Chapter 0096 is off the shelves! Apology! The revenge of capital is coming!!

Aipai Studio.

The studio owner, all the leading actors and creators of”The Daughter of a Wealthy Family, One Father and Two Mothers” are sitting in the conference room with pale faces.

“Can anyone tell me how to deal with this situation?”

“They are all scolding us. There are already hundreds of thousands of reports in the background.”

“The platform operator has just contacted me and told us to handle the netizens’ emotions with discretion.”

The boss of Aipai Studio knocked on the table to remind everyone to use their brains.

In fact, they had seen everything the boss said. After all, they were the main actors and creators of the works, and they paid attention to the comments under these works every day.

《When the live broadcast of”Where Are We Going, Dad?” was still going on, the people who cursed them every day could still be tolerated, but as soon as the live broadcast ended, the curses came like a torrent. It was not just the work”Rich Family’s Daughter, One Dad and Two Moms” that was affected.

Even their Ai Pai Studio and other works were affected by this wave, and there were curses everywhere. The more civilized ones, that is, those with a stronger content of cursing.

The group of people from Zu’an directly cursed all their ancestors, from the gathering to the people.

Cursing would be fine, but the action of these people reporting it was what really broke people’s defenses.

“Boss, why don’t we just delete the work?”

“The netizens’ emotions are no longer just directed at the work”Rich Family’s Daughter, One Father and Two Mothers”, but have begun to spread to our other works, and even to our main creative team and our leading actors.”

“If we continue like this, I’m worried that our entire team will be implicated.”

“Or maybe we should just give up on this work.”

“Although the traffic was high at the beginning and we did make a lot of money, now netizens are just scolding us and not paying us. Instead of asking for scolding here, it is better to remove the work.”

The director of this short play was the first to speak out.

The actors who have been scolded the most also stood up to speak out.

“Yes, boss, this drama has no way to make money now except being criticized every day”

“The attitude of netizens towards Su Rui’s family is completely different from what we imagined. I didn’t see many people scolding Yang Mi and Reba, and even less scolding Su Rui and his two daughters. They were all scolding our”

“No one watched it, but it was not removed. It was left here and was criticized every day. In the end, it affected all other dramas. Even our company was criticized.”

“If you still want to continue doing this, I think we’d better remove this work from the shelves, and it would be best if you could apologize.”

“Apologize? ? ?”

The boss was obviously stunned.

He had already prepared himself to remove the work from the shelves. In the current online public opinion environment, it was meaningless to continue to update the work. Directly removing it from the shelves would have the least impact.

But he had never thought about apologizing.

“Shouldn’t we apologize?”

“The internet is full of people cursing us, and most of them are asking us to apologize to Su Rui’s family, especially to Su Rui’s two daughters.”

“Also, boss, don’t you find it strange?”

The slightly older director, without waiting for the boss to answer, took the initiative to say:”Su Rui is obviously a very capable person, and a person with a very strong background, but the way he handles the speculation and slander about his family on the Internet is completely different from what we usually see.”

“Generally, what rich people do is to take the trending searches down and reduce the popularity. In the end, big things become small things and small things become nothing.”

“However, Su Rui did the opposite. Not only did he not take the trending searches down, nor did he ask the platform to remove the most influential work as soon as possible, but he took his two daughters to participate in the program, making the entire network a hot search.”

“Combined with the fact that there are now 50 to 60 million netizens who have spontaneously scoured all major online platforms, it is hard not to suspect that Su Rui himself wants to use the power of netizens to eliminate the negative comments about his family on the Internet.”

“This is definitely a very smart man.”

“After this operation, not only did his family gain tens of millions of fans, but netizens also took the initiative to help him eliminate all unfavorable comments, and even the relationship between his family members became normal.”

“How many people have such courage and determination?”

“Boss, don’t you think we need to apologize to such a powerful and thoughtful man after offending him?”

“Don’t forget that this matter was caused by us to some extent.”

The director’s reminder made the boss of the Aipai Studio feel cold.

He really thought it was simple. He thought that as long as he removed the work from the shelves, it would be fine. But the director reminded him that this matter is indeed not as simple as just removing the work from the shelves.

Facing a big boss who can kill you like killing an ant, after offending him, it is best to apologize honestly, and don’t wait for the other party to come to the door.

By then, everything may be too late.

Wiping the sweat

“Hurry up, hurry up, take our works off the shelves first”

“Prepare an apology statement and post one under each of our platform accounts.”

