Chapter 0070 The real capital game! Daughter acquires mother!!

“Too little”

“Mom will lose money~~~”

“Please add more.”

Reba forcibly put away her smile and played this capital game with them seriously.

“That’s right, I want to buy 20% of my mother’s company’s shares for 100 yuan. Isn’t my mother going to suffer a huge loss?—”

“Mom won’t accept 100 yuan.”

Yang Mi also smiled and played with her children.

She became more and more aware of Su Rui’s intention of opening this company for the two of them.

This step is definitely to train the two of them in the direction of capital queens.

Damn it. How can you hold him back?

“Then mom, how many do you want?”

Little Orange pouted.

“Mom, just tell us how much you want, and we will give it to you if we have it.”

Xiao Taotao was a little confused when she came into contact with this kind of negotiation for the first time.

“Anyway, 100 yuan is too little.”

Yang Mi said

“Then… 1,000 yuan!”

“Too little!”

Reba shook her head

“That 500 yuan~~”

“Why is it even less? If you don’t want to buy it, don’t buy it~~”

Yang Mi shook her head

“Mom, how many do you want?”

“Dad~~Mom is bullying people and they won’t buy anything for us~~~”

Xiao Taotao was about to cry.

“Don’t worry”

“Dad will tell you a secret method.”

Su Rui pulled them to him and whispered a few words in their ears.

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao nodded repeatedly.

Then they stood side by side in front of the two mothers. They put their little hands on their hips and shouted loudly:”No If we sell it, we’ll leave, huh~”

“Oops~~You two little bosses, please don’t leave.”

“Okay, okay, then you can make a final bid. How much can you say?”

Yang Mi and Reba looked at their cute looks.

It took a lot of effort not to laugh.

It was really hard to hold them in while playing this game with them in a serious manner.

“dad? How much do you think we should pay?”

Little Orange ran to Su Rui, lay down next to his ear and asked softly.

“Dad thinks 500 million is more reasonable”

“But dad is just a suggestion, you can discuss and decide for yourself.”

Su Rui gave them a suggestion at this time.

And this suggestion was completely based on the real situation.

It was not a game at all.

Of course, at this time, Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao felt that they were playing a game of Monopoly.

“Taotao, Daddy said we can offer 500 million.”

Little Orange went to talk to Little Taotao in a whisper.

They didn’t really understand the specific difference between 10 billion, 500 million, or 100 yuan, 1,000 yuan.

But since Daddy said he could offer 500 million, then let’s go with that price.

“Mom, we have decided”

“We can offer 500 million~~”

“If you continue to disagree, we will really leave. You should think carefully about it.”

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao looked at Yang Mi and Reba very seriously.

They were very devoted to this game.

“500 million……”

“The price is very reasonable”

“Then mom will sell 20% of the company’s shares to you two.”

Yang Mi and Reba both had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Then they shook hands with them. They played this game with them completely according to normal transaction logic.

This is also the result Su Rui wants.

“From now on, you will be the second largest shareholder of Mom’s company.”

“In the future, when the company makes money, it will distribute dividends to you according to this ratio~~”


The two little guys completed their first business and were jumping up and down happily.

Don’t worry about the second largest shareholder.

Don’t worry about whether dividends are paid or not.

These are not important. What is important is that they completed the game.

“It happened that the legal department of my mother’s company was also there, so I asked them to get a contract and we signed it.”

Yang Mi said with a smile.

Since it was serious, she naturally asked the legal affairs department to prepare a completely formal contract.

But… when the contract was placed in front of the two little girls, the two little girls were distressed.

“Mom, don’t we know the words?”

“What is written above?”

After that, I looked at my father and my mother.

The two of them were holding pens and didn’t know what they were doing.

“Didn’t mom teach you how to write your own names when you were at home?”

“Just write your names here now.”

Yang Mi pointed to the place where the signature was signed.

“Dad, is mom going to sell us?”

Xiao Taotao secretly asked Su Rui

“Silly girl, didn’t you just buy 20% of the shares from your mother?”

“Why did I sell you guys?”

“Dad will take a look at it for you. If there is no problem, we will sign it and let mom make money for you in the future.

Su Rui picked up the contract and pretended to read it, then handed it to them.

He said with certainty:”No problem, you can sign it.””


The two little guys didn’t understand.

They took a pen and drew their names on the contract.

After writing, they exchanged.

Both people’s names must be reflected on it.

