Chapter 0093 The Guardian Dragon in Diaoyutai!!

After Su Rui’s motorcade entered the Second Ring Road, two cars with special license plates joined the motorcade and led the way.

They led Su Rui’s motorcade straight to Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

500 meters from the gate, the red carpet had been laid out, and dozens of protocol staff lined the streets to welcome them. The Prime Minister and more than a dozen departments came to greet them.

Su Rui got out of the car holding Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao

“Grandpa Li~~~~”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao saw the Prime Minister and waved to him happily.


The Prime Minister smiled kindly and stepped forward to touch their little heads.

“Dad said we could go fishing with you”

“How about we have a competition later to see who can catch more fish?”

“Hehe, we are really good at fishing.

The two little guys thought about their experience of fishing with their dad on the river bank and they were eager to show off their skills.

“Really? Then let’s compare them later~~”

The Prime Minister said with a smile


The two little guys happily slid down from their father and ran to the front of the red carpet hand in hand.

They laughed non-stop.

“”Run slower!”

Su Rui shouted

“”I know, Dad~~”

The two little ones said as they ran more happily.

They laughed even louder.

Of course, they didn’t know where this place was. To them, everywhere was a place to play.

They were not afraid of strangers and were very happy to come to a new place. They were curious about everything.

Su Rui and the Prime Minister walked side by side and followed behind them.

“Prime Minister, every time you come here, you are so grand. To be honest, I am embarrassed to come here.”

Su Rui looked at the receptionist beside him and said helplessly

“This is simplified according to your request.”

“It’s just a red carpet and a welcoming ceremony. I didn’t even ask the honor guard to welcome us.”

“Mr. Su, you come here, it’s impossible that there is no ceremony at all, right? This is a bit unreasonable.”

The Prime Minister said with a smile.

Su Rui smiled bitterly.

That’s true.

Thinking back to the last time I met with the Prime Minister and the big leaders here, as soon as I got off the car, the guard of honor played music and there were exaggerated salutes.

This time is indeed much better.


“I guess you guys would still do it even if I told you that you don’t need to specially welcome me.”

Su Rui shrugged and smiled and didn’t mention it anymore.

The Prime Minister also smiled easily,”To welcome Mr. Su, this little ceremony is still necessary.”

Then he changed the subject and said,”I also watched your live broadcast when I was free recently. The two little guys are having a lot of fun playing outside.”

“These two little ones have fun wherever they go.”

“They used to live with their mother, spending most of their time in their own small villa and rarely going out to play.”

“Now that he lives with me, he knows he can go out and play. He thinks about playing outside all day long. He is very happy as long as he is outside.”

“Especially this time there were several children recording the show, so they had more fun. Su Rui said with a smile”

“It is children’s nature to like to play”

“My little grandson is the same, he wants to go out and play all day long, and he can’t be locked up.”

The Prime Minister said with a smile.

The two followed Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, chatting all the way.

“Dad, this park is so beautiful.”

“As beautiful as our home~~~”

“Dad, look, the water here is so clear, and there are so many golden fish in it, just like the ones in our home~”

“Daddy, can we feed them?”

“I want to feed the fish~~”

“I want to too~~~~”

Walking to a bridge, the two little ones squatted by the guardrail and looked down.

There were some special golden fish swimming in the water.

They were familiar with these special colored fish, as they could also see this kind of golden fish in the small lake at home.

“Prepare some fish food for Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.”

The Prime Minister said.

Soon someone brought two bags of fish food to Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.

“Thank you, Grandpa Li~~”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao squatted on the bridge and happily fed the fish. They threw handfuls of fish food into the water, attracting a large group of fish to swim over to grab the food.

“So many fish”

“They love the food we feed them, don’t they?”

“Hehe, Taotao, look at that golden fish, it’s so big, ~~”

“”Look, there’s a blue fish~~ It’s amazing, it’s eating the food I threw down~~”

The two little guys were having a lot of fun feeding the fish.

Su Rui and the Prime Minister stood side by side on the bridge, looking at the water in the distance.

In the sun, the water was sparkling, with a layer of light golden ripples that were as rhythmic as breathing.

“Xiaolong seems to be sleeping.

Su Rui said

“The little dragon has been less active recently. Observers are recording its activity status every day. Now, the time it spends inactive is increasing compared to the time it spends active.”

The Prime Minister said

“It is accumulating energy”

“If the evolution is successful this time, the country’s fortune will usher in an unprecedented improvement.”

