
Jiang Cheng also felt a little tired after shaking off the blood on the hatchet.

In one morning, he cleaned up the first, second and third lanes of Yanghe South Road, and put at least 500 crystals in his backpack.

It can be said that he does not need to worry about energy points in the next month.

However, in addition to Yanghe South Road, there are Yanghe North Road and Yanghe West Road, which are the main roads of Yanghe Community, with a population of at least more than 10,000. There is also the Yanghe School in Aviation Lane sandwiched in the middle, which has more than 5,000 teachers and students.

If all are infected, there will be at least 15,000 zombies in total.

There is still a long way to go.

Putting away the hatchet, Jiang Cheng went straight back to the base.

Open the transformation room and pour all the zombie crystals in the backpack.

The remaining energy points on Jiang Cheng's data panel immediately jumped.

'Remaining energy points: 602.58'

Looking at the three-digit energy points, Jiang Cheng felt like he had suddenly become rich. He immediately opened the base equipment panel.

"Energy points required for upgrading: Level 2 cultivation room (100 energy points), Level 2 storage space (50 energy points), Level 2 energy conversion room (100 energy points), Level 2 hibernation chamber (100 energy points), Level 2 base (1000 energy points)."

If the base is not upgraded, the energy points required to upgrade all equipment are 350 points.

It is within the acceptable range.

After thinking it over, Jiang Cheng said directly: "System, upgrade all upgradeable equipment except the base."

"Ding! It needs to consume 350 energy points. Do you want to upgrade?" the system asked again.

Jiang Cheng was also unambiguous: "Upgrade."

"Ding! Upgraded successfully!"

"Remaining energy points: 252.58"

"Second-level cultivation room: area of ​​5 mu, 5 energy points are consumed every day for automatic cultivation, the cultivated crops mature once every three months, and can be automatically harvested after maturity, 2 cubic spirit pools are consumed per mu of land, the crops planted can be eaten three times a day, each time to enhance 0.3 attribute points (strength, agility, spirit), and each use needs to be separated by three hours."

"It is worthy of being an upgraded second-level cultivation room, but the consumption has also increased greatly. I just don't know what effect this spiritual attribute point increase has."

Jiang Cheng said secretly, and looked at the next upgraded equipment information.

"Second-level storage space: total area of ​​5,000 cubic meters, in the storage space, time is still, the stored food comes with a small spirit attachment once, eating can automatically increase 0.1 (strength, agility), can be enhanced once a day, and automatically consume 0.5 energy points a day."

"I didn't expect it to have such an effect."

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh, and the heavy mood that was a little heavy because of the JK skirt before was dispelled a lot.

He continued to look down.

"The secondary energy conversion room, together with all the waste outlets in the house, automatically absorbs the external scattered energy and converts it into energy points, and the conversion rate is increased by 0.1 times."

0.1 times the conversion rate?

In other words, before, an ordinary zombie crystal could only convert 1 energy point, but now it can convert 1.1 energy points.

Continue to read.

"Second-level hibernation chamber, each entry consumes 0.5 energy points, resting for six hours can restore physical attributes and repair most injuries, and each hibernation increases 0.1 mental attributes."

After seeing the upgrade effects of all the equipment, Jiang Cheng was very satisfied.

Overall, the increased attribute points have been greatly increased, and the daily attribute increase has increased from 1.5 to 1.7, including 0.1 mental attributes. This is when the crops in the cultivation room are not mature. If they are mature, the attribute points added every day can be increased by another 0.9.

It's just a bit of a waste of energy points.

Originally, only 5.1 energy points were needed a day, but now it has increased to 14 energy points. With his current storage of 252.58 energy points, it can be consumed for up to 18 days.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched.

He always felt that he had made money, but it seemed that he had not made it completely.

It was like you thought you had turned from an employee to a boss, but you found that you made more money, but you also spent more. At first glance, you were still an employee.

However, the only equipment he needed to upgrade next was the base.

The second-level base, a full 1,000 energy points, I wonder what changes it will bring?

Jiang Cheng was looking forward to it.

Silver Avenue.

Walmart Life Supermarket.

Last night, it was still bustling with people, but this morning all the living survivors inside turned into zombies, but these zombies were a little abnormal, their eyes were red, and they would bite their own kind.

There were more than 300 zombies in a supermarket the size of a football field.

The huge movement also attracted zombies from outside to continue to pour in, and the number of zombies continued to increase.