The formal one can no longer be formal.

As their legal Agent, they drew their names, and Su Rui also signed his name on them.

“Mr. Yang, Mr. Reba, our official seal of [Little Orange and Little Taotao are Cute Investment Collection.] has not been produced yet. When the official seal is ready, we will add the official seal on it.”


“no problem.”

Yang Mi and Reba signed their names seriously.

They sold 20% of the company’s shares to their daughters.

They helped them achieve their first sales.

“Mr. Orange, Mr. Taotao, now we have to shake hands with the other boss, we have successfully invested in mom’s company~~~”

Su Rui said.

The title Mr. Orange, Mr. Taotao made the two little guys giggle.

But look With their mother’s serious expression, they shook hands with her seriously, and then they threw themselves into her arms and laughed wildly.

“Mom, I think it’s fun~~”

“Hee hee hee, I think it’s fun too~~~”

“Mom is playing this game with you today, but in the future, as small bosses, you will have to meet other big customers, so you have to be even more powerful.”

Reba said

“Remember, you are spending money to buy each other’s assets, and you are the one who contributes the money. The less money you offer, the better, within the range that the other party can accept, so that you can earn a lot.”

Yang Mi also took this opportunity to say

“alright, I got it××~”

I didn’t understand it anyway, just whatever my mother said

“When the two of us earn a lot of money, we will buy a lot of beautiful clothes for my mother~~”

“What does daddy like? We can buy you whatever dad likes~~”

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao have already imagined that they have made a lot of money.

In fact, the money they imagined is not at all like the entrepreneurial capital their father just gave them. much

“Dad will tell you what he wants later.”

“Now that the contract has been signed and you have obtained 20% of the equity of Mom’s company, we must also transfer the money to Mom.”

“Now our [Little Orange and Xiao Taotao are Cute Investment Group] except you two bosses, I am the only employee for the time being, so I will be your treasurer now.”

Su Rui turned on the computer and asked the two of them to sit on his lap.

He entered Jiaxing’s company account number.

The transfer amount was 500 million.

Let the two of them make the final decision.

“Dad has already entered it, and now the two bosses are responsible for the last step.”

“If you click the mouse together, the money will be transferred to mom’s company, so our transaction will be officially completed.”

Su Rui pointed at the mouse.

“Let’s press the orange together,”

Xiao Taotao said in a milky voice.


Little Orange nodded, and the two of them clicked the mouse together to confirm the transfer.

The balance of the company’s account immediately changed.

The two little guys screamed when they saw that 100 billion had turned into 99.5 billion.

“Dad, our money has suddenly increased a lot~~~”

“Did mom’s company make us money so quickly?”

“So awesome~~”

“Can we go buy beautiful clothes for mom now?”

“How much has changed?”

“Our money has decreased by 510 million.”

Su Rui couldn’t laugh or cry.

There were too many numbers. Even though 1000 turned into 995, it was reduced by one digit, but the number seemed much bigger.

“In the past, my mother’s company did not pay dividends, and all the money earned was scored by my mother and I.”

“Now that your [Little Orange and Little Taotao are Cute Investment Group] has invested in our company, my mother’s company will have to consider dividends in the future.”

“In order to help you earn your first pot of gold as soon as possible, Mom has discussed that from now on, Mom’s company will pay dividends on a quarterly basis.”

“You will be able to get the first return on your investment in three months.”

Yang Mi said with a smile.

There is no rush for them to get the first pot of gold.

Everything will follow the normal investment procedures.

At most, annual dividends will become quarterly dividends, so that they can get the first pot of gold as soon as possible. Jin.

I just don’t know if these two girls will still be interested in this matter after three months. After all, this matter is really just a game for them.

“Dad, how long is three months?”

Xiao Taotao asked

“A long, long time.”

Little Orange replied

“Then mom, can you give me and Orange some money now? I want to buy you nice clothes right now.”

Yang Mi and Reba both laughed.

Su Rui closed the computer and said to them:”Investment is a long-term matter. How can there be such a quick return? You have to consider it now. Yes, I am thinking about how to help my mother’s company develop well.”

“Because you have already bought part of your mother’s company. If your mother’s company makes money, you will make money. If your mother’s company loses money, then you will also lose money.”

“So you have to find a way to make mom’s company make money”


“So troublesome……”

“But we can’t?”

“Why don’t you do it, dad?”

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao both shook their heads.

