Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1017: I also called a destiny to play!


  The emperor Aoba was forced on the spot!

   Suddenly remembered it seemed to be such a thing!

   "A lawless hand!"

   "Break off the heavenly Dao and break the world's physics!"

   "There really is such a person!"

  The eyes of the Seven Sons of the Immortal Hall have been locked in Chen Zheng. The young man holding the ice crystal sword seems to want to start again, but it was pressed by the people around him again!

"Longlong Immortal Palace Ancestral Discipline, as long as you encounter a creature with a lawless hand, whether it is a demon, whether it is strong or weak, you must kill it! I just became a member of the Seven Sons of the Immortal Palace, and I met today. When I came to this kid, this was my chance to make a big contribution! Brother Meng Xing, you stopped me from beheading him, are you afraid that I would take the credit and outrank you in the fairy palace!"

  The young man looked cold and glared and pressed his brother.

   "Brother Hongtongtian, you are too excited."

   The man called Meng Xing frowned slightly.

"Oh!" At this time, Emperor Qingye came back, gave a chuckle, and stared at the Seven Sons of the Immortal Palace, then stared at Chen Zheng again: "Do you force me to leave me the same as when I was in the lower realm of the earth?" , Please corpse fairy ji to deal with me? Boy, the ghost world is besieged by mysterious forces, corpse fairy ji can't protect itself! Moreover, fate incarnate here, fate sky boat is also here with me, you just invite a ancestor saint's dharma body Also in vain!"


   The vision of the nihilistic transparent phantom called the incarnation of destiny fell upon Chen Zheng, looked at Chen Zhengshu's transparent face, and frowned obviously!

"The incarnation of destiny seems to be very unwilling to see you, but you can rest assured that you, such a real immortal, I am lazy, and naturally, the incarnation of destiny will not act on you from your own status. Your current enemy is the seven sons of the imperial palace. They will Have fun with you."

   Emperor Aoba laughs!

   "Nanming off the fire! Go!"


  The young man Hong Tongtian holding the ice crystal long sword raised his hand between the cold drinks. The ice crystal long sword in his hand turned into a blue flame giant sword, and suddenly took off, and then locked Chen Zheng in the air!

   Nanming away from the fire!

   It turns out that the ice crystal sword is not a magic weapon of the ice cold system!

   is the legendary **** fire Nanming away from the fire!

   "You are a real fairy, can you take this Nanming Lihuo sword!"

   Emperor Aoba laughs again!

   "Go on...God..."

   The Patriarch Patriarch and the Patriarchs are ignorant!


   How to go to God and God to fight!


  Chen Shangshen should be fine!

  Chen Shangshen, but he killed the Emperor!

   "An eighth-order golden fairy... giggle!"

  Long Jingyao suddenly smirked, this smirk, a lot of eyes came to see, just one glance and froze, even the Emperor Aoba also stayed for a while, secretly said, this demon girl really has a peerless charm!

In fact, although Long Jingyao's internal bliss species was resolved by Chen Zheng, after all, Long Jingyao was in a state of peerless charm for a period of time, and the bliss longevity species was broken, but that kind of charm can sometimes appear invisible. !

   "You are the Daojun, although I don't know who you are, but I am already in love with Hong Tongtian, and beheaded this sinner, you are my Hong Tongtian!"

  Hong Tongtian's eyes were full of greed, and he shouted at Long Jingyao!



   The sky of Nanming Lihuo Shenjian rushed down towards Chen Zhengchong!

   "Not possible!"

   Zhao Xia was surprised, and subconsciously flew forward, appearing between Chen Zheng and the azure flame sword!



"come back!"

   "Brother Tongtian receives the sword!"

   "Sister Zhaoxia, rewind!"

  The seven sons of Immortal Hall and the other six sons changed their faces and exclaimed in unison!


   Hong Tongtian's face was indifferent, and he had no intention of collecting the sword!

   "Oh! Love and hatred between ants!"

  Aoba Ye third laugh!


He just smiled, and Chen Zheng grabbed Zhao Xia, who was in front of him, and Zhao Xia was caught aside, and then slapped out with a slap. Then he heard a clatter, and the majestic Nanming Lihuo Sword seemed to wither. After that, it instantly degenerates into ice crystal form and then breaks!

   Broken the ground!

   "No! My Nanming Lihuo Excalibur is a Taoist, a unique Taoist, how could it be broken by a true immortal!"

  Hong Tongtian shuddered and howled!


  Chen Zheng slapped again!


Immortal light was shining on Hong Tongtian, which was guarded by Dao-level defensive implements, but he heard a thorn, the defensive Dao was fragmented, Hong Tongtian's flesh shattered on the spot, and then turned into ashes, only a Yuanshen was suspended. !


  The other six sons among the seven sons of Xianwu are all closed!

   Then collective silence!

did not expect!

   I did not expect it!

   According to the ancestral record!

   can't do without heaven, although it can cut off heaven and earth and break the world!

   can basically be used in the formation of maze!

   The lawlessness and combat strength are not against the sky!


   That young man in the real wonderland!

   Two slaps ruined two pieces of Taoism, destroyed the physical body of Hongtong Tianshi brother, and beat Hongtong Tianshi brother to the stunned Yuanshen!

   "It seems that you have underestimated your combat power, no wonder you can enter the ancient land of bitterness, but this combat power is not my opponent, you still can't help me!"

   Qingye Emperor's eyes flashed a little surprise, but soon disappeared, at this moment cold eyes overlooking Chen Zheng!

   "I actually want to slash you with a sword, but you are also a Dharma Emperor who has the most quasi-holy combat power. That sword slashing you is a waste of my sword. Since that is the case, I will call an incarnation of fate to play."

   Chen Zheng casually said.


   Call a fate avatar to play?

What does it mean?

  Aoba Ye has invited an incarnation of fate!

  Is there any other fate incarnation?

   No matter which side of the crowd was present, they all showed doubts. The incarnation of the fate invited by the Green Leaf Emperor stared at Chen Zheng's brow!

   "Come, please start your show!"

   Emperor Aoba laughs again!

   "Fate, I know you are You should also know what means I have at this level, whether you want to show up or think about it yourself!"

  Chen Zhengwang, indifferent!

   Take a breath!

   Two breaths!

   Three breaths!

   seems to have no response!

   "Haha! Hahaha! You think that threatening destiny is useful, don't you know that destiny is the most powerful way, and who in this world can threaten destiny, is you a true fairy!"

  Aoba Ye laughed!


   over there!

  Six sons such as Meng Xing, among the seven sons of Immortal Hall, were relieved at this moment!


   This young man with lawless hands has no ability to summon destiny, otherwise Linglong Immortal Palace will not be able to kill this child even if the palace owner himself shot it! Wow!


   The air twisted for a while!

   A transparent figure of nothing emerges!

   This transparent figure of nothingness is 70% similar to the incarnation of the fate invited by Emperor Aoba!


   It just looks older!

  Is this really also the incarnation of fate?

   And between the doubts of Emperor Aoba and others, the incarnation of the fate invited by Emperor Aoba suddenly dropped his head and shouted the transparent figure of nothingness that appeared at the moment!


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