"Damn Reaper, I will fight you!"

Seeing that his teammates were all dead and wounded, Wang Qiang held a grenade and rushed forward to die with him. Fortunately, the remaining two comrades caught him in time. One of them snatched the grenade from Wang Qiang's hand and said: "Captain, don't do it." If it goes on, we have to explain it here."

"Let me go, I want to avenge my comrades!" Wang Qiang had already lost his mind.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

Fifteen comrades came out, and now only three were left, so why did he have the shame to go back.

Seeing that Wang Qiang refused to listen to the dissuasion, Guo Peng and Zhou Yang looked at each other. They took Wang Qiang's arms from the left and right, opened the car door and stuffed them inside.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm the captain!"

"Let me go quickly!" Wang Qiang struggled wildly.

Guo Peng and Zhou Yang didn't say a word and continued to put Wang Qiang into the car.

When Wang Qiang entered, Guo Peng pulled Zhou Yang hard and said, "Old Zhou, I'll leave the captaincy to you. I'll attract the reaper's attention!"

"No, Guo Peng, you stay here to protect the captain. I'll attract this guy's attention." Zhou Yang flatly refused.

The two of them were going back and forth, and the reaper took the opportunity to get closer.

Seeing that the Reaper was about to pounce, Guo Peng simply pushed Zhou Yang, then held a gun in one hand and a grenade in the other and rushed out.

"What a fool, show me this way!" Guo Peng pulled the trigger and immediately threw the grenade in his hand.

The reaper couldn't dodge.


There was a loud bang.

The rising fireball exuded scorching waves of air, causing it to take a few steps back.

Take advantage of the gap.

Guo Peng shouted behind him: "Captain, Lao Zhou, leave quickly!"

"Zhou Yang, I order you to put me down quickly!"

Wang Qiang saw that Guo Peng was fighting alone and was unwilling to agree. He struggled and shouted. Zhou Yang beside him had tears in his eyes. He knew that if he did not retreat, he would betray Guo Peng's good intentions. He pulled Wang Qiang and said: "Captain, Let’s listen to Lao Guo, we can’t let his sacrifice be in vain.”

"Fuck me!"

Wang Qiang looked at Zhou Yang's begging eyes, punched the chair hard, and said regretfully: "Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the military vehicle started and retreated suddenly.

When Guo Peng heard the sound of the vehicle starting, a trace of comfort flashed across his face. He looked at the reaper again, his eyes full of determination, and he raised his gun and shouted: "Come on, bastard, let your grandpa Guo teach you how to be a good man today!"


The reaper roared, jumped up, and swung the sickles on both arms towards Guo Peng.

Guo Peng was not afraid and took out the last three remaining grenades. When the reaper approached him, he pulled out the bolts of them all and murmured: "Dad, Mom, my son is here with you!"

By the time he finished speaking, the reaper had already arrived.

at the same time.

Jiang Cheng looked at the warrior's movements and felt something in his heart.

I visually measured the distance, about fifty meters.

There's still time.

He held the Tang Dao in his hand, and in a flash, he appeared in front of the soldier in less than a second, and then said loudly: "Throw away the grenade quickly and leave it to me!"

"Who are you?" Guo Peng was stunned.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to explain, so he simply waved the handle of the knife and knocked away the three grenades in Guo Peng's hand.

Then he grabbed Guo Peng by the collar and jumped to the side.


Three grenades exploded into huge fireballs.

Countless steel balls spattered in all directions. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng appeared a hundred meters away with Guo Peng in his arms and managed to escape the attack.

"You stay here and leave the mutant to me."

Jiang Cheng said nothing and dodged a hundred meters again.

Guo Peng was left alone in a daze.

Did he meet an expert hermit?

Soon he felt sad again. If the master had appeared earlier, then the other brothers...

After sniffing, Guo Peng looked at the battlefield and reminded loudly: "Expert, this guy's skin is so tough that even bullets can't penetrate it. Be careful!"

on the square.

Jiang Cheng's lips curled up as he listened to Guo Peng's reminder from behind.

He is worthy of being a soldier of the people. Even at this time, he is still thinking about others, which makes him feel that it is worthwhile to step forward to rescue him.

Putting his thoughts away, Jiang Cheng looked at the big guy in front of him with burning eyes.

"Today, let me test your strength."

Holding the handle of the knife in his hand, Jiang Cheng bent his legs slightly.

The Reaper stared hard at the human in front of him and became extra cautious in its actions because it felt threatened by this human.


With a roar, the reaper was not a human being after all, and his animal nature was greater than his reason. He kicked his legs and jumped more than ten meters. The huge scythes on his arms fell from the sky and struck Jiang Cheng on the head.

"I can't bear it any longer." Jiang Cheng looked calmly.

Putting his hand on the hilt of the knife, he waited.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

The next second, a strong wind blew against my face.


Jiang Cheng secretly shouted, grasped the handle of the Tang Dao and swung it instantly. The Tang Dao unsheathed and swung towards the pair of huge sickles.


The sound of metal collision resounded in the square, and an invisible ripple in the center of the collision spread out in all directions. With Jiang Cheng as the center, the dust on all sides was swept up by the air waves.

"Good guy, he's quite powerful."

Feeling a slight numbness in his hands, Jiang Cheng was secretly surprised.

The power of this speed mutant definitely exceeds one ton.

Luckily, his current strength attribute has reached 21.75, so he barely blocked the attack. If it were those semi-awakened people, they would have been dead or skinned.

"Open it for me!" Jiang Cheng shouted, and exerted force with both arms. The 20% combat power increase brought by the spiritual value of 0.2 was activated instantly, and the giant sickles that were deadlocked with him were directly pushed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The reaper was pushed back by the huge force, and his tall body retreated several steps before stabilizing.

This scene was seen by Guo Peng, who was a hundred meters away, and it directly shattered his three views.

"Fuck, is this guy still a human?"

"He pushed the reaper away with one knife, this brother is so fierce!"

Soldiers have always worshipped the strong, and Guo Peng, who was saved by Jiang Cheng, directly deified Jiang Cheng in his heart at this moment.

With Jiang Cheng taking the upper hand, Guo Peng excitedly shouted: "Master, fuck him!"

Jiang Cheng's mouth corners slightly curled.

Judging from the current situation, after his combat power was increased, he had the upper hand in strength, but he didn't know about speed...

The thought had just fallen.


The Reaper had never been humiliated like this by humans before, and with an angry long roar, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"Master, be careful, this thing is very fast."

Guo Peng's voice came again.

Jiang Cheng listened without any panic on his face, still holding the Tang sword tightly, rubbing the ground with his forefoot.

The next moment.

A gust of wind rushed from behind.

Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed, and he quickly turned around, lowered his head and bent over to stab straight.


Blue blood spurted out, and this knife stabbed directly into the Reaper's chest.

But it's not over yet.

The first-order mutant will not die just by being stabbed through the body, and they have only one weakness.

Jiang Cheng knew this very well, and he held the handle of the knife with his right hand and exerted force upwards.


The sharp Tang sword cut upwards without any resistance, like cutting a melon, until the blade cut through the neck, and Jiang Cheng chopped horizontally.

A huge head with eight petals rose into the air.

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