“Then you, the director team, and all the actors will all shoot an apology statement together and send it to the accounts of various platforms.”

The boss, who realized the problem, panicked.

He immediately asked the director to start preparing, and the main creative team, the director team, and a group of actors all stood in front of the camera to record an apology video.

After recording, it was sent to the accounts of major platforms as soon as possible.

“I am Zhao Shande, the head of the Aipai Studio”

���After watching the live show of”Where Are We Going, Dad?”, I, the entire creative team and actors in the studio realized that the portrayal of Su Rui and his family in”Rich Family’s Daughter, One Father and Two Mothers” was seriously inconsistent with their actual image, which had a series of very bad effects on them.”

“My creative team and I would like to express our sincere apologies to Su Rui and his family again, and we have removed all the content related to this from the platform.”

“I hope to get the forgiveness of Su Rui and his family.”

“In addition, our studio has decided to donate all the proceeds from the short play”Rich Family’s Daughter, One Father and Two Mothers” to the Hope Project to express our apologies.”

This drama by Aipai Studio has the greatest impact on the Internet.

Their apology statement was forwarded in large numbers at the first opportunity.

The netizens’ condemnation of them began to subside, especially when they decided to donate all the income from the short drama to the Hope Project. This move really calmed the anger of netizens.

But is this the only one that made unfavorable comments about Su Rui’s family on the Internet?

No, no, no.

In order to take advantage of the traffic of Su Rui’s family, a large number of self-media creators on the Internet have created a large number of videos, pictures, texts, and novels that edited their family.

The maintenance army spontaneously formed by more than 50 million netizens has just started, so how could it end easily?

So the first large-scale bloodbath in history appeared on the Chinese Internet.

All those who maliciously edited Su Rui’s family, whether it was editing Su Rui or Xiaojuzi, or editing Yang Mi and Reba, were all cleansed on a large scale by netizens.

No self-media creator can withstand this terrifying impact.

They deleted and removed the works that edited Su Rui’s family.

The creation of works with a relatively large impact The netizens came out to apologize.

In just one day, the works and content that compiled Su Rui’s family could no longer be seen on the Internet. Whether it was pictures or comics, they all disappeared, and a large number of videos and novels all showed 404.

The most terrifying scene was that not to mention those self-media who had said bad things about Su Rui’s family, even the bosses of major platforms were shocked after experiencing this day.

They were not surprised by the horror of netizens bloodbathing the entire network.

But Su Rui’s means of solving the problem with the help of the entire network.

When all the negative news and negative messages about Su Rui’s family on the Internet disappeared on their own, the bosses of these platforms realized how powerful Su Rui’s move was.

If you take the initiative to clear the unfavorable remarks on the Internet, any exposure in the future may still have an adverse effect. It may even expose all the accumulated content at once, causing a more negative impact.

But Su Rui’s move directly eliminated all the risks behind.

After the live broadcast of”Where Are We Going, Dad”, netizens not only did not mind the scandal between Su Rui and Yang Mi and Reba���They are even more inclined to see how they live with each other.


Netizens wish they would expose more of their own lives!

Even if a paparazzi takes a photo of their family of five and posts it online, it is estimated that most of the comments will be likes and positive comments.

Not only does Su Rui not have to worry about the public opinion of netizens.

Even Yang Mi and Reba no longer have to worry about these public opinions on the Internet.

The entire Internet has become a space for their family to express themselves freely.

This move is really amazing.

Ruijin Hospital.

Mr. Zhan sat on the sofa beside the bed, watching the negative news about Su Rui and his family on his mobile phone disappear one by one, and his face was as ugly as it could be.

He looked at his son who was sleeping on the bed, and then at his right hand that had disappeared, and the expression on his face became even uglier.

“Su Rui, don’t think you can cover the world with one hand!”

“I admit that you are very capable, but our work is not over yet!”

“I can ignore you for annexing Tianyu, but you actually cut off my son’s hand. If I don’t settle this account with you, I won’t be named Zhang!”

Mr. Zhang clenched his fists, and his cell phone was almost bent by him.

Since his son’s hand was chopped off, he has been accompanying him in the hospital every day.

Although the man is out of danger, the hand is gone. He is left without a hand and will be disabled for life.

These days, he read the news about Su Rui being scolded by netizens on the Internet, which can ease his anger a little.

Now even the voices scolding Su Rui on the Internet have completely disappeared, and all he sees are messages praising Su Rui’s family…

This makes his anger countless times stronger than before.