The whole scene was bloody, violent and disgusting, which made people think of a word - raising Gu.

After an unknown amount of time, all the zombies fell down, their heads were torn open, the zombie crystals inside disappeared, and only two half-human-high bloody flesh balls were left standing in the middle of the supermarket.

At first glance, they looked like two huge insect eggs, and from time to time, there was a wriggling in the eggs, as if some incredible monster was gestating.

Since the appearance of the eggs, the zombies outside the mall no longer poured in, and even left automatically after approaching the mall, as if there was something inside that frightened them. In less than a moment, a vacuum zone appeared around the mall, and the zombies in this area seemed to have disappeared.

Corner of the mall.

A man's head stuck out. He looked around, and after making sure it was safe, he immediately signaled to his companions not far away: "Come here quickly, there are no zombies here."

After receiving the signal from her companion, a girl immediately trotted over.

After arriving at the man's location, the female voice was still a little worried and lowered her voice: "Chengcheng, let's go back, right? There is still some food left at home, enough for us to last until the search and rescue team comes."

Just finished speaking.


The girl's fair and tender face immediately swelled up. She covered her face and looked at her boyfriend in disbelief: "You hit me?"

The man said with disgust on his face: "You are the one I'm going to beat. Let me tell you Zhou Lijuan, I've been putting up with it for a long time!"

Under the angry gaze of the girl, the man slapped her again.

Looking at the two slap marks on the woman's face, the man relieved himself.

"Liang Cheng, you are a fucking beast!" Zhou Lijuan was beaten continuously and immediately ignored the scolding: "Liang Cheng, why did you beat me! I have been with you for three years. In these three years, you have eaten from my house and lived in the house. In my family, my parents don’t think you are poor and are even planning to reduce the bride price from 300,000 to 200,000.

Is this how you fucking repay me? "

"Haha? It's okay if you don't talk about it, but I'll get very angry when you talk about it!" Liang Cheng was also annoyed, and cursed: "Damn it, you said you didn't want to separate from your parents, and you are stalking me, I I just agreed to live in your house.”

"I only have 4,000 in total every month, and I will give your parents 3,000 for living expenses when I get it. You don't work at home, and you have to buy this and that every month. It's not all my money. What do you mean, I eat from your house?" Drink from your house?”

"And your fucking betrothal gift! Your father is a mall security guard and only earns 3,000 per month. Your mother plays mahjong outside all day long. We don't even have a house at home. The whole family is crowded into a 50-square-meter rental house. With your conditions, you still have the nerve to ask me for a gift of 300,000 yuan, you think you are Jinbi!"

Zhou Lijuan lost some confidence after hearing this, but she still insisted: "As a man, shouldn't you be able to support your own wife? What's more, after the apocalypse broke out, our family didn't kick you out."

"Haha, yes! Support your wife! Don't think that I don't know that you went out to have sex with others when you broke up with me a few years ago, but you were almost arrested by the police thinking that you were a prostitute. Don't you think that I don't know about this?

And those two old bastards of yours eat and sleep at home every day. It would be life-threatening to let them go out to look for food. That is to say, I have risked my life these days to look for food. If it weren’t for me, your whole family would We’ve finished playing long ago! "As soon as Liang Cheng said these words, Zhou Lijuan completely stopped talking.

Seeing that the other party had given in, Liang Cheng didn't bother to waste any more words and said directly: "Pretend to be silent and come with me quickly. If you don't find something to eat, you're going to feed the fucking zombies."

"Oh." Zhou Lijuan murmured softly, and followed Liang Cheng. The two of them carefully entered through the side door of the mall. After discovering that there was no zombie inside, Liang Cheng was filled with joy and walked down the passage to the supermarket on the second floor.

However, as soon as the two stepped into the supermarket, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw that the supermarket floor was covered with zombie corpses. At a glance, it was almost all covered with zombie corpses.

"What exactly happened here?" Zhou Lijuan swallowed hard.

Liang Cheng said impatiently: "Why are there so many horses? Why don't we move them quickly while there are no zombies coming and there are plenty of supplies!"

"That's right." Zhou Lijuan nodded.

"Remember, only take food, don't pick up useless things!"

The two of them each pushed a shopping cart and began to quickly scan the goods.

But what they didn't notice was that in the middle of the shelves in the daily necessities section, two giant blood-red eggs suddenly broke through a crack.

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