Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1087: Maybe it’s born so strong!


Chen Zhengnian moved his head and thought of something, but did not take it out.


With only a cold hum, the chemical lotus seeds flew out, and the chemical doll swept the cloud fairy with cold eyes, frowning, and secretly communicated with the primordial **** Chen Zheng, let Chen Zheng take the cosmic cantilever to sweep the familiar cloud fairy before his eyes .


Chen Zheng still did not move!

"I haven't seen it in so many years. Did the elder sister forget my second brother, or did the elder sister wake up in advance, so that many things were not remembered? I remember the elder sister waking up in the Second Age and pointed me to the way of balance. Time is really nostalgic."

Zhuoxian looked at the little doll, and smiled slightly.

"The way to balance!"

The little chemical doll continued to sneer.

"You're a little bit worse in your formation."

At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and lifted his right hand at will, and in the dark immortal palace, a beam of light was lit up. The moment that Fu Guang appeared, it was extremely sacred and vast, but this kind of breath lasted less than three breaths, and Fu Guang turned into a ghost of a strange beast.


The strange animal's shadow snarled, and the strange green pupil stared at Chen Zheng, and locked the chemical lotus seed, to be precise, the little doll inside the chemical lotus seed! Those greedy eyes without any cover, clearly regarded the baby as a prey, and wanted to swallow the baby in one bite!

"Sky hook! Hum!"

Make a little doll cold!

"I underestimated my brother-in-law." Zhuoxian smiled faintly, glanced at the little doll, and then looked at Chen Zheng. This time I looked a few more times and Chen Zheng showed his curiosity: "Brother-in-law, you have an immortal body. However, this cultivation is indeed only at the level of the Celestial God, but at a glance, I saw through the formations that I laid down, and at a glance, the formations were revealed, and I was very curious which brother in the ancient age you are reincarnated.

"It seems that you are not the second master."

Chen Zheng listened and shook his head gently.

"Huh? What's the solution?"

Zhuoxian showed curiosity again.

"The holy emperor's will or the robbery of the Lord I have seen, at first sight, basically think I am related to a guy called Tai Huang, but you call me to be the brother-in-law only if you open your mouth. But you can feel the first The crystalline atrium of the Second Master is here with me, and it must be related to the Second Master."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently again.

"Is this my flaw?"

When Zhuoxian heard it, he raised his brow slightly.

"Laozi felt something wrong as soon as he appeared. Since you know that Laozi is the eldest of all the robbers, and have got some things from the second child, you should understand that the other twelve robbers can't count Laozi! Can you trap Lao Tzu with the broken will of some Tian hook people? You are too worthy of you!"

Dahua Xiaoxiao sneer!

"I was on Wuxian Mountain, and got a drop of real blood from the second lord. Since then, I have regarded myself as the second lord. I know almost everything related to the lord, but I just know that I have never seen anything too emperor related to the Lord, no wonder it will reveal a flaw. However, this flaw is not a fatal flaw. Your current status of the future Lord is far from your true peak, so I have not tried it. I know I can't swallow you?"

Zhuoxian suddenly grinned!

After this laugh!

The face of Zhuoxian changed!

In a single thought, the human face has become a beast face!

And it is exactly the same as the ghost of the beast called the Skyhook clan by the little doll!

"There will be this reincarnated power in the future. Let me introduce it formally. I am the last generation patriarch of the Skyhook Tribe. Speaking of this, our family is originally created by the second robber, and the second robber created our original purpose. It is also to prevent him from losing control, so he gave our family the ability to bite everything from the world, including the flesh of the host and Yuanshen! Although we are the only ones left by the Tian hook tribe, although I have slept for several epochs, the degradation is serious. But my teeth are enough to swallow the future robbery master and your reincarnated power!"

A grin!

Extremely evil!


I saw that the ghost of the strange beast immediately flooded into the body of the turbid fairy. The turbid fairy smiled, and the body of the beast's head suddenly flew at the forged little doll!


The lotus seeds from the chemical industry flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

"The teeth of the Skyhook tribe are the stupidest work of the second son in his life. That is the second son built with the sharpest spinels in the original land, which can hurt the flesh and Yuanshen of the master! Although the nature is not afraid, this is the best There is bad breath, Chen Zheng you help him get it done!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll sounded!

"Hey! I can't escape! At first, I got the real blood of the second lord in Wuxian Mountain. After seeing the second robber staying in Wuxian Mountain, I foresee the arrival of this day! , You can rest assured that I will give my brother-in-law a happy, will not cause him much pain! Of course, the elder sister, you, I will chew slowly!"

The turbid fairy lying on the ground like a beast was a Yinxie smile again, and slammed at Chen Zheng!

"Sky hook teeth..."

Chen Zheng did not fluctuate much, but instead showed a smile, his right hand was raised in front of him.


next moment!

Zhuoxian bite on Chen Zheng's arm!

Just listen to the crackling sound!


The turbid fairy biting Chen Zheng's arm was forced!


His tusks, which claimed to be able to bite everything from the world, are now broken!

"Not very good."

Chen Zheng waved his right arm gently and shook his head for a while.


The sneer of the little chemical doll sounded instantly.

"..." Turbid Immortal nodded as if instinctively, but suddenly woke up the next moment and took a deep breath to stare at Chen Zheng: "I don't believe there is anything in this world It can block the fangs of the Skyhook family. The second robbery master tried it himself, and his robbery could not block the skyhook teeth!"

"Humph! You **** with the blood of the second son, I really thought that you could devour everything by relying on the sky hook teeth? The second child was at most half a step away from the level, and Chen Zheng’s flesh and Yuanshen were already detached. In this situation, this fellow is just unable to keep up with it. If you keep up with it, it’s already detached! What kind of broken teeth do you have? sharpest spar in the original place is even better, It’s only limited to detachment!"

The indifferent voice of the little doll sounded again!

"Extricated...!" Zhuoxian stunned, then shook his head frantically: "Impossible! There is no extrication in this world! That is an unknowable state! As the future master, you are the most powerful in your past At that time, I couldn’t be detached. How could he be a mere human race! Fake! A human race is absolutely impossible to be detached! Explain! I want an explanation! Damn! You give me an explanation!"

"Explain? Chen Zheng, you explain it!"

The little doll made a grunt.

"I also want to know why my body is so strong, maybe it is so strong by nature."

Chen Zheng thought about it for a moment, and answered quite seriously.

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