Kill! Kill!

Two knife shadows intersected in the blink of an eye. Jiang Cheng held the hatchet in his hand, his chest heaving, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead and soaked his clothes.

"Shuguang, report the data."

"The knife speed is 0.10 per second, and the average speed of each knife is 0.12 per second, which is 0.03 seconds faster than the average knife speed during the last training." A tall and slender queen shadow said expressionlessly on the side.


Jiang Cheng nodded. At this speed, he will be able to control the knife speed within 0.10 seconds in two days.

Putting down the hatchet, picking up the spiritual water next to him and taking a big gulp, he silently opened his attribute panel.


Host: Jiang Cheng

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Wisdom: 2 (1 for ordinary humans)

Strength: 3.85 (1 for ordinary humans)

Agility: 2.05 (1 for ordinary humans)

Spirit: 1.6 (1 for ordinary humans)

Comprehensive combat power: 9.5

Energy points: 61.78


Strength and agility attributes increased by 0.25 points respectively, which means that the strength increased by 25 kilograms, and the running speed can reach more than 14 meters per second.

This is the improvement brought by the second-level spirit pool and the second-level gym. Although the energy points consumed have increased exponentially, it is undoubtedly worthwhile.

What if it is upgraded to a third-level spirit pool?

Jiang Cheng's mind moved, and he immediately asked: "System, how many energy points are needed to upgrade the third-level spirit pool?"

"Ding! Insufficient authority, please upgrade all equipment and bases in the base to level 2 first."

The mechanical sound of the system sounded.


Jiang Cheng temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​upgrading the spirit pool and said directly: "System, list the energy points required for upgrading other equipment including the base."

"Level 2 cultivation room (100 energy points)

Level 2 storage space (50 energy points)

Level 2 energy conversion room (100 energy points)

Level 2 hibernation chamber (100 energy points)

Level 2 base (1000 energy points)"


Looking at the energy points required for the upgrade, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but take a breath. He thought that the energy points required for upgrading other equipment were the same as those for the gym and spirit pool. Now it seems that not only are they different, but they are also a great challenge for him.

"I'll be busy in the future."

Jiang Cheng sighed, put down the teacup in his hand, looked out the dark window, and his eyes were a little absent-minded.


June 27, 2022.

Eight thirty-six in the evening.

At night.

This is also the first night after the world entered the end of the world.

Because the flood destroyed most of the power system, the entire Linxian City was dark, with only sporadic dim firelight reflected through the windows, which seemed a bit desolate.

Baiyin Avenue.

Inside Walmart Life Supermarket.

The middle-aged man picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, while the others gathered around.

"How is it?"

"Did it get through?"

"God bless you, I must get through!"

People talked a lot, anxiously, until the man couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Don't make noise, be quiet!"

There were intermittent beeps in the speaker of the mobile phone, and the survivors also held their breath.

Finally, after a few seconds.

A melodious song sounded, and then the little girl's soft voice sounded in the mobile phone.

"Dad, is that you?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The middle-aged man looked at everyone with joy, and quickly picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Tiantian, it's Dad."

The little girl burst into tears after recognizing the man's voice, and the man quickly comforted her, "Baby, don't cry first. Tell Dad, how are Mom and Grandpa and Grandma?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the little girl cried even harder, crying and saying, "Dad, Mom was bitten to death by the monster outside."


The man trembled as if struck by lightning when he heard that his wife was dead, but he still calmed down and continued to ask anxiously, "Where are Grandpa and Grandma?"

The little girl continued crying, "Grandpa and Grandma rushed out to save Mom and never came back."

"Dad, where are you, I'm so scared!"

The man's face suddenly turned pale.

Fortunately, the daughter was still alive, and hurriedly told her: "Tiantian, listen to Dad, lock the door at home, don't open it no matter who knocks, Dad will be back soon."

After hanging up the phone, the man handed the phone to the person next to him, and then raised his voice: "Is there anyone who wants to rush out with me?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally about fifty people walked out of the crowd.

"Count me in."

"My son is waiting for me at home."

"My mother is paralyzed and lying in bed, I have to go back."

Dozens of people took some tools in the supermarket and walked down the escalator.

Looking at the backs of the group of people leaving, the middle-aged man in security uniform curled his lips and said: "Which wave is it?"

"Brother Wang, it's the third wave." The colleague next to him said.

Brother Wang took a deep puff of cigarette, exhaled it for a long time, and sighed: "Those monsters are silent now.

You say, they should be able to succeed, right?"

But soon, people screamed downstairs.

June 28, 2022.

Early morning.

The sun slowly rises.

The streets that should have been bustling are dead silent.

The breakfast shop that used to be packed with customers became dilapidated after the flood and the zombies. Those students who were supposed to go to school and the workers who were supposed to go to work turned into aimless zombies and wandered on the streets.

A small city with more than 900,000 people became a dead city in just four days.

Jiang Cheng didn't have the habit of getting up early, but in the three years of the doomsday, he couldn't spend every night peacefully. Every day he was wandering between life and death, which led to him, who liked to sleep in, getting up at five o'clock to get ready.

After breakfast, with the blessing of the spiritual water, his strength attribute increased by 0.75 again.

Four hundred and sixty kilograms!

Feeling the strength of his arms, Jiang Cheng felt that he could easily kill a zombie without a hatchet.

But obviously he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Now he is not immune to the zombie virus, and any slight wound is enough to be fatal. He doesn't want to turn into a pool of rotten meat without thoughts.

"It's time to stretch your muscles."

Jiang Cheng's eyes were like torches. After warming up, he went directly into the gym.

Two hours later, his agility attribute increased by 0.75 to 2.8, which means that his speed reached 19.6 meters per second, and it only took more than 5 seconds to travel 100 meters.

Such a value is quite terrifying among humans, far exceeding the prescribed driving speed of cars on urban roads.

With such a speed beyond ordinary people, he can survive longer in the zombie apocalypse.

He thought about today's plan.

He planned to go to the small clinic on West Street to collect some available medical supplies.

He had prepared some before, but they were just some common prescription drugs, and the quantity was not much. Now he needed some drugs for treating trauma and antibacterial infection.

He put on cotton clothes and trousers, wrapped his ankles and wrists with tape, and then put on his backpack and walked downstairs.

"Shuguang, open the door."

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