this year.

   Throughout the summer of last year, similar battles took place in the border areas no less than thirty times. A series of firefights in the North Borneo region have strained relations between Indonesia and Malaysia at an unprecedented level and have also drawn international attention. At the request of the United Nations, Indonesia and Malaysia imposed a ceasefire from January to March and held talks in Bangkok, Thailand.

  Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrei insisted during the meeting that the cross-border attack was the act of local volunteers and was not under the control of Jakarta. Malaysian representative Tun Razak demanded that all infiltrators must be removed before talks could continue. The talks were very difficult. By the first week of March, three groups of militants, numbering in the dozens, had crossed the border into North Borneo. One of these militants entered Lunle's 1st Division area at the end of January; the second group invaded Shilongmen in February; and another entered Lasuo in March. The militants all exchanged fire with the British and were repelled. In this case, the talks will naturally lead to no results.

   However, the actual situation is not satisfactory. As soon as the landing personnel landed, they were blocked by the firepower of the local police post. The landers were forced to disperse and discard a lot of equipment. The entire west coast of Malaysia has entered a state of alert. In the following week, the rest of the squad were captured one after another. Those who landed in Boonluh encountered Malaysian troops. The exchange of fire resulted in casualties among the team, and the rest had to hide. Only a few escaped.

"In this way, the value of Indonesia can still involve some of the attention of the United Kingdom. The value of Indonesia is getting bigger and bigger." , because in Sukarno's eyes, Britain and the United States are basically the same.

  If Indonesia has always been hostile to Malaysia, the infiltration and reverse osmosis operations have continued, and it can also play a role in depleting Britain, and the power of the United Kingdom itself is in decline. As the independence of Malaysia must be maintained, the economic burden will certainly increase. The trouble of the enemy is the benefit of the Soviet Union. It can be seen that the value of Indonesia will increase.

   "Chairman, Minister Fortseva hopes that we can do a good job of security when the British cultural community visits next week!" Shervanov walked in at this time and interrupted the thinking of the KGB chairman.

   "Is it just a cultural delegation? Do you still need us to send someone to protect it?" Shelov took the document and swept it around, "Don't worry, I will definitely send professional agents from the police headquarters for protection!" He knew the person above. (To be continued~^~)

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