Xiao Wang pressed the headset and said, "Xiao Zhou, Xiao Li, prepare three days of food and water, as well as clean clothes and other basic living items. Arrange for someone to pack them up."

"Ah? Do you need so much?"

The person in the headset said puzzledly.

Xiao Wang frowned and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just go and get it when I tell you to."

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't it your relative, Captain?"

"You're asking for a beating."

Amidst the laughter, Xiao Wang hung up the call, then turned around and looked at Zhang Ya and smiled, "Don't worry, someone will come to deliver supplies to you in a while. The amount is for three days, and basically there will be basic living items. After three days, the rest of your life will depend on you."

"Can I ask you, what should I do..." Lan Die asked.

When Xiao Wang heard this, he hurriedly said, "I almost forgot to tell you. It was my negligence. In our Dawn City, there are many ways to get food, such as becoming a hunting team logistics, going out to help collect zombies, spirit beast crystals, collecting herbs, etc., and then the hunting team will give you the rewards you deserve. This is the first way.

The second way is to go to the commercial district to work, and those shop owners will also pay you.

The third way is to accept tasks in the task hall, which has large and small tasks, and you can choose whatever you want."

After saying that, Xiao Wang paused and continued, "As for the rewards, they are zombie crystals and spirit beast crystals, which have many uses. You can go to the official cafeteria of the Dawn City to exchange for food, and you can go to the task hall to exchange for daily necessities. If there is a surplus, you can go to the task hall to exchange for martial arts secrets or genetic medicine to become stronger, which will also facilitate you to accept tasks later."

After that, several staff members wearing Dawn City combat uniforms walked in from outside the board room.

Everyone was holding items of varying sizes, some were mattresses, some were toothbrushes and toothpaste, and toiletries, and some were kitchen supplies. In short, they were very complete.

The head of these staff looked at Xiao Wang and immediately joked, "Captain Wang, I brought the things, remember your kindness when the time comes."

"Go away, this is what the leader asked, don't think about it." Xiao Wang said disdainfully.

"Do you think I believe it?"

"Believe it or not."

The two said a few words, and then the staff put the items down.

Before leaving, Xiao Wang said, "Put these things here, and then it's up to you."

After that, he left under Lan Die's stunned eyes.

Until these staff disappeared from her sight, a small hand on her right side gently pulled her back to her senses.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Lan Die came back to her senses, looked down at Wang Xiaoyang's pleading eyes, and then looked at the supplies placed in the middle of the room, and suddenly a hope of life rose in her heart.

The voice was firm, and a smile appeared on her face: "Okay, Mom will do it for you right away!"


Dawn Base.

On the big bed in Jiang Cheng's room.

Lin Rou looked at Jiang Cheng with a face full of reproach, and quietly reached into the quilt, pinched a piece of soft meat and twisted it 180 degrees.


Jiang Cheng gasped in pain.

He begged for mercy: "It hurts! Let go!"

"Who told you to do this in the daytime? Really, I didn't prepare at all, and I didn't take a shower, so dirty!" Lin Rou rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng and retracted her hand.

Jiang Cheng leaned over and smiled: "Who told you to look so delicious?"

"Okay, stop being a good kid here, tell me quickly, what's the matter with letting me in? I'm busy, and I have to go to Tiannan for patrol later." Lin Rou said unhappily.

Jiang Cheng said, "Do you remember the mother and son just now?"

"You mean the couple from Wang Wei's family?" Speaking of this topic, Lin Rou's face showed a trace of worry and asked, "How did you arrange for them?"

"According to convention, they were arranged to go to the shantytown." Jiang Cheng spread his hands and said.


Lin Rou frowned and said, "Can't they be arranged to live in the living area of ​​the base?"

After all, Wang Wei saved her life, and she wanted to give the mother and son a better position, which was also a way to repay Wang Wei's kindness.

Jiang Cheng explained, "Originally, we were going to arrange them there, but there was a small accident."


Lin Rou frowned and asked, "What accident?"

Jiang Cheng said, "Come, I'll tell you."

As he said that, he leaned over to Lin Rou's ear and whispered softly.

Almost five minutes later.

Lin Rou's face showed a look of surprise: "Are you telling the truth?"

"How can it be false? The mental fluctuations are abnormal, it should be one of the six saints. Now we don't know what they want to do? But one thing is certain, because last time I killed the Tongtian Saint and killed the clone of the Supreme Saint, they are probably afraid of me, and then they are ready to change their tactics." Jiang Cheng said here, with a sneer on his face.

A saint is so mean.

But on second thought, this kind of thing has happened in history.

In the Conferred God War, Nuwa sent the three monsters of Xuanyuan Tomb to disrupt the government in order to destroy the Tang Dynasty.

Now it seems that the three monsters of Xuanyuan Tomb should be some kind of spiritual beasts.

"What are we going to do?" Lin Rou asked.

Jiang Cheng said: "Hold the troops and see what the other party wants first?"

Then he looked at Lin Rou and said: "As for you, my wife, you have to visit him when you should, and don't reveal the slightest flaw. It would be better if you can use the blue butterfly to lure out the saint."

"I know." Lin Rou nodded and prepared to get up.

Who knew that a big hand hooked her thin waist.

With a scream, she fell backwards.

Almost an hour later.

Lin Rou glared at Jiang Cheng fiercely, and walked out neatly dressed.

It must be said that a woman who has been moisturized has a good complexion. Lin Rou's face was rosy and her skin was white and rosy, just like two cherries in the lychee flesh, tender and tender. Meeting Zhang Ya on the way made the other party envious for a while.

Walked outside the base.

Lin Rou took a step and instantly arrived a hundred meters away from the shantytown.

Then she saw a board house in front of her.

A woman was holding a big red basin and washing clothes outside the door with a washboard.

Although the woman's face was dotted with sweat, the corners of her mouth were raised, revealing a happy look.

The child next to the woman was sitting on the ground obediently, drawing by himself.

The whole clothes were quiet and good.

Lin Rou looked at this scene with a dazed look in her eyes.

She had a good relationship with Wang Wei, and would occasionally go to eat with her colleagues, so Lan Die and Wang Xiaoyang were very familiar with her.

But the acquaintances of the past had become what they are now. Her husband had passed away, and she and her children were controlled by the saints. It was a tragedy.

It was estimated that if the saints behind them were eliminated, they could return to normal life!

Thinking of this, Lin Rou walked over slowly.

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