
In a trance, Jiang Cheng seemed to see a figure running towards him, and the voice seemed familiar.

Resisting the urge to faint, Jiang Cheng tried to stand up straight, and the figure of the man was getting closer and closer to him.

Round face, big eyes, slightly dark skin, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, and two small mustaches on his lips, looking a little wretched.

But at this time, the man screamed in panic, especially after seeing Jiang Cheng covered in blood, he screamed in despair: "It's over, it's over, there are wolves in front and tigers behind, am I going to die here?"

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ]

"If I had known this earlier, I should have finished the latest chapter of 'Hoarding Billions: Doomsday Begins with Weather Changes' before publishing!"

When I thought of this, I was full of regrets, and at the same time I secretly complained about the author's updates.

Shaking off the distracting thoughts in his mind, he glanced behind him with his peripheral vision, and then glanced at the armless zombie not far in front of him. After hesitating, he rushed towards the armless zombie.

In any case, this armless zombie looked easier to deal with.

Thinking of this, when he was more than ten meters away from the armless zombie, he roared, picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it on the head of the armless zombie.

"Die for me!"

On the other hand, Jiang Cheng.

He was shocked by the roar of the man in front of him, and his vision became much clearer. When he saw the man's wretched appearance, he was surprised and shouted: "Shen..."

Before he could shout, a gust of wind greeted his forehead.


Thinking that it was not good, Jiang Cheng endured the exhaustion and pain, lowered his body, and the stone brushed past his forehead, narrowly avoiding the attack.

"You still know how to dodge? Oops!"

Shen Fu fell to the ground because of too much force.

Fortunately, there was some river sand on the riverside, so his body was not hurt. He quickly got up and rushed towards the "armless zombie" again.


Jiang Cheng just shouted a word, but Shen Fu came at him with a stone.

Seeing that the other party would not calm down if he didn't control him, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and flew into the air, then kicked Shen Fu's arm with a whirlwind kick.


Shen Fu couldn't dodge in time, his shoulder was bruised, and he fell to the ground with his mouth chewing mud. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng stepped on the ground again, and stepped on the other party when he was about to get up.

Then he said lightly: "Shen Fu, if you throw stones at me again, believe it or not, I will tell you about the fact that you secretly watched movies in class in high school?"

"Shake it! Do you think I'm afraid of you? You... Hey? Wait, how do you know all this?"

Shen Fu stopped struggling and made a sound of surprise.

"Look at me again, who am I?" Jiang Cheng untied his feet in silence. Shen Fu also slowly got up and looked. When he saw Jiang Cheng clearly, he said with surprise, "Fuck, Jiang Cheng, you idiot, you are still alive?"

"I won't die even if you die!" Jiang Cheng retorted mercilessly.

But he was very excited in his heart.

In his previous life, Shen Fu was buried in the tide of corpses with him to save him. Now he was reborn three years ago. He found Li Qingwan and Old Man Yang, but he didn't see Shen Fu. Now he saw them in this situation, and the feeling in his heart could not be described in words.

"Hey? Jiang Cheng, what's wrong with your arm? Or is your current state like in the novel, turning into a zombie, but with human consciousness?" Shen Fu guessed with a serious face.

Jiang Cheng said weakly, "Stop talking nonsense. I'm a living person. Now I'll give you a chance to help me up. Come on, I can't do it anymore."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng collapsed. Fortunately, Shen Fu supported him in time, and he was able to stand up.

Then, Jiang Cheng took out an optical invisible cloak from the space ring and handed it out, saying, "Quick, use this thing to cover us, so that the zombies can't find us."

"Really? You still have this good thing?" Shen Fu looked unconvinced.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to explain, and hurriedly said, "The latest technology of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Come on, I don't have time to explain to you."

"OK!" Shen Fu made a gesture, then spread out the cloak and covered the two of them.

Soon, a zombie ran down, but it seemed to have lost its target and kept sniffing the air around it with its nose.

