Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 467: Failed? Ask for completeness!


"The first test failed, the specific problem is unclear, let's carry out the second test!" Guo Hao looked at the camera and said disappointedly.

Yang Xiaokun and others were all in deep thought.

They began to prepare for the second experiment, and directly caught another mouse.

"No need to experiment!" At this time, Ye Fan suddenly said.

"Eh, boss, don't you need to test?"

"We won't know where the problem is if we don't continue testing!"

Guo Hao and Yang Xiaokun said at the same time.

Ye Fan shook his head and pointed at the mouse's brain: "Look at this cranial nerve area, all the nerve lines have changed, twice as many as before, and the nervous system, reaction system, etc., have all changed. It is much more optimized than before, which means that it has been successful. However, the nervous system of the mouse brain is too different from that of the human body, so a mutation has occurred. Look at this brain lobe, it is obviously burned out. We study The medicine that comes out cannot be tested on mice at all!"

"We need more guys to test!"

"The data obtained in this way are much more accurate!"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Yang Xiaokun, Guo Hao and the others nodded suddenly, they were so excited that they forgot such an important question for a while.

"When will the monkeys we ordered arrive?" Guo Hao quickly looked at Yang Xiaokun and asked.

Yang Xiaokun looked at the phone and said, "On the way to transport, soon, these monkeys were bought from the zoo, and some were bought from other biological laboratories. They are on the way and are expected to be delivered within an hour!"

One hour.

"Go to bed first, you didn't sleep last night!" Ye Fan said, looking at them all with dark circles under his eyes.

"No!" 8

A group of people immediately shouted in unison.

"That won't work, the monkey will be delivered soon, I have to see the test results!"

"That's right, there is no reason to sleep at this time, you can see the results immediately, you can't sleep!"

"Boss, I can still carry it for ten days and a half months, it's fine!"

Hearing everyone's unanimous words, Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly, can you carry it for ten days and a half months?

I'm afraid you will become a snake skin in two days, right?

Since they don't want to sleep, can they still be pushed to sleep? We can only wait for the results of the laboratory test.

If the mouse dies, will the monkey die too?

Ye Fan has considered this aspect, and this will not happen.

First, the brain capacity of monkeys is much larger than that of mice.

Second, the monkey brain system is the closest to, or even identical to, humans.


The chromosomes of monkeys are almost the same as those of humans, and are very close to human DNA.

This is why monkeys are used for the test, and it is not dangerous. After all, the mice are too small, and the brain system capacity is also small.

An increase of 10% will indeed bring life and death danger to it.

That doesn't happen with monkeys.

Ye Fan is very determined.

An hour passed quickly, and the primate monkeys were sent into the laboratory.

They selected a burly monkey with healthy health and all aspects of the conditions were quite met.

[In the second experiment, we changed the target this time and used primate monkeys for testing! 】

After the monkeys were injected with 10 percent of the brain area development agent.

Everyone was looking at the life detection system, and all the conditions of the monkeys.

After the monkey was injected with the medicine, it did not appear to be very sluggish, but rather energetic, as if it had been injected with adrenaline.

"Boss, this monkey's reaction is a little wrong, isn't he too excited?" Yang Xiaokun asked.

Guo Hao and others all looked at Ye Fan, wanting to hear the result.

But Ye Fan shook his head and said: "That's right, the development of brain-domain medicine itself is an existence of active brain cells, and it is an active cell that wakes up our heads from sleep, it will not make you very sluggish, but will Very spiritual, if you can show such a sign, it means that this medicine has a 60% chance of success!"

Did it work?

Hearing the boss's words, Guo Hao, Yang Xiaokun and others were very excited.

If successful, this potion will not only increase the IQ of all people in the world.

Even some disabled children who were born with low IQs can be recovered and become normal people. What a heaven-defying technology.

But they don't know that Ye Fan also has a nano-medical insect repair technology that can not only repair all tissues of the human body, but also repair nerves.

If these two can be announced, the medical care in the world will be greatly improved.

It is even very likely that it will subvert the entire world of medical technology.

"Hoohoho!" The monkey began to become a little irritable, as if so many people surrounded him, making it feel a little dangerous, and began to bared its teeth and showed its fierce fangs.

Ye Fan was holding an old mobile phone. In front of the monkey, no matter how irritable it was, Ye Fan just pressed the key, and he randomly pressed a series of numbers.

The phone was then thrown into the cage.

The monkey carefully picked up the phone, scratching his head and looking around.


Shhh! !

The crowd quickly silenced.

Does the boss want to test the monkey's current IQ?

Is it possible that the monkey can make a phone call after only watching it once?

Wouldn't it be a little scary if I could make a phone call?

fog grass.

There is a movie that talks about a step in which monkeys mutate and become smarter than humans after they develop their IQ.   is called: "Rise of the Apes!" There are three parts in total.   Specifically speaking, in order to allow the father who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease to return to a normal life, the protagonist has been working on the development of a gene drug called "cure", and has been conducting drug trials on gorillas.  While the company has lost confidence, Will continues to complete his experiments at home and succeed with a gorilla named Caesar.  Will found that Caesar's intelligence greatly improved. However, the human society has never been able to accept Caesar with extremely high intelligence, and Caesar was sent to the orangutan nursing home.  The cruel treatment of the nursing home made Caesar use his wisdom to fight, and finally rescued the other orangutans who were imprisoned at the same time, and used cure on them all. A war between a group of highly intelligent orangutans and humans has begun. After the rise of    orangutans, modern civilization was destroyed.   A movie that makes people feel scared after watching it, if it appears in life.   And now, Ye Fan has really researched it.   But instead of gorillas, monkeys.   Also, the ten percent increase is not scary, far from the horror of the booster potion in the movie.   That would simply fill up the IQ of the orangutan.

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