They didn’t quite understand what they were saying, dad. When

Su Rui heard what they said, not only did he not give any further instructions on what to do, but he nodded with a smile. He praised:”Our boss, Orange Taotao, really has the talent to be a boss. You are the bosses. How can you ask the boss to do everything personally? Let employees do what they should do. This is the right thing to do.” of”

“Hehe~~ Then daddy, go help mommy’s company develop~~ We will share half of the money you make in the future~~”

Xiao Juzi said with a smile

“You can give it all to dad~”

Xiao Taotao got up and kissed Su Rui on the face.

“Why do I feel like my husband is tapping us?”

Reba joked

“I think so.”

Yang Mi nodded.

Because Su Rui said before that as bosses, making money to support the company is another form of part-time work.

“Then you can learn from your daughter in the future. Su

Rui joked

“Orange, Taotao, ×Dad said he would let Reba’s mother and I learn from you in the future”

“From now on, you will be your mother’s teachers. You should learn more from your father and teach your mother what you have learned.”

Yang Mi said


Naiyu drawled.

Not only did he become a small boss, but he also became a teacher for two mothers.

Both Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao felt that this game was getting more and more fun.

“Now that things are over here”

“Then we can go too”

“In order to celebrate our little Orange and Little Taotao’s success in starting their own [Little Orange and Little Taotao are cute investment group], will dad take you to eat something delicious?”


“Dad, I want to eat ice cream~~~”


Yang Mi’s mother and Reba’s mother decisively refused.

“Hum, why are we always not allowed to eat ice cream~~”

“Dad, we are all bosses, why can’t we still eat ice cream?”

Little Orange and Xiao Taotao are going crazy.

“You are too young, and your mother is afraid that you will have a bad stomach.”

Su Rui explained

“Also, even if you two are the bosses now, you still have to listen to your parents.”

Reba added

“Reba’s mother is right!”

Yang Mi nodded very definitely.

The two little guys pouted and turned their heads, huffing for five seconds.


“Can I drink Coke?”

“Please mom, I want to drink Coke~~~”

“All the kids on the tablet can drink Coke, and I want to drink Coke too~~”

Little Orange said coquettishly

“You haven’t let either of them drink Coke? Su

Rui asked

“Carbonated drinks are unhealthy and have never been given to them.”

Yang Mi said.

It has always been juice for them to drink.

Su Rui couldn’t laugh or cry.

Although he was very rich, he never intended to raise his children too carefully.

“I’m over two years old, and it doesn’t matter if I drink a little Coke occasionally.”

“Dad makes the decision. Let’s give our Orange Boss and Taotao Boss some Coke today.”


“You can drink Coca-Cola~~”

The two little guys jumped up with joy.

For things they have never tasted before, and are things that are shown to be delicious in various short videos, even children will have a strong desire to try them. impulse

“But oh, you can only drink a small cup, not a lot, you know?”

“I know~~”

The two little ones nodded obediently.

“Since your father is interceding for you and your company has just been established today, I will allow you to drink a little.”

Su Rui said it, so Yang Mi and Reba didn’t refuse.

“Thank you mom~~”

“Hee hee, there’s daddy too~”

The two little ones happily jumped into their mother’s arms.

Yang Mi and Reba carried them downstairs, one at a time.

People coming and going in the company could see it, and they didn’t care at all. She hid the fact that she had a child.

Anyway, the Internet already knew that the two of them had a child. As long as the child would not be exposed on the Internet, it didn’t matter what they said.


Watch them go.

“Is it true that Yang Mi and Reba are now making public their relationship with Su Rui? Tie?”

“Pay attention, they are our bosses now”

“This Mr. Su has a stronger background, don’t talk nonsense”

“We will be employees of Tianyu from now on. Although it is a bit uncomfortable, I feel that we will definitely get a salary increase in the future.”

“It is a must! Those big-name foreign bosses, our former bosses always nodded and bowed when they met them. Just look at the past two days, when they met Mr. Su, they nodded and bowed in turn. With this background and this strength, Jiaxing will definitely be the leader in the entertainment industry in the future. a chair”

“Now we are like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and we end up with the right person for no reason.”

“Getting promoted and raising salary to reach the pinnacle of life, becoming CEO and marrying Bai Fumei is just around the corner!”

“When the time comes, there will be an IPO and we won’t be able to spend all the money.……”

“Stop talking nonsense and move things when it’s time to move them. From now on, everyone will be Jiaxing’s employees.”

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