Father Yang and the other three looked warily in the direction of the sound.

A greasy middle-aged man with a big belly, naked upper body, wearing only big pants and flip-flops came over.

"Three of you, please give me an explanation."

Brother Bao said calmly.

"Eh~ Dad, this guy is so pretentious, I can't stand him." Lin Rou showed a look of disgust.

Liu Xinru also frowned, turned her head, and tried to look away.

Father Yang smiled and said, "Boy, what do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. Those who hurt me must pay compensation. I think those two girls are good-looking. They can sleep with me for a few nights. If I am happy, maybe I will forgive you." Brother Bao said while He kept looking at the two women with lewd eyes.

He has never seen such a superb woman, even more beautiful than the female stars on TV.

"Haha! Boy, although you have good taste, you can't stand an old man like you who is lustful and has no taste. Today, I will let the old man teach you what a real flower connoisseur is."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man shouted: "Hard Qigong!"

The moment the voice fell, the originally shriveled muscles began to swell, and the thin body began to rise.

In the blink of an eye, Father Yang turned into a muscular two-meter-tall man.

"Yo? Can you still transform?" Brother Bao was slightly startled, then joked: "But you are not the only one who can transform."


He looked up to the sky and roared.

Black hair began to grow on the exposed belly. The arms, legs, and especially the big wrinkled face were covered with black hair, and a pair of animal ears grew out of the top of the head.

Until the transformation was completed, a fat middle-aged man about 1.6 meters tall turned into a jaguar that was three meters long and 1.6 meters tall.

The Jaguar kept talking: "Old man, I will give you one last chance. Either hand over these two women and I will let you go, or you will all die here!"

"Haha, the old man is 78, and he is still afraid of death? Stop being so cool and hurry up!" Father Yang put on a stance impatiently.

Listening, Brother Bao's face darkened, and he was filled with murderous intent: "Since you want to die, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After saying that, he rushed towards Father Yang as fast as he could.

"Come on!" Father Yang shouted.

The muscles in his hands swelled sharply, and a faint golden light glowed on his fists. He waited until Brother Bao rushed over and shouted angrily: "Vajra Fist!"

After punching out, a strong wind blew up, and the sand and dust stirred up made people unable to open their eyes. Lin Rou and Liu Xinru consciously took a few steps back to the side, away from the battlefield.

"court death!"

Brother Leopard let out a beast's roar, and punched Father Yang with two leopard claws about the size of an adult's hand.

In an instant.

Fists and claws collide.

Brother Bao's expression changed, and he felt a huge force coming from his claws, and then he flew backwards.

Father Yang watched as he stepped on his legs, causing cracks in the ground. His body turned into a cannonball and shot out, chasing Brother Bao as he flew out.

Brother Bao hadn't left yet, but Father Yang had already arrived.

"not good!"

Brother Bao secretly thought something was wrong, because he saw a fist as big as a casserole growing in size in his sight.


Soon, he was punched in the face.

His head scraped directly against the ground for several meters, and for a moment, a sour, painful, and spicy taste bloomed on his nose.

Before he could recover, the strong wind came again.

"I surrender!"

As soon as he shouted the words, his head couldn't bear the huge impact and exploded. Suddenly, red and white flowed all over the floor.

And the huge headless beast body also changed back to its original shape.

"Tch, the old man isn't happy enough without being beaten!"

Father Yang curled his lips, looked at the two girls Lin Rou who were not far away and said, "Girl Lin, we have taken care of them, and I will leave the rest to you."

He didn't want to wade into this muddy water. According to Jiang Cheng's character, he would definitely scold them.

"Dad is still awesome!" Lin Rou flattered, and then she and Liu Xinru stepped forward to rescue the kidnapped survivors.

It has to be said that there are many people under control in this Sunset Community, and they are basically young men and women. In detail, there are about 30 men and 20 women, but all of them have confused eyes. His eyes were dark, full of despair for the future.

As for those in the old and middle age groups, according to the survivors' descriptions, they were dragged away by the man named Lang Ge to attract zombies because they had no effect.

"Damn it!"

Lin Rou listened and scolded.

In the apocalypse, human life is like nothing. Perhaps there are many survivor bases like Brother Bao in places they don't know about.

But after rescuing this group of people, the issue of staying or leaving became a big problem for her again.

"Sister Liu, what do you think we should do with these people?"

Liu Xinru thought for a while and said, "In this case, let's take it back first and see what Jiang Cheng says?"

"Would he see these people..." Lin Rou shrank her head and said.

"What? Are you scared?" Liu Xinru teased.

Lin Rou suddenly puffed up her chest unconvinced and said, "I...I'm not afraid of him!"

While the two women were fighting, they didn't notice that Wu Lang, who was fainting in the corner, disappeared at some point.

at the same time.

Moon Avenue.

Jiang Cheng held the Tang Dao, and the zombies that occasionally rushed towards him were separated by his sword.

He finished cleaning the zombie crystals and thought as he walked.

“It always feels like something important has been forgotten.”

After rubbing his swollen head, Jiang Cheng looked around again. The street was too quiet.

He remembered that in his previous life, he would more or less encounter survivors searching for food, but now, he didn't see anyone.

"No, that's not right, there must be something weird somewhere!"

After pondering for a while, he finally remembered what he had forgotten.

According to his memory, more than a month after the end of the world, a powerful survivor organization will appear in Linxian City. He can't remember the specific name of this organization. The only thing he remembers is that the leader of the organization is a second-level awakener. , which brought a lot of trouble to the survivor base in Linxian City.

As a scavenger, he was almost killed by this organization. Fortunately, the searcher team came back and he survived.

In other words, if nothing else happens, this survivor organization should have been established.

But Jiang Cheng didn't know exactly where it was.

"Hey, forget it, no matter what, there is nothing wrong with collecting more energy points."

This side of Xiyang Community.

After Wu Lang escaped, he ran westward and crossed the Yanghe Bridge. He stopped when he saw a tall building.

I saw four big characters written on the tall building - Heyang Hospital.

Heyang Hospital belongs to Tiannan City and is a private hospital. After the end of the world, it was occupied by a group of people.

Wu Lang walked to the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted inside: "Third brother, I am Wu Lang, please open the door."

The sound fell for a moment.

A burst of birdsong sounded.

A handsome-looking man walked out of the empty hospital gate.

The man was playing with a dagger in his hand, holding a toothpick in his hand and said with a smile: "It's not the day to deliver sacrifices yet, why are you here here?"

"I...I have something important to see Brother Ying." Wu Lang said anxiously.

"Brother Ying, do you want to see him whenever you want?" The man's smile disappeared and he hooked his hand towards Wu Lang.

Seeing the other party's actions, Wu Lang gritted his teeth.

Damn it, this bastard obviously wants benefits.

Thinking of Brother Bao's tragic death, Wu Lang was heartbroken, took out the last half bag of chocolates in his pocket and handed it over.

"That's right, go in, kid. Brother Ying is already waiting for you inside."

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