Bigshot Gets Loved By All After Transmigrating Into A Book

Chapter 694 Jiang Yu was clearly the fault of himself!

At first glance, this seems like an appropriate statement.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find many problems.

It's been so long, if it's really a wrong account, why didn't I clarify it earlier, and wait until this time?

Is it because Jiang Yu is not here, so I don't know?

But she clearly went to the restaurant, and at this time, she realized, isn't it too late?

So if Jiang Yu really said that, not only will it not make people think that she has nothing to do with this matter, but it will further deepen their view that Jiang Yu is deliberately bullying, and they will also think that she is a coward, daring to do things that she dare not take. After fermenting to this point, I hurriedly found an excuse to get rid of the relationship.

The people in the e-sports competition are passionate, and they will only look down on her even more because of this.

Jiang Yu pursed his lips and smiled.

This Han Siyao, I don't know if she is stupid or impatient, but if she blatantly ran up to express her thoughts, wouldn't she be afraid that the members of Zhetian team would go to Fang Ji and sell her?

Those who covered the sky also hesitated when they heard Han Siyao's words.

"But people in Fangji Tianxia have already said so, we are still the same as them, won't this make others laugh?"

"Yeah, I guess no one will believe it..."

Han Siyao said, "It's one thing for you to explain, but another for them to believe it or not."

Feng Tianrui frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

Han Siyao looked around, "It may be inconvenient here, can I go to your training room and talk?"

Just as Feng Tianrui was about to agree, Jiang Yu finally spoke up.

"Sorry, it might be even more inconvenient if you go."

Jiang Yu crossed her arms and looked at her, "When the relationship between Zhe Tian and Fang Ji was so tense, Miss Han still went to our training room. If someone saw her, I'm afraid she would have other ideas."

"Of course, Ms. Han may not care, but we still have to think about it, and it's for Ms. Han's own sake."

Han Siyao's complexion changed, "You are right, I just..."

She glanced at Feng Tianrui, and said in a low voice, "I'm just worried about, so I don't want you to be the target of public criticism because of this matter, and I will tell you when I think of a solution."

She lowered her eyes, her expression was gloomy, "I'm meddling in my own business."

Han Siyao showed such a miserable expression that the teammates who regarded her as a goddess couldn't help it immediately.

A tall boy said, "Goddess, that's not what we mean, don't think too much about it."

"Yeah, the goddess came to see us specially, we are so happy!"

Han Siyao: "Then this method..."

The boy changed his voice, "But Goddess, let's forget about the method you said."

Han Siyao:? ? ?

Wait, the plot shouldn't be played like this!

Shouldn't he follow what she said next? Why did you turn back?

The boy said, "It's just that what Shrimp God said is right, Fang Ji's relationship with us is so bad now, Goddess, you should avoid suspicion and don't come to us."

"And you don't have to worry about us. With the Shrimp God here, it's okay. The Shrimp God has already thought of a solution, and we'll go back and solve it now."

Hearing this, Han Siyao subconsciously asked, "Have you thought of a solution? What solution?"

The boy rubbed the back of his head, "I don't know either, God Shrimp hasn't told us yet, but it's definitely all right, Goddess, don't worry!"

Han Siyao: ...No problem, what can she worry about?

When the boy called her a goddess, Han Siyao's self-confidence had already returned.

She thought, she also has her supporters in Zhetian, it seems that her charm is still undiminished.

It's just that Jiang Yu's prestige is even higher. She only said that there is a solution, but she didn't say what the solution is. These people just blindly believe that she can solve the problem. Did they forget that this incident was clearly caused by Jiang Yu himself!

After she got into trouble, why didn't those who cover the sky not only not blame her, but also valued her so much?

Han Siyao said again unwillingly, "If Miss Jiang has no other good solution, Miss Jiang can consider my solution."

"Although this answer is the same as Fang Jitianxia's, Fangji Tianxia didn't explain it immediately, and everyone on the forum believed it. They just wanted an explanation, and you gave it, even if the answer is the same, but It's better than being silent. And this answer is not without possibility, if you bite to death, others will have nothing to do with you."

After hearing this, the members of the Zhetian team felt... Han Siyao seemed to be right?

Jiang Yu sneered in his heart, but didn't say it out of his mouth.

How can it be the same?

In the end, the people in Fangji Tianxia suffered a disadvantage, but they seemed to be the relatively weaker side.

She hasn't suffered yet.

Feng Tianrui glanced at Jiang Yu, and saw that there was a faint smile on her face, and he always felt that something was wrong.

When Jiang Yu saw Feng Tianrui looking over, she tapped her wrist, which meant that there was no time.

Immediately, Feng Tianrui refused without thinking, "No need. Thank you Siyao for your kindness, but we have our own solution, I believe in Jiang Yu."

Han Siyao didn't quite believe it.

After such a long time, Jiang Yu is still standing here calmly, as if the things on the Internet are irrelevant to her, and she is not in a hurry. What else can she do?

It's impossible to just treat it as if it didn't happen, deal with it coldly, and everyone will forget it in a few days, right?

We all live in the same hotel, and we don't see each other when we look up, how could we forget so quickly!

Before she could speak, Feng Tianrui reminded again, "Siyao, you go back, we are going back too."

This is a direct eviction order.

Han Siyao had no choice but to swallow a sigh of relief, "Okay then, Tianrui, I wish you... a smooth ride."

A group of people passed by Han Siyao, and Han Siyao heard a boy in the team ask Jiang Yu curiously, "But God Shrimp, what did you think of?"

Han Siyao pricked up his ears, waiting carefully for Jiang Yu's answer.

"A way..."

Jiang Yu lengthened the ending.

The girl spoke slowly and casually.

"you guess?"

...Han Siyao wanted to run away at that moment.


After arriving in the training room, the person who shrouded the sky opened the forum.

After they left, they kept their ears to themselves and didn't enter the forum to read the posts. Looking at it now, there were already a lot of replies accusing them, and they remained at the top of the hot posts.

One muttered, "Why are you all so you have nothing to do?"

Jiang Yu rested her head on her hands, and replied calmly.

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