Su Rui said

“I hope everything goes well.”

The Prime Minister also looked at the rhythmic golden ripples in the distance, and the eagerness in his eyes was clearly visible.

“If there is any abnormality, please contact me at any time”

“I will do my best to help it complete its evolution.”

Su Rui retracted his gaze and smiled calmly.

He knew Xiaolong well enough about this gift to the country. As long as there were no major accidents, Xiaolong’s next evolution would most likely be successful.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Su.”

The Prime Minister’s attitude seemed a little serious.

He even saluted Su Rui with his fists.

“No, no, no”

“Prime Minister, please stop being so polite to me.”

“As a Chinese, I, like the Prime Minister, have the most sincere feelings for this country.”

“I also hope that our country’s national destiny will flourish.”

Su Rui’s expression gradually became serious as he spoke,”The world situation that our country will face in the future can be said to be the most complicated in 5,000 years of history. I will do my best to improve China’s national destiny and help our country smoothly overcome the subsequent crises.”

Su Rui’s words made the Prime Minister feel relieved.

But at the same time, he also keenly captured the unusual great power crisis in Su Rui’s words.

“Mr. Su said that our country will face a huge crisis in the future? Is this a prophecy?”

The Prime Minister asked tentatively.

“The Prime Minister can take this as a prophecy.”

Su Rui regained his composure and said calmly,”If Xiaolong fails to evolve, China’s national destiny will not be able to improve further. In the future world situation, China will face enormous pressure, and the risk of being surrounded by enemies must be prevented.”

“If Xiaolong succeeds in evolving, China’s national destiny will reach a new level. With a stronger national destiny, perhaps many problems will be easier or even solved.”

Su Rui’s meaningful words made the Prime Minister beside him fall into deep thought.

In this current situation, China’s international status is booming, especially after Su Rui gave Xiaolong as a national gift, China has been doing well in the international arena in the past two years.

The only pressure is the pressure of Obama’s return to Asia.

But at the national level, the problem is not too big.

The entire top leadership is full of confidence in the country’s future, and is very optimistic about the international environment.

However, from what Su Rui said, they seem to be too optimistic.

It is obvious in his prediction that the future world pattern will undergo drastic changes, and these changes are obviously not good for China, and may even bring huge pressure to the country.

If someone else said this, he would definitely not believe it.

Even if the think tank came to this conclusion, he would be cautious and skeptical.

But these words came out of Su Rui’s mouth, so he had to remember this matter carefully and report it to the big leader later.

“Thank you Mr. Su for your reminder.”

“In the future, we will be more cautious about the international situation.”

“As for improving the country’s fortune to break the impasse, I’ll trouble Mr. Su to take care of it.”

The Prime Minister said solemnly.

Su Rui nodded, without saying anything polite.

He comforted him,”Don’t worry too much, Xiaolong’s evolution is basically fine, I think it’s in good condition.”

“With Mr. Su here, I believe our country’s fortune will flourish.”

The Prime Minister also smiled with relief.

“”Juzi, Taotao, aren’t you going to go fishing with Grandpa Li? Let’s go fishing together.”

Su Rui said


“Let’s go fishing~~”

“Don’t fight over it, we’ll give you all ours~”

“”No fighting, oh!”

The two little guys excitedly poured all the fish food in their hands into the water, causing the fish below to fight for it even more happily.

“Bye, Xiaoyu~~”

The two little guys waved to Xiaoyu, and their cute gestures made the entourage laugh.���The usually solemn state guesthouse, because of the arrival of the two little guys, has a little more relaxed feeling than usual.

The staff prepared two sets of children’s fishing gear for Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.

The four of them sat by the water and fished together.

The area of Diaoyutai is as high as 400,000 square meters, and the fish species are very rich. In addition to some artificially raised ornamental fish, there are also many indigenous fish.

Foreign guests come here to enjoy the scenery and eat.

There are only a few people in the world who can really fish leisurely here in the wind and sun.

“Grandpa Li, we are really good at fishing~~”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao were quite confident in their fishing skills based on their last fishing experience.

As soon as they got the small colorful fishing rod, they threw it into the water.

“More powerful than your father?” the Prime Minister joked.

“Yes, being better than dad is super super super super, right, dad?”

Xiao Taotao asked with a smile

“Yes, yes, you are the best.”

Su Rui smiled and praised.

The two little guys laughed happily after getting the affirmation, and they were more confident in themselves.

It should be said.

