After dinner.

Su Rui sits on the cute donut sofa

“Mr. Su, I have found out what happened to Yang Mi and Reba.”

Ye Lin saw that he was idle, took out his tablet and dropped the information.

“Just say it.”

Su Rui is helping the two little guys feel their new sofa.

It’s soft.

Very comfortable.

The height is also right.”

“Miss Yang and Miss Reba jointly opened an entertainment company, Jiaxing, two years ago.”

“With the help of their own fame, Jiaxing has developed very well.”

“Especially after several hit dramas in a row, the ability to make money has reached the level of top entertainment companies.”

“This attracted the attention of many colleagues”

“Many capitals in the entertainment industry want to invest in Jiaxing and get a piece of the pie.”

“In order to maintain the independence and control of the company, Ms. Yang and Ms. Reba rejected all requests for shares.”

“This aroused the displeasure of capital, and several leading companies united in an attempt to prevent Jiaxing’s development through suppression and force the two of them to submit.

Su Rui said:”I’m afraid that Jiaxing’s family will be the only one and won’t get a piece of the cake, so I want to win over Jiaxing. This is very capital.” continue”

“Jiaxing has been targeted by the industry, and its performance has declined sharply.”

“At this time, the top eight companies, Tianyu, Huayi, Tangren, Yixin, Xitian, Hesong, Enlight, and Lemon, issued a tens of billions gambling agreement.”

“If we don’t accept this gamble, Jiaxing will face continued targeting from eight leading companies, which will eventually lead to Jiaxing’s bankruptcy and acquisition.”

“So Miss Yang and Miss Reba had no choice but to agree.”

“The content of the gambling agreement is that if Jiaxing can earn 10 billion within a year, it can obtain 7% of the shares of each of these eight companies.”

“But if they lose, these eight companies will jointly divide 56% of Jiaxing’s shares.”

Su Rui curled his lips coldly.

“This is a bit silly”

“Jiaxing got 7% of each company’s shares. It was not a pain for them, it just added one more shareholder.”

“They took 56% of the shares of Jiaxing from all the companies together. They became the joint major shareholders. They had full say and a lot of room for subsequent operations.”

Ye Lin nodded.

“I think Miss Yang and Miss Reba also realize this”

“So we have to win this gamble no matter what.”

Su Rui naturally knows it.

The best time for Jiaxing’s development in the past two years was when they had just given birth to Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao. It was during this period that they all had time and energy to develop the company, but did not contact him, so that He helped take care of the two little guys.

Now it was a desperate situation for them. This was why they wanted to leave the two little guys to him for a period of time.

The purpose of throwing out this gambling agreement is to dig a hole for them to jump into.

It is conceivable that they will never let Jiaxing win this gambling easily. Otherwise, how will they invest in Jiaxing? Su Rui rubbed his temples. It was easy for him.

But after their troubles were solved, would they take Xiao Orange and Xiao Taotao away ? Su Rui has very deep feelings for his two daughters. It is impossible for him to separate from them. However… they are the mothers of Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao. With his abilities and resources, frankly speaking, even if Yang Mi and Reba really wanted to fight with him for custody of their children, it would be completely impossible to worry about it.

“Ye Lin,”

Su Rui raised his head, his voice calm but with unquestionable firmness,”make arrangements. Tomorrow, I will meet with those bosses who have designs on Jiaxing.”

“Okay, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away.”

Ye Lin stopped and nodded. She knew that Su Rui’s tone meant the seriousness of the situation.

She turned around and went to arrange a meeting.

Su Rui’s words made the entertainment industry completely insomniac tonight.


The bosses of eight top entertainment companies, Tianyu, Huayi, Tangren, Yixin, Xitian, Hesong, Guangwang and Lemon, control the fate of countless stars.

He has a very high status in the entertainment industry.

However, the news that Su Rui wanted to see them reached their ears.

But it made these people excited.

There are rumors that Su Rui holds great power and has influence in all walks of life.

But he rarely appears in public.

Suddenly asked to meet them…could it be……

“I have heard the name Su Rui on some private occasions, but I have never had direct contact with him. There must be a reason why he summoned us suddenly this time”

“I heard that he has a very wide network of contacts and the resources at his disposal touch all categories of the world’s first, second and third industries.”

“They suddenly want to summon our group of people…maybe they want to develop the domestic entertainment industry!”

“This is an opportunity!”

Tianyu’s Xiao Zhang was pacing at home.

After thinking about it, he said to his secretary:”Let Jin Meichen dress up better tomorrow, and have all the clothes for burning and pure sex. When the time comes, Mr. Su can tell her whichever style she likes. Put on.”

As long as Su Rui can be interested in it, the company will have a lot of funds to operate in the future.

If we don’t attack now, we will wait until later.

At the same time,

Huayi’s Wang Zhongjun is also discussing the same issue with his team. topic

“Mr. Su’s invitation must not be ignored!”

“He has a decisive influence in all walks of life”

“This summons to us is both an opportunity and a challenge. We must be well prepared.”

Wang Zhongjun’s voice was firm and powerful, with obvious excitement.

“Let Dong Xuan and Xu Ruoxuan prepare. Tomorrow, go with me to see Mr. Su. Dress up nicely. They must have different styles.”

“Okay, Mr. Wang, I’ll do it right away.”

Li Zhaoming from Tang Dynasty happened to be in the company.

He arrested all the company’s top executives for an emergency meeting.

“Su Rui is mysterious and unpredictable, and there are countless legends about him in the capital circle.”

“But few people know who he is”

“As long as he knows which industry his capital flows into, which industry will rise”

“The entertainment industry is currently at a stage of development. If we can get his support, we may have the opportunity to dominate the industry!”

“we must seize this opportunity”

“I heard that he is still single. We can let Jin Chen and Gulinazha have more contact with him.”

“Men, you will never refuse a woman who comes to your door.”

“Makes sense!”

“Go and get them ready right away!”

All eight companies came up with the same idea.

All the top women in each company couldn’t sleep.

I had never heard of the name Su Rui, but after asking the boss, I heard that he was a very powerful man. I hired a makeup artist and stylist overnight to help me think about my makeup and look for tomorrow. Not to mention whether the company could profit from it, at least they would definitely get huge benefits.

Don’t be tempted.

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