Bigshot Gets Loved By All After Transmigrating Into A Book

Chapter 264 Thanks to the donor's father for leaving a way out

It just met their needs!

The framework of the code is very complete, and the logic is clear. Although there are still some immature places, it is completely harmless, and it will be corrected a little bit.

Ding Jiaxu was surprised and delighted, and asked respectfully and cautiously, "Boss, is this your new master? When will you bring him over to meet us? We also hope to work with him."

This kind of talent must stay in their team!

In this way, they gained another general!

The father of the gold master is the father of the gold master. It is amazing that such a powerful person can be found.

Holding the phone, Ding Jiaxu happily told them while waiting for Jiang Yu's reply, "We will have a newcomer soon!"

"Really, boss! What does it look like!"

"Does it matter what you look like? What matters is ability!"

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, our team doesn't have girls yet..."

Immediately, the person who said this was knocked on the head.

"What kind of girl do you want? Isn't it enough to have our benefactor father?"

"Although that's what you said..." the boy muttered, "But Boss, why are you talking about a newcomer?"

"Look at this string of codes." Ding Jiaxu shared the code sent by Jiang Yu with the other three people, "The previous bugs have been corrected, and the logical framework is clearer. Isn't this a master?"

"Niubao!" One person praised, "It's really a master, come quickly, come and accept my knee!"

One person pondered, "In this way, our team may have fewer detours in the future."

"Anyway, it must be beneficial."

As Ding Jiaxu spoke, a message came from the phone.

After he saw it, he was stunned.

Ding Jiaxu stood there dumbfounded, a question mark slowly appeared above his head.

He read the message again to make sure he read it correctly.

But this result might as well be wrong...

"What's the matter, boss, why are you suddenly so stupid?" A pair of hands waved in front of his eyes, "Why are you silent, boss? Did you see something? Is it a message from the gold master's father? It's about that Great God? Who is the Great God? What is his name? Do we know each other?"

"Fourth brother, you have too many questions." One person said, "Please ask the boss to slow down."

Ding Jiaxu silently turned the phone screen around, facing the other three people.

His voice seemed to be floating in the air, "The gold master's father said just now that this code was changed by her..."

She changed it...

Everyone: ? ? ?

Did they... have problems with their ears?

A girl who was only seventeen years old directly solved a problem that they hadn't figured out before?

It turns out that the father of the gold master is that great god?

After everyone was dumbfounded, they began to doubt life.

She is only seventeen! Only seventeen!

It's that powerful, so what are they still complacent about?

One person said slowly, "Actually, if the patron's father is willing, she can form a team by herself..."

Everyone was silent.

It seems that there is really a possibility...

So, should they thank the patron's father for keeping a low profile? Still left them a way out?


Since then, the four of them have become more and more respectful towards Jiang Yu, but Jiang Yu had a few conference calls with them, but they were all faceless. .

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