Chapter 0098: Excited all day because of two birds!!

“Dad, don’t you think blueberries and grapes are cute?”

“It’s very cute. Come here, let daddy wipe your hands for you.”

“Dad, do you think they are smart?”

“Very smart”

“So dad, do you think Blueberry and Grape are very familiar with us now?”

“They are already quite ripe, but it is a bit early to let them go now.”

“Okay, Dad is so awesome, how do you know what we are going to say?”

“How could I not guess your little tricks?”

“Hehe, when can we let them fly? I think Blueberry and Grape like us very much, so they won’t fly away even if we let them go.”

“Daddy, can we go and release Blueberry and Grape?”

“Yes, Dad, let’s go~~”

The two little girls wiped their hands and hugged Su Rui.

They seemed to know that they were cute, and they raised their heads and blinked their eyes to act cute.

Su Rui pinched their noses.

“If Blueberry and Grape fly away, you will have no talking friends to play with you.”

“Little Blueberry and Little Grape have just become familiar with you. Wouldn’t you think it’s a pity if they fly away?”

Su Rui said as he sat down.

He completely underestimated the IQ of the two little guys.

These two little guys are very smart.

Little Orange immediately said,”Dad, we can close all the doors and windows at home, so that Little Blueberry and Little Grape can fly around freely at home.”

Little Peach also said excitedly,”Yes, yes, this way they can fly around at home, and we don’t have to worry about them flying away.”

“Let’s let them go when they have become our best friends and won’t leave us. Is that okay, Dad?”

“Dad, dad, please~”

“Little Blueberry and Little Grape have been locked up all the time, it’s really pitiful”

“Didn’t daddy say that we can’t lock up our friends? Daddy, please, let’s go and let Little Blueberry and Little Grape go.”

The two little ones pulled their daddy and kept acting coquettishly.

Their cute big eyes can melt anyone’s heart.

Su Rui rubbed his temple helplessly.

This plan is not impossible.

After thinking for a while, he said,”How about this, Daddy can let them go, but it’s very late now. Even if I let them go, you two can’t play with Little Blueberry and Little Grape anymore.””

“If you agree, I will let you release Blueberry and Grape.”


“Thank you, Dad~”

“We are going to release Blueberry and Grape now~”

“Dad, dad, please open the door for us~~”

The two little ones kissed Su Rui on the face happily, and then hurriedly climbed down from the bed. The two little ones couldn’t reach the door handle even on tiptoe.

Su Rui smiled, how could these two girls be so cute.

Open the door.

Go with them.

Signal the aunt at home to close all the doors and windows upstairs and downstairs.

The two parrots inside flew away.

Then Su Rui stood behind them.

He didn’t plan to help them.

Since they were going to establish a breeding relationship with the two parrots, he naturally let them do this thing that would help the parrots.

These two parrots are so smart, maybe they can remember who helped them.

“Little blueberry, little grape, come down quickly! ~~”

“We will help you remove the chains on your feet~”

“”Hurry up, hurry up~~”

The two little ones stood under the tree and waved.

Little Blueberry and Little Grape had played with them for an afternoon and were already familiar with them.

As soon as the two little guys waved, they immediately flew down from the tree.

The chains on their feet just allowed them to land on the ground.

“You will be free soon.”

“Hehe~ From now on you can fly around freely at home.”

“But when Taotao and I call you, you have to fly over to play with us. You can’t ignore us, we know.”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao squatted on the ground and talked to them in their childish words while using their little hands to untie the anklets on the two parrots’ feet.


“You are free~~”

“You can fly around~~”

“”Hurry, hurry, fly, fly~~”

The two little ones were obviously looking forward to seeing Little Blueberry and Little Grape flying. After untying them, they shouted excitedly.

But Little Blueberry and Little Grape had been locked in the cage for too long. Even after untying the anklets, they were still a little confused.

They shook their heads and looked at them.

“You can fly now,”

Little Orange simply picked up one and threw it gently into the air.

The parrot flapped its wings and flew up.

Without the restraint of the anklet, it flew a long distance in an instant.

Even the parrot itself was amazed, and then it fluttered freely in the air.

