Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1061: Too easy Shinto fruit!


Madam Yan's son is trembling again. At this moment, she can only look at Chen Zheng. There is a bliss longevity seed planted in the ecclesiastical celestial body. So even if the celestial queen celestial being just comes, she can't resist Mrs. Yan. Is her only savior!

"Queen of Bliss, can you still remember Susu?"

Chen Zheng asked with a faint smile.

"You!" The voice hadn't come down yet, and the will of the Bliss Immortal Emitter shivered, and then he froze, just staring at Chen Zheng indifferently, saying: "I knew that Tai Su Shang Cang could swallow this will , But you don’t even know what the origin of the Taiyi Shinto fruit is. Your current level wants to absorb this Shinto fruit, and there is only one result, that is, it will explode and die! There is an ancient secret method afterwards. Too Shinto fruit, evenly divided with you afterwards! The power contained in Too Shinto fruit is insignificant after all, what we want afterwards is the most primitive Tao mark in Shinto fruit! Too easy too easy, the initial nihilistic stage of heaven and earth, is also One of the gods, you should understand what is really valuable to Shine Shinto!"

"I didn't know it before, but you told me all about the queen, now I know it, but I don't look down on these primitive Dao marks, I just want the power within the Shinto fruit."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"Okay! You want the power in the Shinto fruit, and you will want the traces in the Shinto fruit. You will cooperate with the future. The previous festival will be cancelled. Long Jingyao will let you!"

The Bliss Immortal nodded, thinking that Chen agreed to divide the Shinto fruit equally, and raising his hand to the Shinto fruit was a catch.


However, at the moment when Bliss Immortal wanted to touch the Shinto fruit, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, and his finger tickled gently, and Shinto fruit fell into his hands! The Bliss Faire lags behind, and then it reaches the extreme cold, once again staring at Chen Zheng!

"You play the game!" The queen of Bliss seems to be swearing, taking a deep breath to hold his anger, staring at Chen Zheng coldly said: "Since you know that you need a special secret method to absorb the too easy Shinto fruit, you still want to Too much Shinto fruit alone, are you really afraid of death!"

"Fear of death? I really haven't thought about this."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"You you you are a rogue!"

The Queen of Bliss was even more angry and raised her hand to Chen Zheng! However, Chen Zheng no longer has the Queen of Bliss. At this moment, he looks at the too easy Shinto fruit in his hand, and the sound of a little baby doll sounds in his mind, and the Tai Su stone egg in his pocket flew out by himself!

"It's delicious again, Dad is so good for Susu!"

Tai Su has stared at this will-incarnation of the Queen of Bliss!

"Too primitive!"

After the bliss fairy shook, she gritted her teeth and shouted four words! She is very clear that her will can't help Chen Zheng, but also this stone egg, but the creatures in this stone egg just happen to be the natural enemies of the incarnation of her epoch overlord!


Feed on the will of the epoch overlord!


Mrs. Yan originally felt that she had been ignored, but at this moment, she heard the words too plain, and her face was full of surprise!


That is no ordinary creature!

Any **** is said to be at least the era dominance level!

In the Taixu, Taixuan God has appeared!

No matter whether it is the Emperor of the Vanguard Demon Dragon, or the Supreme Demon Ji Ji, or the overlords of the Mega Mansion such as Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan, they dare not easily provoke Tai Xuan God!

Is there a reincarnated **** in this stone egg!

And a reincarnated **** called Chen Zu as a father, what is Chen Zu, is Chen Zu the father of God? In ancient times, in those ruined eras, it seems that no one big person is called the Father of God!

Madam Yan is a little ignorant!

"Rogue! You are rogue than rogue!"

After seeing Taisu Stone Egg Yumang flashing, the Bliss Immortal thought that she would swallow her soon. This time she couldn't help it anymore, she cursed at Chen Zheng with her mouth open!

"Rogue? What is that? Is it delicious? Are you afraid that Susu has eaten you? Don't worry, my dad hasn't ordered it yet. Sud won't eat it until Dad orders! By the way, you don't have to worry about pain, vegetarian I will eat you up in one bite, and it will definitely not hurt!"

In Tai Su Shi's egg, a milky milky voice said.


After hearing this sentence, Bliss Immortal turned into a crazy twist and wave. If it is the body, she has vomited blood on the spot!

Oh shit!

Why did this reincarnated **** too high regard this guy as a dad!


What the **** is this!

Queen of Bliss!

Crazy cry in my heart!

At this time, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and sent Taiyi Longsheng directly into his mouth, and swallowed Taiyi Longsheng in one bite!

"You! Huh! You can't bear the power of too easy to grow fruit, and you can't absorb the power of too easy to grow fruit. This is the most primitive power, the most primitive Tao Yun, even if it is too plain to want to absorb it. It may be easily absorbed! You rogue is dead! Huh! I won’t be able to kill you, but you are dying on your own stupidity!"

The Bliss Immortal saw Chen Zheng swallowing the Taiyi Shinto fruit directly, and his anger dissipated in an instant, and the face that had been extremely indifferent also showed a smile at this moment!

"There is no taste, and the taste is average."

However, Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to look at her, and only gently shook his head to comment on the taste and taste. Then Chen Zheng's breath skyrocketed wildly, and in a blink of an eye, the sky rose from the true fairyland to the ancestor level!

"There is still a mood to talk about the taste, your heart is really big!"

After the Bliss Immortal embraces her chest with both hands, she believes that Chen Zheng will be blown up!



As Chen Zheng's breath continued to skyrocket, the Happy Palace began to oscillate, and Madame Yan held her breath. Since she actively offered too easy Shinto fruit, she definitely hoped that Chen Zheng could absorb it, because Chen was her only savior!



"The first realm of immortal Taoism!"

"The second realm of immortal Taoism!"

"Humph! After the ninth realm, you will be unable to bear your flesh, and you will be exploded. You will definitely die! If you didn't come to the body in person, you wouldn't be able to kill you, in fact, you can't get out of the body. Taixu, as long as you don’t enter Taixu, you won’t be able to take you in the future, but if you want to die for yourself, it’s no wonder that the future!

Immortal Queen stared at Chen Zheng's flesh, perceiving Chen Zheng's flesh change, and read it out!


Chen Zheng's breath has just soared to the third level, just like the waterfall suddenly stopped flowing, the breath has degraded madly, and it has degenerated into a real fairy in the blink of an eye!


The Elysian Queen is ashamed!


Chen Zheng raised his Wow!

The fairy light flashed on him!

Xiuwei skyrocketed again!

True fairy jumped to the heaven fairyland!


Cultivate for nothing!

"Third-order Celestial Immortal You are so amazing at the initial stage that this is too good for Shinto Fruit?"

Chen Zheng frowned, looking at the Queen of Bliss.


Mrs. Yan has been dumbfounded!


The Queen of Bliss is completely dumbfounded!

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