"Can it really be invisible?"

Seeing the zombie's strange behavior, Shen Fu was surprised.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Stop talking nonsense and help me to a safe place. Remember, stay away from the water."

"No problem!"

The two limped towards the levee, looked around, and walked straight over after seeing a residential area.

About ten minutes later.


The surface of Yanghe River suddenly exploded.

A huge figure covered with bone spurs suddenly shot out from the water. He looked around and found that there was no one. He roared angrily to the sky: "Human, you cunning and despicable thing!"

The giant zombie jumped up suddenly.

At this moment, another giant beast jumped out of the water and rushed towards the original position of the giant zombie.

"Troublesome thing!"

After dodging the attack of the giant beast, the giant zombie did not fight, but after landing, it bent its body and kicked, and its body ran towards its nest like a cannonball.

The giant beast was left alone, watching the giant zombie leave, its gray eyes flashing with unwillingness and anger.


Tiannan City.

In a residential building in a community near Yanghe Bridge.

Two men were sitting by the window.

One of them had twisted fingers on his right arm, a broken arm, and multiple bruises of varying degrees on his body. He looked extremely miserable.

Another dark-skinned, short and fat man asked carefully: "How about I go find some medicine for you?"

"Need not."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, took out a piece of rag and stuffed it into his mouth, then fixed his right hand with his legs, pinched a broken finger on his right hand with his left hand, and exerted force.


There was a crisp sound.


Jiang Cheng was so painful that he broke into a cold sweat. His face, which was originally pale due to bleeding, turned even whiter. Fortunately, one of his fingers had been broken back.

Then he did the same with the other four fingers, and the same with the arm.

Ten minutes later.

He tore off the rag in his mouth and took out a transparent glass tube syringe filled with red liquid from the space ring.

He was originally going to inject this for testing after his awakening level reached 100%, but he didn't expect that he would use it in advance now.

But at this time, this scene could not tolerate him not using it.

The needle is inserted and the liquid is injected.

The effect of the first-level awakening potion is undoubtedly very obvious.

Half a minute after injection.

Jiang Cheng began to feel hot all over his body, especially the broken part of his right arm and the broken part of his right index finger. He felt itchy and was surrounded by warmth.

Jiang Cheng knew that this was because his bones were recovering from the effects of the awakening potion.

As time passed, the surface of Jiang Cheng's fair skin began to turn red, and a large amount of white air evaporated from his body.

This situation lasted for more than half an hour. The scalding heat just subsided and the skin surface slowly returned to normal temperature.

A flash of light flashed across his eyes, he stood up directly from the ground, moved his right arm, and clenched his fingers. He seemed worried, and punched on the spot again. Only then was he sure that his broken right arm was completely intact. He recovered, and his body was full of strength.

Feeling the power surging within his body, Jiang Cheng had the urge to rush out and fight the giant zombie again.

But he calmed down immediately.

He didn't know the information about the zombie. If he rushed over hastily, the end would be even worse.

After trying to persuade himself, Jiang Cheng secretly said, "System, open my data panel."


[Host]: Jiang Cheng

[Gender]: Male


[Level]: Fourth level acquired, first level awakener

[Spirit]: 0.4 (can increase combat power by 40%)

[Wisdom]: 13.5 (1 for ordinary humans)

[Strength]: 62.05 (1 for ordinary humans)

[Agility]: 30.6 (1 for ordinary humans)

[Spirit]: 20.0 (1 for ordinary humans)

[Virus resistance]: 2.7 (when it reaches 1, you can be immune to first-order mutants and ordinary zombie viruses below)

[Power]: Creation (Awakening: 155.0%)

[Skills]: Naqi method, hard qigong, meditation, fighting (advanced), Erduijin

[Comprehensive combat power]: 105.55


When Jiang Cheng saw his own abilities, he was completely confused.

What the hell is this creation?

What the hell is an awakening level of 155.0%?

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