The early morning sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains and onto the warm bed.

Su Rui opened his eyes, and Xiao Orange and Xiao Taotao were sleeping sweetly hugging each other.

Both of them seemed to be immersed in sweet dreams, with carefree smiles on their little faces.

Su Rui looked at them tenderly and kissed them on the cheek.

Get up gently

“Mr. Su, breakfast is ready”

“You eat first”

“The two ladies can let them sleep until they wake up naturally, and the kitchen will prepare their breakfast immediately.”

When the nursery sister saw Su Rui, she said something and immediately went to the bedroom to accompany the two little guys.

They were alone in the room.

Someone needed to keep an eye on them.

“Mr. Su, the designer yesterday, has sent over several plans.”

Ye Lin handed the tablet to Su Rui.

Su Rui flipped through it casually.

There were five plans in total, basically based on the pink princess style.

But each style was different.

“When they wake up, let them choose”

“Follow whichever one you like.

Su Rui thought about it and asked,”How long will it take to renovate the whole house?””

If it takes too long, we will have to consider taking the two little guys to live elsewhere.

“I have already communicated this with the designer.”

“All design plans have ready-made products, and all the materials can be pulled over immediately after the plan is finalized.”

“No structural adjustments will be made to the house”

“For the health of the two ladies, the walls will not be painted, but soft wallpaper will be used.”

“It can be done within a day.”

Ye Lin specifically emphasized the problem of the walls.

After all, painting is still relatively harmful to children.

“In this case, I’ll take the two of them somewhere to play after breakfast.”

Su Rui said

“Dad, where are we going to play today?”

As Su Rui was talking, Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao poked their heads down from the second floor. They just woke up and looked so cute with disheveled hair.

“Why did you wake up so early?”

“Don’t want to sleep a little longer?”

Su Rui asked with concern.

“Taotao and I woke up when we felt that daddy was not around~”

The childcare wives carried them downstairs one at a time.

As soon as the two little guys landed, they rushed into Su Rui’s arms.

“Good morning~Dad~~”

“Good morning, babies.”

Su Rui picked them up and kissed them.

Let them sit on his lap and bring the tablet over.

“Dad is going to renovate our home”

“Can you decide which style you like?”


Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao looked through the design drawings curiously.

They couldn’t understand the specific design.

But they had their own judgment on whether it looked good or not.

“Orange, look at this, the pink furry walls are so cute~”

“There’s also a dollhouse”

“The carpet is also fluffy”

“The room looks like a princess’s castle~”

“There is also an indoor slide, which is great~”

“Do we want this?”

“OK~~~” five plans.

They quickly determined the style they wanted.

“Are you sure you want this plan?”

“Hmm~ I like this very much~”

“Yes, this is very beautiful~”

“Since you like this style, let’s remodel our home according to this style”

“Dad will take you out for a day out today, and you can see your princess castle when you come back.”

Su Rui said


The two people clapped their hands happily.

Su Rui handed the tablet to Ye Lin.

The plan was finalized, and Ye Lin immediately contacted the designer and asked them to come over.

“Miss Taotao, Miss Orange, drink some water first when you get up.”

“Let’s have breakfast after drinking water, okay?”

The nursery sister-in-law brought their water cups.

The two little guys just sat on Su Rui’s lap, holding the water cups and slurping.

They looked so cute.

After drinking the water, their breakfast was also served.

Fresh fruits, Delicious fried eggs, milk and juice

“Miss Taotao, Miss Orange, can we sit on the chairs and eat?” said the nursery sister-in-law

“I want to sit on daddy and eat”

“I want to too~~~”

The two little guys shook their heads, unwilling

“But if this happens, your father won’t be able to eat~”

“We can feed dad~~”

“That’s right~ That’s what I want~”

Xiao Orange used a children’s fork to fork a diced fruit and released it from Su Rui’s mouth.

“Thank you Orange.”

Su Rui ate it in one bite and said to the nursery sister-in-law:”Let them eat like this.”

The nanny nodded and put bibs on the two of them.

So young.

So rich.

And doting on the children so much.

What a rare good man.

Little Orange poked the omelette with a fork and said:”Dad You just said you would take us to play today. Where should we go to play today?”

“Where do you want to go? Su

Rui asked

“I want to see the little squirrel~”

“One time when my mother took us to the park, Taotao and I found a very cute squirrel on the tree~”

“But it ran away immediately and was never seen again~”

Little Orange thought of the cute squirrel he had seen before, and his eyes lit up.

“I also want to go and play with squirrels~~~”

Xiao Taotao also became excited when she heard about the squirrels.

“Dad, let’s go find the squirrels and play~”

“Yes, Dad, squirrels are very cute”

“Okay, Dad, let’s go find the squirrels and play~~”

Su Rui:”……”

I didn’t say I wouldn’t agree, so why did I start acting like a baby?

Su Rui smiled and said:”Okay, okay~”

“If you want to see squirrels, then let’s go see squirrels.”

“I remember there were a lot of squirrels in the woods at our house.”

“If you want to see squirrels, let’s prepare some nuts after dinner and go look for them in the woods to see if we can get squirrels to come down and play with you, okay?”

There were squirrels at home, and the two little guys were shocked.

“Dad, are there squirrels in our house?”

“Don’t squirrels live in the forest?”

“Why do we also have squirrels in our house?”

“Because we are very big, we have a small forest at home.

Su Rui said with a smile.

“Will there be a Tyrannosaurus rex?”

Xiao Taotao suddenly shrank into Su Rui’s arms:”I’m afraid of Tyrannosaurus Rex~”


This child’s imagination is really different.

Su Rui said with a smile:”There are only squirrels in our forest, not Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can play with confidence Okay, don’t worry about the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly running out~”

“I can rest assured that.”

Xiao Taotao breathed a big sigh of relief and patted her belly.

“Taotao, let’s eat quickly”

“After eating, let dad take us to see the squirrels”


Let’s go play. The two little guys are so enthusiastic about eating. After eating a few bites, they don’t forget to fork some food to feed their father.

“Finished eating~~~”

“Dad, let’s go find the squirrel quickly.”

“Let’s go, let’s go”

“You can’t go into the forest in your pajamas, right?”

“Let aunty change you into beautiful clothes, and then we will set off again.”

Su Ruidao

“Can we wear yesterday’s costumes?”

“I also want to wear ancient costumes~~”

“Of course, go ahead, go ahead”

“Thank you, dad~”

The two of them kissed Su Rui on the face together.

One side had a mouth full of milk residue after drinking milk, and the other had a mouth full of juice residue after drinking juice.

“These two little guys.”

Su Rui smiled fondly.

He ate some breakfast while they were changing clothes.

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