Obviously, the parrot was also very excited, and it made a”clack la” sound from its mouth.

It started to call”Orange Orange” again~~

It obviously knew that it was Little Orange who gave it freedom.

Let it fly freely

“”Little Grape, you should fly too.”

Little Peach also imitated Orange, picked up the remaining parrot, and gently threw it into the air.

Little Grape immediately flew up at home.

Flying around in the air happily. She shouted”Tao Tao Tao Tao~ Tao Tao~” happily.

The villa was very big. Although it was not as free as the sky, being able to use their wings to fly in a big villa was better than them being able to flutter twice on the treetops.

The two parrots flew in the air one by one, calling the names of Little Orange and Little Peach all the time.

Little Orange and Little Peach were very happy to hear it.

“Dad, they can fly now~”

“They are so happy~ Hehe, the little birds will only be happy if they fly to the sky~”

“Just like we are only happy when we are with our parents~~Hehe~”

The two little guys suddenly said.

Su Rui was stunned for a moment, and was instantly moved by the two little guys’ casual words.

He touched their little heads.

“Little Blueberry, Little Grape, we are going to bed~~”

“”You two can’t play all the time~~You also need to go to bed early to grow up~~~”

The two little ones shouted at the two parrots in the air and waved at them.

The two girls were very obedient.

Little Blueberry and Little Grape obviously understood what people said, and fell from the air onto the guardrail in front of them.



He tilted his head and looked at Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, stepping on the guardrail with his little paws.

He was obviously very happy.

“Dad said we should go to bed.”

“Can I come play with you guys tomorrow?”

“Good night~~”

“Good night~~”

The two little ones waved to them.

Little Blueberry and Little Grape couldn’t understand the meaning of good night, but they could do it if they repeated Little Orange and Little Peach’s words.

“Good night……”

Two parrots mimicking

“Dad, Dad, Blueberry and Grape also say goodnight to us~”

“Dad, did you hear that? They say good night.”

“Good night little blueberry~~”

“Good night, little grapes~~~~”

The two little ones were so excited.

If I hadn’t promised my dad to go to bed, I really wanted to continue playing with them.

“Good night~~”

“Good night~~”

“”Good night~~~”

The two parrots learned new words and flew in the air, one calling out.

The two little guys giggled and laughed.

Back in the house, the two little ones rolled over and over in the bed, very excited.

At this time, Yang Mi and Reba’s video came over.

“”Mom’s video”

Su Rui gave them the phone, guessing that they would probably show off their new friend to their mother, so he went to open the door for them.

Sure enough, the two little ones crawled under the bed as soon as they answered the video.


“Today we have two friends who can talk~~”

“We’ll take you to see it~~”

“Dad, we don’t want to play with Little Blueberry and Little Grape, we just want to introduce Little Blueberry and Little Grape to Mommy~~”

When the two little guys passed by Su Rui, they did not forget to explain to him

“Go ahead.”

Su Rui smiled helplessly.

These two parrots really made them excited.

“Mom, look~~”

Little Orange flexibly clicked to switch the camera, and then aimed the phone at the little blueberry and little grape hovering in the air.

“Mom, did you see them? They are the ones~”

“They are called Little Blueberry and Little Grape. They are gifts from Grandpa Li.”

“They are amazing, they can talk~~”

Little Orange is introducing their new friends to Yang Mireba.

Little Taotao is calling Little Blueberry and Little Grape

Little Blueberry, Little Grape, come here quickly ~…



The two parrots shook their heads on the guardrail.

This time the camera was closer.

Yang Mi and Reba could see the two big blue parrots clearly.

“What a beautiful parrot.”

“They can really talk… They seem very smart, and they can even call Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao’s names.

The two were very surprised.

After all, Xiaojuzi just said that it was a gift from Grandpa Li that they had just received today. It’s only been a day since they could call Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao’s names. These two parrots must be very smart.

“Yes, yes, they are so smart.”

“They also say good night.”

“Mom, we will teach them to say many, many words in the future.”

“They are our best friends.” said Little Orange.

“Didn’t you say that Xiaopingguo and Xiaoshanzhu are your best friends?”

Reba joked


“Little Apple and Little Mangosteen are also our best friends.”

