Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1202: 0 million magic bones



At this moment, the whole world of ancient magic pits looks so extreme that the creatures in the world of ancient magic pits have forgotten their previous fears, and they all stared blankly at the sky, staring at the floating starburst!

"Star dust......"

The little demon girl's eyes were clear, and now she was shining with light. She reached out her hand to catch the falling star dust. A very magical scene appeared. The star dust falling all over the sky seemed to be self-conscious, and all flew towards her.


The wind lady and the blue bird saw this scene and showed curiosity.

Those who watched in the distance also saw this scene, and also showed curiosity, but soon their eyes moved, and they all looked at Chen Zheng. Watching Chen Zheng's magic armor disperse, watching the dark and extreme sword Heimang flash over there, and a woman with a stunning appearance but also extremely cold was stunned.

Immortal magician!

Just cut by a sword!

The immortal magician was chopped off with a sword from a young man in a fairyland!


The creatures watching from a distance, one by one involuntarily inhaled the cool breath, the throat agitated, and the spirit of the primordial trembling, only felt like experiencing a fantasy dream! But they knew in their deepest heart that it was not a dream just now!

If it was an illusion just now, then you and others have been destroyed by the immortal magician!

Lawless Emperor!

This is what the immortal wizard calls the young man!

I used to think that this name has some blood!

At this moment all understood that it was really lawless!

Tianxianxiu is the third Taoist ancestor!

I'm afraid this is because no one in the world can believe it!

"There are still a lot of old demons in the ancestral devil pit. I swallowed the devil qi of the ancestor devil pit directly, and the old devil has returned to you."

At this time, Chen Zheng said to the demon spirit, stepped forward and landed in front of the ancestor's devil pit. I saw Chen Zheng open his mouth and swallowed it like that. The majestic anger in the ancestor's devil pit was swallowed by him in a blink of an eye.



Chen Zhengxiu is soaring with the naked eye!


Golden fairy!



Quasi Saint!


Even the saint!




Chen Zheng's breath degenerates wildly!

Suddenly returned to the heaven of heaven!

It looks like there is no growth at all!


"This fake..."

"The ancestral magic pit's immense magical energy has swallowed him, and his origins have swallowed him. Didn't the realm have soared above the ancestor's realm just now, why did he retreat to the level of the Celestial Immortal, this is a failure to devour Yet?"

"It seems that there is still a little increase, but it is not obvious. Before it was about three orders of heaven, now it should be six orders of heaven..."

"It's difficult...understand!"

Cultivation by the crowd!

The wind lady and the blue bird are also a little ignorant!

Little demon girl is even more ignorant!

Except for Chen Zheng, the only one who was not ignorant was the demon of the Dark Throne. This extremely indifferent woman, who had no human emotion in her eyes, swept over all the ancient demons currently in the ancestral devil’s pit. Humph!


The dark throne opened a corner!


The Dark Throne is like a giant abyss, swallowing the ancient demon in the ancestor's devil pit. The dozens of ancient ancestors of the ancestor level are in doubt, even if there is no chance to fight against it, they are black. The throne swallowed all!


Visible to the naked eye!

Blood drops dripped around the dark throne!



Any drop of blood!

All contain great power!

Those monks watching from a distance, their mouths open to the extreme at this moment, never thought of seeing such a horrible scene, dozens of ancient ancestors were swallowed at once, and suppressed at once!


What is the origin of this dark throne!


Supreme Magic Tool?

Supreme magic weapon?

For a while!

Cultivators guess wildly!

And just between the speculations of the practitioners, in the huge ancestor's pit that had lost its majestic devilish energy, the gray light suddenly flashed at this moment, as if the disguise was torn off, and the inside of the ancestor's pit was really exposed!


Zhong Xiu only looked at it, all his pupils were squeezed, and his eyes were full of terror!

Magic bone!

A lot of magic bones!

Millions of bones!

At the moment the ancestral devil pit!

Densely packed with demon bones!

If it was just the demon bones that would not be so frightened, but any one of the white bones would release a terrifying breath. These demon bones seemed to be all ancient ancestors of the ancestor level, and as if all were still alive, they might jump at any time!

"Damn, why are there so many horrible demon bones hidden in the ancestral devil pit!"

"Are these all the bones of ancient demon of the ancestor level!"

"Don't know, don't ask me, I'm so scared now!"

The trembling sound lay down!

"Is this the true face of the Ancestor's Devil's Pit? The Ancestor's Devil's Pit is a burial pit. These bones should be the dead creatures of Yuduji."

The wind lady whispered.

"Perhaps it was not tyranny during his lifetime, but after some years of precipitation, these white bones feel that they can be used to make a treasure, or even a more powerful evil weapon."

Jade Bird also whispered.


At this time, the little demon girl suddenly opened her mouth and gently breathed into the ancestral devil pit!


Chen Zheng!


Wind Lady and Blue Bird!

All sensed over here!

"not good!"

And in the breath that the little demon blew out, it was blown into the ancestral devil pit. When passing over the bones, the face of the demon changed and quickly urged the dark throne to fall above the ancestral devil pit!


The dark throne is wide open, swallowing millions of demon bones in one breath! After swallowing millions of demon bones, the demon took a deep look at the little demon girl, and turned into a dark mansions into the dark throne, and the dark throne also turned into a black light into Chen Zheng's body!


The Cultivator was a little ignorant. The Feng Niang subconsciously shouted at the little demon girl. The little demon girl glanced blankly at the Feng Niang girl. It seemed that she didn't understand this sentence at all. It seemed that a sudden breath was just a subconscious instinct.

"Master... is the dust girl, the master's natural power is the power of purification, the master just wanted to purify those demon bones."

Jade Bird thought of something, and whispered at the moment.


Purify those demon bones that release terror?

It seems that there was indeed a demon bone purified at that moment!

This looks like how a mortal little girl is strong!

The ears of the public repaired, and heard the whisper of the blue bird by the secret method. At the moment, they all showed the color of amazement, and they instantly understood why the demon suddenly started, and instantly swallowed the bones in the ancestral devil pit!


The little girl didn't seem to realize that she almost purified the million bones just now!


Feng Niang looked at Chen and swallowed that green lotus. After all, it was somewhat effective. This girl will slowly accept her first life. "

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The wind lady listened to the emphasis.

(End of this chapter)

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