Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1135: He did those big things!

and so!

Xiangli who defeated the seven ancient ancestors with a sword just now is also expected. After all, that Xiangli is not too much against the sky. Compared with the previous Heavenly Son in the Budu Gate, it is not on a level, of course. The Son of the Heavens has been pinched to death by Chen Zu!


Chen Zu?

Li Huang suddenly thought of it, and at this moment, he looked at Chen Zheng on the suspended platform above. This look was a little stunned. It seemed that Chen Zu's bone age also met the pre-selection requirements of the sons of the heavens, but Chen Zu obviously couldn't look down on this so-called The title of son of the heavens. It's right to think about it. Even the legendary first holy emperor Panhuang took the initiative to show his favor to Chen Zu. How could Chen Zu be condescended and despised to fight for the sons of the heavens?

"Chen Zu...was the bloodline of this girl awake?"

Bai Mu'er secretly conveyed a thought, she remembered very clearly that Qi Ruyi first saw Qi Ruyi on the sea of ​​turbid fairy blood. At that time, Qi Ruyi was less than Xuan Xian, but the sword just now made her both Feel the slightest threat.

"Her ancestor Qijue Xianwang passed something to her. Qijue Xianxian is almost the same as you when you were the strongest. Maybe it is about the same as Zitian."

Chen Zhengshenian responded to Bai Muer.

"Seven Wonders..."

There was a look of surprise in Bai Mu'er's eyes. She was the strongest at that time, which was almost the ninth realm of the indestructible Taoist ancestors. It was already the strongest under the overlord, and then up to the half-step era overlord like Zitiandu, and then the era. overlord.

If it is a Taoist ancestor who is indestructible in the ninth realm or a half-step era overlord has passed down the secret method and given the magical power, then Qi Qi's head is against the previous Divine Son, which is actually a battle force. So this girl is now the first to pre-select the sons of the heavens in this world, and there is indeed nothing wrong with it.

"Hurry up, hurry up, who of you will challenge this Qi...Miss, hurry up and challenge, Chen Zu's time is precious and my time is precious, I have no time to waste your time with you!"

The three-eyed beast saw a silence from the participants, and opened his mouth coldly.

"Dare not!"

"I surrender!"

"Huang Quanzong's Qi Shengnv's sword skills are terrifying. Take the first place!"

All the contestants spoke.

"Okay, it’s so decided. Ms. Huang Quanzong Qi is the first qualifier of the children of the heavens in this world, rewarding a seed of the road! As for the next nine places, the group has been divided, and the one with the same magical power in you is one. Group, within a time for you to decide the outcome!" The three-eyed beast nodded in satisfaction, lifted his paws, and a divine light hit Qi Ruyi's heart, that is exactly a avenue seed. After sending out the seeds of the Dadao, the three-eyed beast secretly spoke to Chen Zheng: "Hey Chen Zu, small things are efficient enough!"

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The three-eyed beast immediately smiled again. This time it wasn't Shen Nian Chuan Yin, this time it was a direct smile. Many monks present noticed this scene and sighed one by one in their hearts. The maiden Huang Quanzong obviously had the mysterious support of Chen Zu. Even if the Son of Heaven was not pinned to death by Chen Zu, he might not be able to take the first place. .

After all, this mysterious Chen Zu, even Heavenly Eye Beast, will please him!

"Although I lost Xiangli to the Huangquanzong saint, I will never lose to you. Come on, Li Liusha, let me see where you are now!"

In the open air temple!

The group fight has begun!

Qiguzong Xiangli to Qiguzong Li Liusha!


Li Liusha's face sank, and a sudden violent burst appeared, and a very strange scene appeared. His whole person actually turned into quicksand, and instantly swallowed the Xiangli moment that was obviously higher than his realm!


What is this secret technique?

Is the earth secret?

Many people watched it!

"Xiang Li!" Elder Qi Guzongqin was startled and yelled, "Li Liusha, you must not kill each other in the same door!"


