Jiang Cheng dodged, raised his knife and went downstairs.

Three floors in less than two seconds.

The screams came from the medical room on the first floor. Jiang Cheng hurriedly entered. When he saw Liu Xinru holding a medical cabinet and screaming, his face suddenly darkened.


Jiang Qingqing coughed twice as a reminder.

Liu Xinru reacted, her pretty face flushed and she said calmly: "I'm sorry. I suddenly saw these when I came down to make breakfast. As a surgeon, this is the first time I have seen such complete surgical equipment. I am really excited. This is not Dream on!"

"Yeah, I understand." Jiang Cheng nodded wordlessly.

The medical room was originally intended to be used by Liu Xinru. Apart from Liu Xinru, there was no other doctor here.

Then when the medical room appeared, Liu Xinru didn't ask, and Jiang Cheng didn't bother to answer.

"Then... well, I have a request. Can you give me this medical room?" Liu Xinru stuttered, her eyes pitiful.

Jiang Cheng nodded in amusement and said, "I agree."

"A good man has a safe life." Liu Xinru bowed fiercely towards Jiang Cheng and hugged the medical cabinet again.

She originally wanted to ask about the origin of this medical room, but she gave up the idea. From the moment she was rescued by Jiang Cheng and entered this base, it was a mystery inside. In this case, why did she need to ask so many questions?

Sometimes it's happier to be simpler.

"It's obvious that she really loves it."

After complaining in a low voice, Jiang Cheng walked out of the medical room and, under the guidance of Shuguang Base System, visited the upgraded basic equipment of the base.

First, the waterproof and insulated cement wall with a thickness of one meter was attached to the outer layer with a metal plate of unknown material about ten centimeters, and two micro submachine guns were added to the outer wall of the base gate.

Secondly, the inner wall of the base is covered with a layer of optical imaging paint. When people inside the base look at the wall, the paint will automatically adjust the intensity of the light to protect the vision of the base personnel.

Apart from these two, the previous three bedrooms have become six now, and finally there is the backyard.

Originally, the private house left to him by his parents had its own backyard, but due to the erosion of the flood, the backyard was reduced to rubble.

Nowadays, the backyard has been integrated into the base. The material of the walls of the backyard is the same as that of the walls of the base. The ceiling is made of a layer of optical glass, which can automatically adjust the light and shade, and the picture. On the exterior wall of the backyard, there are also two small Submachine gun.

The most important thing is that the backyard is a hundred square meters with a wide view. It is equipped with a small fountain and a pavilion, and there is a ginkgo tree on the side. Taking a nap in the backyard during the occasional afternoon leisure time is a very wonderful experience.

After visiting the facilities, Jiang Cheng called Lin Rou and headed directly towards Yanghe School.

He couldn't wait to get more energy points.

Early morning of July 3, 2022.

Sandbridge Community.

Wood lay in bed in pain and whined continuously for three days, and his voice was completely hoarse.

The wounds on the buttocks and knees became infected and suppurated because they had not been cleaned for a long time, and the areas around the wounds were swollen like steamed buns covered upside down.

Apart from these two positions, the one that embarrassed him the most was Little Wood.

It was definitely useless. That shot directly knocked off two-thirds of his joint, and the remaining bit was regarded as protecting his last dignity as a man. Of course, the premise is that if suppuration occurs, surgery can be done in time.

"Hey, is there anyone here? If you hear this, come over here. Are you bastards deaf?"

"Huang Xue, where the hell did you go?"

"Jute, aren't you interested in my family status? If I die in your house, my father will definitely not let you go!"

Wood's voice was weak, and he really didn't have the strength to scream.

For the past three days, no one paid attention to him, and he couldn't move, so all his feces and urine were disposed of on the bed.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, he howled again: "Don't you want Huang Xue to come into my house? I agreed!"

"Come here quickly, I'm almost suffocated."

Just when he was about to continue shouting, a cold voice came.


Hearing the sound, Wood raised his head with difficulty and found a one-armed woman standing at the head of the bed.

He looked happy and said quickly: "Baby, do you finally pay attention to me?"

"You said, you just asked me to enter your Wu family?" Huang Xue said lightly.

Wood listened, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Yes, as long as you save me, I will let you enter my Wu family."

"Ha!" Huang Xue sneered, looked at Wood and said sarcastically: "Are you just entering your house?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want? There are many wealthy families in Chudu who want to join my Wu family, but they can't. Now that the opportunity is in front of you, it depends on whether you cherish it or not." Wood threatened, this was already his bottom line. .

"Really?" Huang Xue looked at the clown-like Wood in front of her. She couldn't help but laugh at herself. The man she, Huang Xue, had fawned over before turned out to be such a jerk. She simply turned around and prepared to walk out of the house.

Seeing Huang Xue was about to leave, Wood panicked instantly.

"Don't leave. What conditions do you have that we can sit down and talk about? As long as it's reasonable, I can agree."

"You'd better think it through before coming to me!"

Without saying a word, Huang Xue left directly.

She wants to enter the Wu family, but not just in, she wants everything in the Wu family!

"Bitch, bitch, you fucking tricked me!"

"Wait, when my father comes, I will kill your Huang Xue family!" Wood was so angry that he fainted after shouting a few words.

Outside the door.

Seeing Huang Xue coming out, Huang's father hurriedly went up to him and said, "How did the talk go?"

"Wait, he will agree." Huang Xue said, without even looking at Huang's father, he went straight into the room and closed the door, leaving Huang's father embarrassed.


Linxian City Expressway Toll Station.

Three military jeeps and an armored vehicle rushed down the expressway exit.

Inside the car, a pager sounded.

"Armored No. 1, this is military vehicle No. 1, we have reached the target city."

"I am military vehicle No. 2, we have arrived at the target city."

"I am military vehicle No. 3, we have arrived at the target city."

"Armored No. 1 received! All teams listen to my instructions and immediately find temporary buildings as fortifications."

"Yes! Armored No. 1."

After the four military vehicles got off the expressway, they headed straight to the city. When passing a vocational school, the armored vehicle issued another order.

"This is Armored No. 1. We have found the target building. Let's start cleaning it now!"

After saying that, the armored vehicle ran directly towards the zombies wandering at the gate of the vocational school. The other three military jeeps stopped where they were, and then 15 soldiers rushed down from them and fired submachine guns.

At the same time.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the school gate, then at Lin Rou, and the other party immediately understood.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you in the security department."

"Protect yourself."

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