“Little Blueberry and Little Grape are also our best friends,”

Little Peach said very seriously. Little Orange nodded in agreement.

In their world, the best does not refer to one person, as long as they like someone, they can be the best.

Just like dad and mom.

They like dad the most, and they also like mom the most.

They both like the best~

“Congratulations, you have two more best friends.”

Yang Mi said with a smile


“We are so good friends now~”

“”Mom, when will you come back? We haven’t seen you for a few days. I miss you so much.”

Xiao Taotao said, and the topic of the two people immediately turned to missing each other.

Just now, she was happily introducing their parrot friends to her mother, but in the blink of an eye, she pouted to show her unhappiness.

“Mom is really busy with her work on the set right now.”

“Besides, mom has to film various advertisements recently, so she really can’t go home to see you.”

“But Yang Mi’s mom and Reba’s mom promise you that they will video call you as soon as they have time, okay?”

“I will sing to you every night to put you to sleep~~”

Yang Mi comforted, feeling very disappointed.

Reba on the side was also helpless.

Looking at her husband and daughter on the other side of the video, she really wanted to go back and hug them, and then let her husband hug her~~

“Then mom, you must come back to see us early after you finish your work.”

“Taotao and I really miss you guys.”

Although Xiaojuzi pouted, she was very sensible and didn’t make a fuss when she spoke.

“After we come back, Juzi and I will introduce you to our new friends~~”

Xiao Taotao also said.

The two daughters were so sensible that Yang Mi and Reba on the other end of the video couldn’t help but feel a little sad and wanted to cry.

Su Rui saw their emotional fluctuations and picked them up.

“Let’s go back to sleep.”

“Let mom sing for you guys, okay?”


The two little ones laughed happily again

“We are really going to sleep this time, little blueberry~~Good night~~”

“Good night to you too, little grape. You should sleep well and stop flying around~~”

The two little ones lay on their father and waved goodbye to the two parrots.

“Good night~~”

“Good night~~”

The two parrots jumped and shouted

“They really say goodnight.”

“Your new friend is amazing!

Yang Mi and Reba adjusted their mood and smiled at their two strong and brave daughters.

Their daughters did not cry.

How could they shed tears in front of their daughters?

“Right, right, we didn’t lie.”

“Little Blueberry and Little Grape are really amazing. We will teach them to say more words in the future. Hehe~~”

The two little ones smiled and took the initiative to lie on the bed and pull up the quilt.

Yang Mi and Reba sang nursery rhymes for them.

The two little guys have been playing excitedly all day since they left Lingshui Village today.

They didn’t stop at all.

Now they closed their eyes and fell asleep. They yawned soon after listening to their mother’s singing and fell asleep before the song was finished.

“Today, the two little girls have been playing with their bird friends. I guess they will dream about them.”

Su Rui turned off the lights and kissed them gently on their little cheeks.

“These two parrots are so beautiful.”

“And he is so smart. He learned to call their names on the first day, and he could even understand the calls of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.”

“No wonder the two little guys are so excited.”

Reba said with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, Yang Mi said to Su Rui:”Husband, have you noticed the situation on the Internet?”

“All the short plays, novels, comics, and some spoof bloggers on the Internet have deleted their works, and many people have taken the initiative to apologize.”

“Did you do it?”

Su Rui didn’t pay attention to the news on the Internet.

He was not surprised to hear Yang Mi say that.

He shook his head and smiled:”It may be an action organized by netizens themselves.”

“After all, Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao are so cute, and they have so many fans. They definitely don’t want to see these two cute kids being spoofed by those videos, comics, and novels.”

Yang Mi and Reba were both slightly stunned.

Su Rui’s calm attitude made them feel that all this seemed to be within Su Rui’s expectations.

In other words, the moment Su Rui chose to go on the show, he had already calculated that this scene would happen today.

If this is true… then it can be understood why he not only did not take the initiative to delete the malicious content on the Internet, but instead took Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao to the show.

Today’s online public opinion is all in the favor of their family.

Even the two of them who were originally at the center of the storm, when they looked at their Weibo today, there were a lot of voices supporting them under their accounts.……

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