Bank of China.

Agricultural Bank of China.



The four presidents of the Magic City Head Office gathered together.

The first time he saw Su Rui, he trotted up with a smile on his face.

“Mr. Su, do you think it was a coincidence or not?”

“The four of us are here today just to talk about you. Don’t you think it’s a coincidence that we just met you here?”

“These two children are……?”

The four presidents also noticed the little oranges and little peaches in Su Rui’s arms.

“My daughter.”

Su Rui smiled faintly.

“Hello, uncle~”

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao greeted them in a sweet voice.

“Hey, how are you?”

“So cute”

“It turns out that Mr. Su already has a child, and he didn’t bring any gifts to the two children when they first met. Next time! Next time we meet, please bring it to your house!”

“Children, what gifts do you like?”

The president, who has a high position in thinking, is teasing the two of them with a smile on his face.

There is a relationship.

But I have to say that the two of them are indeed very cute.

They are chatting here.

The eight entertainment industry bosses behind them, look The four people who stopped Su Rui were a little shocked.

“Isn’t this the president of the head office of the four major banks?”

“Normally, those of us are not qualified to see them.”

“I didn’t expect to see them here today”


When everyone gathered together, they all wanted to come forward and show their faces.

After all, they are famous figures in the entertainment industry, but in front of the president of the head office of the four major industries, they can be said to be nothing.

You may not even look at them seriously when you meet them.

Of course I won’t miss the chance to show my face if I have the chance.

“several bank presidents……”

The boss of Tang Ren just stepped forward to say hello.


The president of ICBC smiled politely and ignored them.

He didn’t even want to find out who they were.

“Mr. Su, the four of us are here specifically for you today.”

“Now that we have met, why don’t you give us some time and let’s chat together?”

“Yes, Mr. Su, I know you are usually busy. Since we just met now, let’s sit down and have a chat, so as not to disturb your life a second time.

Su Rui couldn’t help but asked curiously:”I haven’t seen the four of you on such a good relationship normally. What happened today that you suddenly thought of coming to me together?””

“We are here to argue today.”

The president of CCB made a joke, and then made a gesture of invitation,”Mr. Su, let’s go to the private room and talk slowly, it will only take half an hour. If you don’t leave after the time limit, we will leave ourselves.”


“Orange, Taotao, dad met four old friends, let’s wait a little longer, okay?”


Although Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao felt a little bored, their father had something to deal with, so they nodded very sensibly and did not make a fuss.

The four bank presidents, two on the left and two on the right, opened the way for Su Rui..

Everyone else, regardless of whether they were entertainment industry bosses or popular actresses, were ignored and didn’t dare to say a word.

“How powerful is this Su Rui…? The president of the head office of the four major banks in Magic City has a very high administrative level, and everyone is so polite to him.……”

Mr. Zhang from Tianyu muttered something.

No one else said anything.

There was only hidden horror in his eyes.

After all, they are all old foxes.

The presidents of the head offices of the four major demon capitals have left the circle of capital and entered a circle that they cannot touch at all – Quan!

Even these four people with very prominent status still have to be polite in front of Su Rui.

If they, a group of people who wouldn’t even bother to take a second look in the eyes of the president, dare to offend Su Rui.

I really don’t know how I died.

Thinking about what Su Rui just said to them in the private room, maybe because of the presence of his daughter, it was already light.

Without his daughter’s presence, their company might have been wiped out on the spot!

Many people subconsciously sweated

“buy air ticket”

“I want to go to Hengdian myself!”

“In addition, buy a set of jewelry worth no less than 5 million, no, two sets!”

“You also book the flight tickets for me right away”

“I also want to go to Hengdian in the afternoon”

“Prepare two checks for 5 million”

“Book my flight too”

“Get me an equity grant agreement immediately, and I’ll take it to Hengdian with me.”

The smart boss already knows what to do.

Only Mr. Zhang is still bluffing

“What are you doing?”

“Although Su Rui is powerful, you shouldn’t be afraid of this, right? ?”

“As long as we don’t mess with him, he won’t do anything to us”

“We are a society governed by the rule of law, right?”

“Yes, yes, everything you said is right.”

They didn’t bother to pay attention to this young man who had just taken over Tianyu from his father.

Young people are not convinced by anyone’s youth and arrogance, which is understandable.

But they are not that stupid.

Jiaxing can’t handle this matter well. If not, a company that has been in business for more than ten years may just be said to be gone.

“Mr. Wang, the flight tickets are booked.”

“You see, should we set off now or……?”

“Let’s talk later.”

Wang Zhongjun of Huayi waved his hands.

He was not in a hurry to leave immediately.

The others also did not leave.

They were just waiting here for Su Rui to come out.


88 private rooms

“What do you four want to talk about?”

Su Rui sat down and got straight to the point.

“Mr. Su, isn’t your ICBC card almost full?”

“What I mean is, why don’t you continue to deposit your subsequent money in our bank?”

“The three of them refused to give in and insisted on grabbing me.”

“You see… after your old card is full, how about I apply for a few new cards for you and continue to deposit money with ICBC? You can get used to it.”

The president of ICBC doesn’t mince words either.

“You have already said that Mr. Su is using your ICBC card now. No matter what, it is the turn of other banks now.”

“There is nothing wrong with what Lao Li said. You, ICBC, can’t keep occupying Mr. Su’s funds and not let go.”

“Hey, hey, you are saying this as if Mr. Su has never deposited money with you.”

“I have only saved 300 billion here, but you have already saved 400 billion over there!!!”

“You still have the nerve to say that Mr. Su only deposited 200 billion with me. Last time I was already on the way to Mr. Su’s mansion. Come on, come on, who cut off my beard? ? ?”

“That’s because your own information is inaccurate. Mr. Su is fishing, and you go to someone else’s house to do business. If I don’t intercept you, who will you intercept?”

“You… don’t follow martial ethics!!”


Su Rui finally understood why they said they were here to quarrel today.

When others are here, they can start a quarrel.

As long as no one else is around, these four banking industry tycoons will probably start a fight.

“Dad, what are the four uncles doing?”

Xiao Taotao asked curiously

“they are discussing things”

“What are you discussing? Why do I feel like they are quarreling? Aren’t they friends?”

“They’re friends, they’re brainstorming”

“What is brainstorming?”

“Just discussing issues”


They nodded half-underlyingly, looking at the four of them arguing and wanting to watch a show.

Quite interesting.

Just applaud.

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