Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1184: Are you still human?

"what's the situation!"

"A tremor!"

"Are there any ancestors of the ancestor level in the ancestor's pit?"

Ancient magic pit!

Within one circle!

Whether it is the Northern Spirit Realm, the Southern Luo Xianting, or the ancestral devil pit of Tiannv Mountain, the spirits in the whole world are staring at the sky! Such a big shock can be said to be unprecedented!

Even if an ancestor-level demon came out of the ancestor's pit, even if the mysterious Tsing Yi person went to the ancestor's pit and raised a head, it did not cause such a shock!

"This...whose strength is Chen Shao or...other!"

In the Xianxian Town of the Northern Spiritual Realm, all the monks of the Xianxian Squad who are ready to go to the Ancestor's Devil's Pit are all in place, and the Fire Leopard asked dumbly!

"do not know!"

Wu Xian took a deep breath and responded!

do not know!

This is really not known!

The only thing I know is that the Northern Spiritual Realm is about to change!


Inside the Dragon Palace of Yinglong Dragon!

The three ancestors also stayed in place like stone carvings!

"No! Fake! It's all fake! This woman is just a fictitious image that you made up with a secret method. She doesn't exist at all. You can't fool me. All these are means you use! You want to use this means to come Frighten me, you want me to take out the sacred dragon demon ancestor to help you open up the hidden space, you can't get it! Haha! Hahaha!"

Yinglong Devil Emperor froze for a moment, suddenly burst into laughter!


However, nobody cares about him at this moment. As soon as the eyes of the little demon girl become pure and flawless, the whole person is as if they are fixed, and at this moment, Feng Niangzi just stares at the phantom behind the little demon girl.

She shook her hand out tremblingly, trying to touch the phantom, but her hand only touched the air, and the phantom was just a phantom, not an entity at all, and she could not touch it. And there is another point, it seems that the ghost image is only the ghost image, not the soul of the remnant, and there is no response.

"Teacher...can I still awaken..."

The wind lady looked at Chen Zheng with a trembling voice.

The three ancestors also noticed this scene, and their eyes flashed in a strange way. The ancestor in the middle looked away from the phantom at the moment, and looked at Chen Zheng: "You mean, this is the dust emperor, right? It’s a pity that it’s just a residual image of memory, not even the mind’s will, so even if she is the dust emperor, even if this little girl is really the reincarnation of the dust emperor, even if she really has something in the secret space, it is impossible to awaken Dust Emperor is dead, there can be no more Dust Emperor in this world, you should give up!"

"Memory residual image? Haha! Sure enough, it's fake! You alien race, is really insidious and cunning, want to use a memory residual image to deceive me, your means is really the next work!"

The Yinglong Demon Emperor laughed, and then stared at Chen Zheng with a look of contempt!



At the next moment!

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed the Yinglong Devil Emperor. The Yinglong Devil Emperor was too late to respond. His head was cracked, and his spirit was forcibly ingested by Chen Zheng!



"what are you going to do!"

When the three ancestors were shocked, the secret method exploded subconsciously. Even if all the secret methods hit the body of Chen Zheng, it would have no effect. The three ancestors were shocked again, and exchanged a quick look, just preparing to sacrifice the magic weapon of life and then blast out the secret method, and suddenly heard a scream!


The Yuanshen, which was forcibly ingested by Chen Zheng, was instantly broken into countless stars!


A strange flash of gloom!

Sakura Dragon Demon Emperor's broken reorganization!

"I have the sacred dragon demon clan guardian Yuanshen, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, you can't help me!"

Yinglong Demon Emperor Yuanshen roars roaring!


However, Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at Yinglong Devil Emperor, and only slightly frowned at the little demon girl. The little demon girl's pure white and flawless eyes returned to normal, and the woman's ghost behind her disappeared into her.


Feng Niang was a little ignorant, not shocked by Chen Zheng, but wondering where to go. Just between her doubts, Chen Zheng wiped out a door of nothingness, and Feng Zizi subconsciously opened her mouth to say something, and the pale blue mysterious light wrapped her, and was taken by Chen Zheng into the door of nothingness. in.


In an instant!

The gate to nothingness disappears!


The three ancestors looked at each other, and they were all a little dumbfounded, but at the next moment, the ancestors' face changed dramatically!

"Secret space!"


"Go to the secret space!"

Three angers!

The three ancestors also disappeared directly!

"Secret space..." Yinglong Demon Emperor whispered aloud, and shouted fiercely and fiercely: "Fuck things, you thought I had forcibly searched my Yuanshen, and I knew where the secret space is You can enter the hidden space! Without the relics as the key, the ancient ancestors of the ancestor level cannot enter the hidden space!"



He moved to the hidden space with a move!


This is a dull place.

It seems to have nothing to do with the magic court.

Actually did not leave the magic court.

This dark place is at the deepest part of the magic court.

I'm afraid outsiders don't even know that there is such a dark place in the deepest part of the magic court.

At the entrance of this gloomy place, there stands a blood-colored There is only one word on the stele, that is the word of martyrdom. At this moment, Chen Zheng, the little demon girl, the wind lady, and the three ancestors and Yinglong Devil Emperor are all in front of the entrance of this dark place.

"Destroy the space, although you have been found, but there is no blessing of the relics, and the ancestral demon will immediately be cut into nothingness by the law of terror inside! You can’t destroy me, you can’t get the relics, and you really do. If you don’t reach the relic, it will destroy me naturally, so this is an endless cycle. After all, what you have done is still empty!"

Yinglong Devil Emperor Yuan God sneered!

"Do so much..."

When Chen Zheng heard a chuckle, he stepped out and took the little demon girl across the blood-stained stele. In front of the Yinglong Demon Emperor and the Three Ancestors, he entered the dull land directly.

"court death!"

Yinglong Modi cold drink!

The eyes of the three ancestors also light up at this moment!

Dull land!

No Sakura Dragon Demon Relics self-defense!

Even the devil of the ancestor level is going to die!


The lady of the wind was full of worries, and she just wanted to speak, and she couldn't say anything in the next moment!



Chen Zheng just stepped into the so-called demise space with the little demon girl, and a terrifying law suddenly appeared, like the most terrible murderous creatures rushing towards Chen Zheng and the little demon girl from all directions!


It is also a face-to-face!

Chen Zheng opened his mouth!

Those horrors cannot be swallowed!


The stele of **** martyrs at the entrance!

At this moment there was a crack!


next moment!

The stele of stele turned into powder!

"Are... still human..."

Among the three ancestors, Yingyou ancestor opened his mouth and asked blankly, but no one responded, because they all looked silly!

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