Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 194: Feelings of Life! Ask for completeness!

Zhu Xianjian website game comment area.

"Who killed the first turkey? I'm envious, I've been killed by a turkey several times, and I haven't killed it yet, but you all killed it!"

"I heard that the guy named Long Aotian, but this guy's name is too arrogant, and he was directly chased by countless people!"

"Fart, I clearly heard that Long Aotian got the first cheat book and the first equipment that exploded. Now people are all red-eyed, looking for Long Aotian everywhere!"

"Long Aotian??? Who came up with this name? Do you think you are a character? You're a cow!"

"Brothers, come and chop down trees to build a house, we can build a house!"

"Upstairs, get out!"


The comment section is a blast.

And now in the game.

A cave dug out.

Long Aotian was breathing heavily and drilling into the cave with gloomy eyes.

"You guys are waiting for me. When I learn the secrets, I want you all to die!!"

The powerful hostility not only emanated from Long Aotian.

In reality, he is a rich second generation.

If it weren't for my little brother who didn't grab the battle rite.

Would you be so miserable?

Long Aotian quickly looked at the secret book to see what it was.

Hemostasis, whether to study?

Um? ?

see this.

Long Aotian exploded directly.

Nanny Technology.


I don't want to be a nurse.

What kind of skill is this.

Well, it's better than nothing.

Since then, Jianghu has had one more Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, at least in the early stages.


the next day.

Major news sites have been maxed out by fighter jets.

A wave of fighters and acclaim.

more and more terrifying.

There are rich people everywhere.

But the future technology crystal company did not open the second snap-up.

This disappointed a lot of people.

Inside the Future Technology Crystallization Company.

Professor Ma is here.

Zheng and Ye Fan are sitting in the office.

"Brother, hehe..."

Professor Ma rubbed his hands together, looking like he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

Ye Fan saw a black line on his face.

This stuff is coming.

Certainly nothing good.

"Brother, tell me!"

Ye Fan said helplessly.

If you don't call him brother, this guy is like a child. If you don't call him brother, he will get angry and sit there sulking.

Ignore you, keep relying on you.

Several times, Ye Fan almost didn't call the Terminator in and dragged Professor Ma out to kill him.

"Brother, your battle rig is very good. I'm here today because I am entrusted by someone. They want to customize a batch of battle rigs for the special forces. However, the game needs to be made into a real war or something like that. , this is more powerful to help them learn, you know, we have been developing in this direction many years ago, but there has been no progress!"

Hear what Professor Ma said.

Ye Fan nodded.

Just customized.

Just give money.

It doesn't matter.

Those fighter pilots, they are also often flying simulations.

Their simulators have similarities to their fighter jets.

Such as motion and touch.

All are exactly the same.

But the special forces cannot be trained. With this combat apparatus, it is still easy to train.

"You make a call, and I'll solve it for you. In terms of games, you need to pay for them. After all, none of my employees are robots!"

Ye Fan pouted and said.

"It should be, hahaha, brother, I like your boldness, by the way, let's go down for a meal, my granddaughter is here too!" When Professor Ma said his granddaughter, his expression was quite wretched, Always winked at Ye Fan.

The corners of Ye Fan's eyes twitched.


"Okay, okay, okay!"

Ye Fan had no dislike for Yao Yilin.

And Yao Yilin looks very quiet.

General knowledge.

Much stronger than her grandfather.

His grandfather was just an old rascal.

Ye Fan followed Professor Ma downstairs.

Yao Yilin stood downstairs and waited.


"We meet again, Boss Ye!"

Yao Yilin looked at Ye Fandao with a smile.

Extending his right hand, this is the second time they have met.

"Well, but you called me Boss Ye weird!" Ye Fan reluctantly touched his nose while holding Yao Yilin's tender and smooth little hand.

"Don't you call you that on the Internet? I think it's interesting."

Yao Yilin smiled mischievously.

"Brother, where to eat? Tell me, I don't know what's delicious here!"

Ye Fan tilted his head, looked at Professor Ma and said, "Uh... The whole Nanshan City is said to be delicious, it seems that the chef of my company made it!"

"Ah? Want to eat staff meals?"

"Brother, don't save me, although I earn less, how can I let you eat a staff meal this time, shouldn't it be a luxurious meal? Besides, what kind of delicious food can a staff chef make? Let's go. Let's go, I'll find you a delicious restaurant!" Professor Ma said with a solemn expression.

very serious.

"Well, our company hires five-star chefs, all of whom are recruited from all over the world, and each of them earns millions of dollars a year..."

A bodyguard following Ye Fan suddenly said.


The scene fell into silence in an instant!

Professor Ma was dumbfounded.


Chefs from all over the world..

Are you too good at pretending?

Watching Professor Ma was speechless and froze in place.

Ye Fan said quickly: "Let's go, let's go out to eat today, those chefs cook like that!"

"Haha, brother go!"

Professor Ma also hurried down the steps following Ye Fan's words.

However, the bodyguard who followed Ye Fan took down the boss's words.

That's how chefs cook.

Come back and tell President Qin.

If Ye Fan knew what this guy was thinking, he would definitely blow his head.

How many months has my company opened?

less than a year.

What about the chef you fired?

More than ten?

no way.

Qin Jiang gave orders to all the bodyguards.

As long as the boss is not satisfied with the place.

Report to them as soon as possible.

and also.

The boss's physical condition, they must always pay attention.

A group of five Mercedes-Benz drove towards the center of Nanshan City.

Professor Ma sat in the co-pilot.

Ye Fan and Yao Yilin sat in the back row.

Yao Yilin quietly smiled and watched Ye Fan chat with his grandfather.

After this short time together.

She could clearly feel that Ye Fan's knowledge reserve was stronger than that of his grandfather.


Grandpa would be unable to say a word from Ye Fan's reply.

This was the first time she saw her grandfather deflated.

No wonder grandpa kept making himself good to Ye Fan.


He can indeed be a genius.

Than those turtles I know.

I don't know how much stronger it is.

And he also inquired about Ye Fan's background.

He was still an orphan.

these years.

How he survived.

Yao Yilin is a kind-hearted girl, and when she thinks of Ye Fan living alone, she is stunned.

Her heart was blocked.

She looked out the car window.

Don't let yourself look at Ye Fan.

I was afraid that I couldn't help crying suddenly.

That would be embarrassing.


PS: Touch of life.

Big black often has this touch.


Dahei isn't that kind of ruthless person.

Seeing the uncles who are still working hard under the scorching sun, Dahei's heart is like being cut by a knife.

It hurts.

Because of Dahei's father.

Also a miserable person.

For a lifetime.

Too hard.

All year round, he is on the construction site, working for others, and all the money he earns every month is paid back.

Only one hundred and two dollars left


My words are a little too much.

I wish the world.

All old fathers.

All give me good, happy life!


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