Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1129: It turned out to be just one of her dogs!


Before Tianyan Mountain!

Between the people on the side of the blood river son, the pupils shrank, the pupils shrunk, and the eyes were full of coercion!

Celestial Beast Master!

The rules of the pre-selected land of the children of the heavens!

It can be said that it is transformed by heaven!

The ancestors of the ancestors must bow their heads when they see it!

At the moment, it was like a pug crawling under the foot of that monk!

My Dao Zun!

This is probably in a dream!

This is all blinding eyes!

Although silent at the moment!

But the priests such as Xuehe Shengzi are all roaring in their hearts!

"Former palace lord..."

Diao Chan, one of the gods and deities, glanced at the three-eyed beast with a crazy kowtow on the ground, and then looked at Chen Zheng again, his eyes full of curiosity. These three-eyed beasts, the ancestors who could be suppressed by just one breath did not dare to raise their heads, and then they and Yin Xue fell into the plan of the Blood River Son, who asked the three-eyed beast to imprison himself and Yin Xue, He and Yin Xue had no chance to resist.

These three-eyed beasts are already regarded as heavenly creatures. This kind of creature that surpasses all beings actually called Chen Zu the former palace master. Which denomination has Chen Zu used to be the palace master?

Bai Mu'er and Bai Mei thought about it, and soon thought of a force, and his eyes flashed with surprise. That force is not in the world of Futu, that force is too high in Hongmeng. In fact, her second daughter has only heard of that force.

"You know me? But why do I have no impression on you."

Chen Zheng lightly glanced at the three beasts on the ground.

"This..." The Three-Eyed Beast raised his head and froze for a moment, then quickly replied: "This... The little knows that you are because of His Highness, and the small is pinched out by His Royal Highness. , The small was once a dog next to His Royal Highness, and of course it is now! The small remembers that for a few years, what His Highness did every day is to sculpt your stone carving, but His Royal Highness is very strange, and every time it is carved, it will be destroyed. Then I started again, and it continued for many years! Later, the little was thrown out by His Royal Highness, because the small accidentally disturbed His Highness to create! As for you don’t know the small, it’s because after you left His Highness, the small Was squeezed out by His Highness!"


Confusing Your Highness?

The incarnation of heaven is just a dog that confuses His Highness?

What a great character!

The body of the Blood River Son and others were trembling. At this moment, a retreat sprang up deep in my heart. Even the children of the heavens did not want to compete for the pre-election, just wanted to leave the pre-election and return to their respective denominations!

The dozens of monks of the Blood River Son, except for the Blood River Son and the monks of the Futu Gate, the rest are basically monks who have good relations with the Futu Gate or a vassal sect. Those monks who want to regret it can't regret it!

Oh shit!

I thought to climb the relationship of the blood son!

The road to spiritual practice will be much easier in the future!

Who can think of it!

Today the Blood River Son caused a monstrous disaster!

Oh shit!

This time the only examiner of the Sons of the Sky budget game kneels to the boy!

And still so humble!

"It turns out that you are one of her dogs, but why did you use this dog for Panhuang? Panhuang knows what happened in this pre-selected place. He knows that I am here, why not come out and meet me. Well, I am not a life-and-death enemy with him, and there are common enemies in my calculations, or would you call me Panhuang."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"This... the little one was still part of the Heavenly Tao system after being thrown out by His Highness Ying. The Heavenly Tao system is a bit complicated. The little is just a dog of His Highness, and he can’t reach the level of Panhuang. Please do not come to Panhuang."

The three-eyed beast revealed a dilemma.

In this simple dialogue, after listening to Shenghe Shengzi and others, the body shook again, and some amazing secrets were heard invisible, and what is even more amazing is that when the mysterious young man mentioned Panhuang, he did not seem to have panhuang Respected by the great emperor of the Holy Emperor, it seems to be just an ordinary person!

My Dao Zun!

What is the identity of this child!

Doesn't this child even look at the earth-shattering holy disc!

"is it."

Chen Zheng looked at the three-eyed beast with a smile.

"You are the former palace owner, and you are also the adoptive father of Hyun Hyun, but the little one is just a dog that Hyun Hyun Hyun squeezed out. How dare you dare to deceive you! The small sentence is true, the small really does not come to Panhuang, However, this time Panhuang opened the pre-selection of the sons of the heavens, and after all ten places in this sector come out, Panhuang may appear!"

The three-eyed beast nodded back and forth!

"Do you know what Panhuang wants to do."

Chen Zheng asked again with a smile.

"This...Small knows, but the little dare not say that the small is also fighting this time! The little also knows a little bit, and His Highness certainly knows what Panhuang wants to do, but His Highness has not If you try to stop it, you will surely confess that Your Highness also agrees with Panhuang, so you dare to fight!

In the eyes of the three-eyed beast, Yimang flashed again and again, and he bowed his head and replied.

This sentence!

Heavenly Devil Shuangyan!

Blood River Sage and others!

Just feel the clouds and fog!

Although I heard that this time the pre-selection of the Sons of the Heavens was very involved, but in the end, what was involved, and none of them could say it. At this moment, Blood River Shengzi and other people were giggling in their hearts, because they all understood a little, knowing more situations Often the more dangerous! If oneself and others hear these things that should not be touched by others, will Master Tianyan Beast let him and others leave?

I'm afraid it won't!

"Your little one is brave enough."

Chen Zheng commented.

"Small... is also forced! Inside the Taoist system is spreading, once that person wakes up, everything must be reshuffled, and perhaps everything except heaven and earth will be destroyed. , The little does not seek to confide His Royal Highness to shelter the little, the boy only wants to protect himself!"

The three-eyed beast heard it, groaned, and then gritted his teeth!

"Then you are awesome."

Chen Zheng couldn't help laughing.


Listen to the others!

The complexion has changed dramatically!

The breath of Shenghe Shengzi and other people instantly messed up, and his eyes were full of horror. He accidentally heard a secret. This secret is more terrible than the previous one, and more terrifying!


This is over!

The three-eyed beast will never let go of others!

"Get up to work."

At the moment when Xuehe Shengzi and others were upset, Chen Zheng gave a light look at the three-eyed beast.

"Ah? Do things? What do you do? Understand! Small understand! Small do this!"

When the three-eyed beast heard first it showed the color of doubt, then it instantly showed the color of color, jumped up from the ground, turned his head and stared at the blood river saint and others!

"Master Tianyan Beast..."

Shenghe Shengzi took a deep breath and began to tremble!

"Sorry children, you have heard something that should not be heard, and you can only erase you!"

The three-eyed beast spoke indifferently!

"Do not!"


"You can't do this, you are the incarnation of heaven, you must...!"


Suddenly stopped!

Blood River Saint Child and others directly disappeared!

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