“Do you think you are great just because you can control public opinion?”

“I tell you that capital and power are the core of dominating this world, and you, in the world of capital, are just a small ant.”

Old Zhang gnashed his teeth and muttered to himself.

Little Zhang woke up on the bed.

His hand was chopped off.

He was not as arrogant as before.

His eyes were full of unwilling decadence.

“Dad…when will you avenge me?”

“I am a useless person now. If I don’t see Su Rui end up like me, I will never be willing in my life.”

Mr. Zhang raised his shortened right hand and tried to clench his fist, but there was no fist for him to clench.

“I’m going to chop off both his hands and feet!”

“Then I will chop off his head with my own hands!”

“I’m going to kill him!”

The decadent Mr. Zhang suddenly yelled angrily.

“Don’t get excited!”

“All you have to do now is to heal your wounds. You don’t have to worry about anything else.”

Mr. Zhang comforted his son with a distressed look.

“My injuries have healed now, I won’t die”

“Now I just want you to avenge me quickly!”

“I don’t want to see messages praising Su Rui for being handsome and envious of how rich he is every day when I open my phone. I want to see information about Su Rui having an accident!”

“This is the only thing that makes me happy!”

“Go report it to me���!”

Mr. Zhang screamed hysterically.

Mr. Zhang saw it. His face was full of heartache, and the anger in his eyes became more thorough.

If it weren’t for Su Rui, his son wouldn’t be like this.

It was all Su Rui’s fault.

He had to relax and avenge his son.

“Have a good rest!”

“I am your father. I cannot just stand by and watch you being indifferent. Anyone who hurts you like this will not have a good ending, no one is an exception!”

Mr. Zhang made sure that his son’s condition was stable. He went out and told the medical staff to take good care of him, and then he took a car to leave the hospital.

Hongsheng International.

This is a company under Mr. Zhang’s name.

In addition to doing some international import and export trade, it also does financial investment business.

Financial investment, that is, capital in the true sense.

That’s right.

Mr. Zhang is one of the bigwigs in the domestic capital circle.

If it weren’t for his father backing him up, Mr. Zhang wouldn’t have been so unscrupulous and ignorant.

And now Mr. Zhang, the old man, has decided to meet Su Rui in person.

But Mr. Zhang is much smarter than his son.

Although he is full of anger now, his rationality has not disappeared.

He knows very well that he is not facing an ordinary young man.

He tried to investigate Su Rui.

But the information that can be found is extremely limited, and it is basically the information that Su Rui himself has made public on the Internet during this period.

In addition, Knowing nothing about his identity and background.

This in itself means that Su Rui is also a young man with a very strong background.

Therefore, if he relies on his own capital to deal with Su Rui, it is definitely not enough. Not only is it not enough, it also means huge risks for him. Although his son was abolished, this is enough for him to take revenge at all costs and at any risk, but the instinct of capital is to seek profit and avoid harm. If other capital can be used together to increase one’s chances of winning, isn’t it a strategy and means?

The top floor of Hongsheng International.

Mr. Zhang contacted ten leading capital companies in China through video.

Sequoia Capital. Shenzhen

Capital. Wuyuan Capital. Matrix Partners. Qiming Venture Partners. Zhen Fund. Morningside Capital.

Gaorong Capital. Today ‘s Capital. Kunlun Capital. In addition to Mr. Zhang’s own Hongsheng International, a total of eleven leading venture capital companies are all online. The CEOs of the other ten companies all know the situation of Mr. Zhang’s family. When they met, they first asked about each other’s well-being.

“Xiao Zhang’s condition should be stable now, right?”

“You said that this matter was caused by Su Rui being too arrogant. He chopped off Xiao Zhang’s hand without any reason. This is too arrogant.”

“Who said it wasn’t true? Don’t be too sad, Lao Zhang. After all, it has already happened. You should think about how to deal with Su Rui in the future. At least avenge your son.”

“What I meant was, if my son was hacked like this, I would definitely kill his entire family. How dare you brag about it on the Internet? It’s simply outrageous!”


As domestic capital giants, they are all familiar with each other.

Mr. Zhang did not exchange pleasantries with them.

He said,”I contacted you today to discuss with you how to deal with Su Rui.”

“Now it is my son’s hand that has been chopped off, but you have also seen how arrogant Su Rui is. No one can guarantee that the same thing will not happen to you next time.……”

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