Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1169: Ancient God Cemetery!

Woman in white!

Tearing time and space!

Appeared now!

Xingcha only looked at the ancestral **** Famine, and then quickly lowered his head, not daring to take another look!

So strong!

very scary!

Can't see through!

Not see through at all!

Is this woman in white the legendary lord of Tiandao Palace!

" are...!"

Jin Zun's throat stirred for a while before he started talking, but he only said a few words and fell into silence! Although he has never seen the Master of the Heavenly Palace, he can perceive some things at a glance with the identity and cultivation of the Lord of the Holy Pilgrimage! This white woman who came from tearing time and space, won't win with ten of his bodies!


Not ten bodies joined forces!

Ten thousand or even hundreds of millions of bodies join forces!

It is not an opponent of this woman in white!

And this woman in white is just a thought!

and so!

There is nothing wrong with the identity of this woman in white!

She is the master of Heavenly Palace!

" is your relationship!"

Taking a deep breath, Jin Zun asked in a deep voice!

The ancestral god, God of Wildness, raised his head slightly, and at the moment the little demon girl holding Chen Zhengyi's corner was a little timid and aimed at the woman in white. She seemed to want to get close to the woman in white, but she was also afraid because she was a stranger.

"Grandfather, you are followed by a little girl with a little interest."

The woman in white didn't look at Jin Zun, only looked at the little demon girl beside Chen Zheng, and said with a smile.



What is this calling!


This is fake!

In a word!

Jin Zun only felt like a thunderbolt, and the golden mask on his face was broken again. At this moment a face of a middle-aged man was exposed, and it was completely frozen! In fact, not only Jin Zun feels like the thunder, but the ancestral **** and the **** of desolation are also the same!


This woman in white calls the grand leader as his righteous father!

The Commander-in-Chief is the father-in-law of Heavenly Palace!


And the tone of the woman in white feels a bit jealous!

This... is really unreal!

"This girl is a dust girl."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The little demon girl hesitated, but still shouted with her mouth open.

"Sister? I should call you for my sister." The woman in white smiled softly, but she frowned slightly when she smiled, and then gently shook her head: "He still doesn't like me to see his uncle."


This sentence just fell!

The golden ancestor **** God of Desolation has not yet returned, and a transparent giant face shows no signs. The time and space of the outer circle of the star and stone in this burial place instantly collapsed!


The transparent giant face shouted at the woman in white!

The woman in white with a faint smile disappeared!


The transparent giant face shouted at Chen Zheng again!

"Old guy, seeing you look like I can't help it, why is there an inexplicable coolness. There are half things hidden in the place of the burial place, your body does not show up, and it can't prevent me from entering the place of the burial place, but your body As soon as you show up, you are equivalent to breaking the work ahead of time, I am afraid that even the original peak repairs will not be restored. Alas, it makes me feel a little difficult to choose. Is it to remind me to wake up, or let me go to the burial place? I took that half of it."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and blinked at the transparent giant face.


The transparent giant face roared for the third time, but the next moment disappeared!



A shock in time and space!

The emergence of the power of laws will destroy the time and space repair!


Whether it is the ancestral **** on the Xingcha, or the floating golden statue, it is all like a stone carving. At the moment, there is only one thought in my heart. 'S creature, a creature more terrible than the lord of the Heavenly Palace!

"I... am I... within a day... within a scent of incense... I saw the Master of the Heavenly Palace and Hongmeng... The only master!"

Jin Zun shuddered, his eyes moved, staring blankly at Chen Zheng!

"you guess."

Chen Zheng smiled, Xingcha turned into a streamer and rushed into the burial of the gods.

"I guess... I guess a fart! That must be the legendary Hongmeng Tribulation Lord, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, the terrifying breath that truly surpasses all living beings, this one is also the Lord of the Holy Ghost , But he didn’t even dare to put fart in front of him! Bastard, bastard. The Master of the Heavenly Palace called you a righteous father. The Lord of Hongmeng wanted to swallow you alive, but you can’t help you, who the **** are you!”

Jin Zun was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth for a while, took a deep breath, and then swallowed into the land of the burial.


Burial ground.

Ancient **** cemetery.

At a glance.

It's all ancient **** bones.

The bones are scary.

Not the most terrible thing.

At this moment in this ancient **** cemetery.

The most terrifying thing is the giant beast.

"very scary!"

"Sir, the chairman is being beaten!"

"What the **** is this, how could it be so terrible, is it the legendary **** Modu who suppressed the seal!"


These are all monks of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce!

Among them, Ling Zhu Dao Ren, the vice president who escaped from the Ancestral God City, is also at this moment, Ling Zhu Dao Ren clenches his teeth tightly, staring at one person and one beast in the ancient **** graveyard!



Beast roar!

A giant claw!

The green-robed monk with an off-white mask!

It was shot directly into the ground!

The ancient **** cemetery was shocked!

"Adult President!"

"Has the venue fallen?"

"It's impossible for the adults at the venue to fall!"

The face of the monks of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce changed greatly and exclaimed one by one! In addition to the monks of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce, there were at least ten monks present, all staring at the claws of the giant beast that had been pressed into the ground!

In the land of the gods’ burial, the strongest is the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Longxiao. That is the authentic Taoist ancestor. If the Taoist ancestor was killed by the terrible beast, don’t wait for people to find the holy things, fearing that they might even escape. There is no chance!

The breath of the president of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce has disappeared, but has it really fallen?



The blue light flashed!

Above the tomb of the ancient god!

A figure emerged!

"Adult President!"

"Master Qingyue!"

"The president is still alive!"

The monks of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce saw the figure, and they breathed a sigh of relief immediately. The Taoist Ling Zhu also saw a sigh of relief! Now there is no place for the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce in the Qingtian Ancient Star field except for the place of the burial of the gods. If the president falls, then the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce can really be over!

"You monster is really terrible. One claw destroys a treasure in this seat!"

The president of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce stands in the At this moment, the eyes under the gray mask stared at the terrible beast indifferently!


The beast roared again, and dared to pounce on the president of the Longxiao Chamber of Commerce again. A huge warship crossed over, and the beast turned around suddenly. When the horrible pupils saw a figure on the deck of the vast battleship, the pupils instantly Turn to **** color, kick the ground violently!


Ancient God Cemetery!

The dense bones of the ancient gods all splashed into the air at the moment!

Boneless sky!

It's as if a giant beast is pouring anger!

As if telling all the creatures present!

No matter who it is, all have to die!

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