It was also at this moment that the quicksand was gone, and Li Liusha appeared, but he seemed very ignorant himself, as if he didn't know what happened just now! And Na Xiangli was already kneeling in front of him at this moment, with no mana!


This kid's secret technique is also a bit powerful!

This kid said that he was given a secret technique by Chen Zu!

The question is what is the secret technique!

Cultivation reveals curiosity!


Elder Qin stared at Li Liusha, frowning at Xiangli, who was kneeling on the ground, and grabbing Xiangli back to the warship, Shen Nian probed into Xiangli's body, his face changed instantly, and he wanted to attack in an instant But when I thought of Chen Zheng, I took a deep breath and said nothing!

The outsider may not know that he is very clear at the moment, that is, his disciples Xiangli's ancient stars are already close to Dacheng, but they are now degraded to the lowest level!

"Swallow the secret method..."

Bai Mu'er saw something, and he couldn't make a whisper.

"I surrender!"

"Gan Bai winds down!"

"I lost!"

The rest of the group also quickly divided the victory and defeat. Tianmo Shuangyan also participated in the qualifiers of the children of the heavens. At this moment, they all overcame their opponents, and they all looked towards Li Liusha.

"carry on!"

When the claws of the three-eyed beast were raised, the monk who was promoted reappeared. The huge open-air temple was once again divided into a ring-like area, and the next round of fighting began instantly.

After half a scent of incense.

"Okay, it's done. The next nine places are already available, so you don't have to make a difference, because except for the first place with Dadao seeds as a reward, there is no difference in the next nine." The victory and defeat, the three-eyed beast swept in a circle and nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head to look at Chen Zheng, lowered his head and smiled: "Chen Zu, the top ten places in the pre-selection of the children of the heavens in this world have all been decided, small The task is completed, the small first leave!"


Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Chen Zu has a chance to see you again!"

The three-eyed beast hugged his paws and disappeared with a swish.


Ten people such as Qi Ruyi, Tianmo Shuangyan, and Li Liusha all raised their right hands at the moment. At the moment, on the back of the right hand, a **** pattern appeared, and one by one looked at Chen Zheng subconsciously.

"Ten of you are all eligible to compete in the election of the sons of the heavens, and practice well. Except for Ruyi, who has the qualification to fight against half of my disciples, the rest can't take her a knife."

Chen Zheng casually gave Qi Ruyi a look, with Bai Muer, Bai Mei and Tianmo eyes, and left the pre-selected place directly.

"Half a disciple...can't take a it so strong..."

Li Liusha read it in a low voice, but there was a surge of war in his eyes.

"Two ancestors, let's go back."

Qi Ruyi thoughtfully returned to the Huangquanzong warship and said, Li Huang and the oracle ancestor nodded at the same time, and the warship moved into a streamer.

In front of the open air temple.

There was another silence.

"Chen Zu... who is he?"

"I don't I have never heard of such a person before!"

"Several major events have recently occurred in the world of Butu, the ruins of the ancient immortal Taoism, and the ancestor Wan Tu who was sealed by the saint for 100,000 years was assassinated by the mysterious magic weapon of Huang Quanzong! The tomb changed, and the ancestors of the Three Emperors Sect, Heroes Soul Hall, and Bu Tian Dao almost all fell! And on the eve of the pre-selection of the sons of the heavens, the sky dome of the Futu World became a **** color, and a daunting blood shadow appeared! These pieces The big thing...not all related to this Chen Zu!"

"It should be just that, Feng Yue's ancestor said before his body that this Chen Zu had done several major events as soon as he came to the world of Futu, and that the Holy Lady of Huang Quanzong knew Chen Zu obviously. It must be him!"

After a short silence, there was a whisper, and after a whisper, the practitioners at the open-air temple fell into silence again in horror!

Chen Zu!

What is he going to do in the world of Futuo!

Is the next big thing going to happen the first case of Bu Tu Tu Men?

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