These two little guys may have really inherited Su Rui’s innate fishing body. As soon as they hooked the hook, fish swam over to eat.

“Grandpa Li, look, look, the little fish is eating my food~~Look, look~~”

As soon as Little Orange saw a fish taking the bait, he shouted happily. He turned the pulley with his little hands and retrieved the fish in a very professional manner.

Although it was only a small green fish two fingers wide, the little guy was happier to see the little fish he caught than to pick up money.

He showed off the little fish in front of Grandpa Li

“Grandpa Li looked at you and said we are very good~~ I am the first~~ I am better than all of you~~”

Little Orange was very proud

“I caught it too~~Juzi, come and help me~~”

As he was talking, Xiao Taotao also took the bait, and this fish was obviously bigger and had a strong pulling force.

Xiao Ju immediately hugged Taotao and pulled together.

A palm-sized fish was pulled ashore.

It was alive and kicking.

“Grandpa Li, Dad, look~~Is the fish I caught big~~Isn’t it amazing~~”

Xiao Taotao also proudly showed off her fish.

The Prime Minister was stunned.

He thought the two little girls were just joking about their fishing skills. As for what they said about their fishing skills, he didn’t take it seriously at all.

How good can two two-year-old girls be at fishing?

But as soon as the fishing competition started, the two little girls beat the two adults.

It’s too exaggerated that a fish is caught with just a throw!?

The Prime Minister looked at Su Rui.

The meaning was very clear-your daughter is really good at fishing!


Su Rui smiled.

He himself couldn’t explain whether this was a special treatment during the novice protection period, or whether he really inherited his fishing body.

“Today is an eye-opener”

“”You two are great. Grandpa Li should work harder too.”

The Prime Minister praised him and pretended to fish seriously.

Although he was surprised, it was impossible for him to argue with the two kids. He was just fishing with Su Rui and chatting.

The two kids really treated it as a competition.

“We won’t lose~~”

Sitting together on their little chairs, they were smiling as they fished, and they were still muttering in a baby voice,”Little fish, little fish, come quickly~”

The scene was very leisurely and relaxed.

Just as the four people were fishing easily, the golden waves in the distance suddenly changed.

The ripples that were originally as rhythmic as breathing suddenly churned.

Then a long golden shadow rushed towards them quickly under the water.

“There’s something going on in the water”

“”Immediately take people away from the shore.”

The security team on the lake immediately noticed the change in the water surface and notified the security personnel on the shore.

However, their own boat was overturned by a sudden wave.

In the area covered by the golden light, the security personnel who fell into the water were like falling into cotton. They were usually very good at swimming and had no ability to paddle at this time. They sank quickly and were unable to save themselves.

“Xiaolong sensed my arrival”

“Prime Minister, Orange, Taotao, please step back a bit.”

Su Rui ignored the security guards’ advice and walked to the water’s edge. He squatted down and gently patted the water with his right hand.

Rhythmic ripples rose in the water. Not only that, the ripples gradually turned into circles of golden ripples as they spread outward. The turbulent water surface gradually calmed down.

The golden long shadow that was close to Su Rui underwater seemed to understand the sound of the golden ripples on the water surface. He went back and rolled up the three security guards who had fallen into the water.


A stream of water sprayed the three people to the shore.

The long golden shadow quickly approached Su Rui and spun happily beside him, occasionally with a golden dorsal fin emerging from the water.

“”Long time no see.”

Su Rui muttered to himself on the water surface with a gentle smile on his face.

At the same time, he gently patted the water surface, using the ripples to convey his voice to the little dragon under the water.

“I know you may not be feeling well right now, but that’s normal.”

“Because you are about to usher in a new evolution, and this evolution is crucial to you”

“After completing this evolution, your range of activities will no longer be limited to water.”

“You will also usher in a new stage of your own”

“You have to eat and drink well here.”

“I will come to help you complete the evolution then.”

After saying that, he stretched his hand into the water.

The long golden shadow swam close to his hand, letting his hand gently stroke its body from head to toe.

After a long-lost touch, all the anxiety was soothed.

A joyful dragon cry came from underwater.

The surface of Diaoyutai’s 400,000 square meters of water shook together, and tens of thousands of fish jumped out of the water and fell back into the water.

“”Okay, okay, stop being naughty.”

Su Rui smiled and gently patted the water surface.

The long golden shadow under the water swam a few circles in front of him, and then swam back to the deepest bottom of the water in the distance.

The water surface returned to calm.

The golden waves in the distance turned into rhythmic ripples again.……

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