Bigshot Gets Loved By All After Transmigrating Into A Book

Chapter 199 The Feng Family Banquet Is About To Begin

Another closed home.

Feng Wenshu is reprimanding Feng Junhao.

Since returning from the last parent meeting, Feng Wenshu has always had a cold face.

Feng Junhao knew that it was his fault. He was respectful and respectful before Feng Wen's writing these few days, and he did not dare to go against his wishes. However, Feng Wenshu never gave him a good face and didn't even say anything to him. , as if holding his temper in his heart.

Until today, after Feng Wenshu learned that Feng Rinbai went to school that day to find Jiang Yu, the tone finally broke out, and he went to Feng Junhao in a rage.

When Feng Wenshu saw Feng Junhao, his first words were, "Jiang Yu passed the first grade exam, why didn't you tell me?"

Feng Junhao lowered his eyes, "Dad, I went home that day and the elders were all there. I didn't want you to lose face, so I didn't say anything."

"Then you can tell me later! There is still so long before the parent-teacher meeting that day, you have the opportunity to tell me privately, but you didn't say anything, and I won't know until I get to school!

You don't know what I say to others, aren't you hitting me in the face? You really lost my face! "

Feng Junhao remained silent.

He knew that he could never refute Feng Wenshu at this time, otherwise it would arouse his anger even more.

Feng Wenshu looked at him without saying a word, and felt even more annoyed in his heart.

But when he thought that this was his precious son again, Feng Wenshu held back his anger, but although he didn't get into a rage, he couldn't help but reprimanded, "If something like this happens again in the future, you must tell me in time! Otherwise you are Do you want to look at me ashamed?"

"I see, Dad."

Feng Junhao responded, but it was not what Feng Wenshu wanted to hear.

He frowned and said, "According to your temperament, you should say that there will be no future. What's the matter, don't you guarantee your first place in the future?"

Feng Junhao pursed his lips and whispered, "It's possible."

Feng Wenshu couldn't believe it, "That Jiang Yu is so powerful?"

Feng Junhao was silent for a while before saying, "Dad, she is a perfect score, and I am thirty points away from her..."

"I don't believe it. How could someone get full marks? Did she cheat?"

Feng Junhao shook his head, "Impossible, Dad, the school has already checked."

He didn't dare to say that Jiang Yu wrote two papers and got full marks, otherwise he would appear to be even more incompetent.

"That's weird."

Feng Wenshu murmured to himself, "How could this little girl's film be so good, and compare you to it, if she hadn't cheated..."

He turned and said suddenly, "Then it must have been Feng Rinbai's secret manipulation. The two of them have long since colluded, just to compare you and make me humiliated!"

The more Feng Wenshu thought about this possibility, the memory of that day also came back, and he snorted coldly, "No wonder he said something yin and yang that day, you might not be the first, so he was insinuatingly mocking me! This sinister villain, I know he must be uneasy and kind!"

Feng Junhao actually doesn't believe this kind of speculation, because the difficulty is too high.

A and B of the mid-month test are written by different teachers, and they are not communicated. They are sealed in a safe. Before the monthly test, only the principal will have all the keys. Until the day of the monthly test, the grade leader and the Only the deputy team leader can get all the test papers.

Therefore, if Feng Rinbai wanted to get all the test papers in advance, he had to pay off teachers in various disciplines. But this is basically impossible. There are always some teachers who are stubborn and do not take bribes.

Unless he bought the principal in A.

But that's even more unlikely.

However, Feng Junhao knew that if he refuted Feng Wenshu immediately, only himself would suffer next, so he might as well wait for Feng Wenshu to vent before talking.

Sure enough, Feng Wenshu scolded Feng Rinbai a few more times, and after he was relieved, he asked again, "I also heard that Jiang Chenglang also went to hold a parent-teacher meeting. I saw Rong Qi in the class and thought it was Jiang Chenglang who had gone to the parent-teacher conference again. If he doesn't come, who knows that he actually went to Jiang Yu's class.

How is this going? Jiang Wan took a long vacation. Is Jiang Yu valued in the Jiang family? Are you clear about this? "

Feng Junhao confessed honestly, "I heard it, but I'm not very clear."

"Why don't you know such important information? Didn't I tell you to take a good look at the two sisters of the Jiang family?"

Feng Wenshu's anger rose again, "I've told you that the wealthy family attaches great importance to bloodline, even if Jiang Yu just recognized her, but she is Jiang Chenglang's younger sister after all, and may replace Jiang Wan's position at any time, while Jiang Chenglang She has no blood relationship with Jiang Wan.

Jiang Chenglang recently won another project, and the development of the Jiang family has gone further. I have contact with Jiang Chenglang in the shopping mall. Jiang Yu and Jiang Wan will be handed over to you. It is best to let the Jiang family use it for us, so that we can fight for the right of inheritance. Got it, do you understand? "

"Dad, I understand." Feng Junhao said hesitantly, "It's just that Jiang Yu doesn't seem to be easy to contact..."

"I thought Jiang Yu was not good, but now it seems..."

When Feng Wenshu was halfway through speaking, he glanced at Feng Junhao, stopped hitting him, and changed his mouth, "You little girl, there is nothing to get in touch with, but it's just because of good grades and arrogance. You If she said a few words softly, she would definitely be obedient.

Although there is a stumbling block behind Feng Rinbai, but you also have an advantage. You are so popular in the school, and little girls of this age eat your style the most. They are uncertain, can they remove her from the seal? Rinbai is drawn over there, and it's up to you. "

Feng Wenshu patted Feng Junhao on the shoulder and said solemnly, "Dad believes in you."

Feng Junhao replied, "Okay."

Anyway, he does have a little interest in Jiang Yu now, and it is not impossible to get in touch.

"Also, the banquet prepared for Feng Rinbai will be held in two days. Besides the Jiang family, many people will come..."

Feng Wenshu said meaningfully, "Do well, I want to make this banquet a stage for you to show off, Feng Rinbai... Oh, let this original protagonist become your background board!"

Feng Junhao also smiled.

"I see, Dad."


Of course Jiang Yu didn't know that someone else was trying to kill her.

She is rummaging through the Internet for various information.

Jiang Yu has always been an actionist. She still remembers the matter of starting a company. By the way, she found some people for herself, and she did everything by herself. It was too hard.

After browsing a lot of information, Jiang Yu locked on two goals.

She easily found the contact information of the two responsible persons, and sent a sentence to each of them simply and rudely.

Two in one.

Well, Yuyu will have her own little brother, you don't have to worry about it all the time~

Next is the Feng Family Banquet, and new characters will appear~

Want to see it? Ask for a wave of tickets, hurry up and hand them over!

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