Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1206: You God can kill yourself!

"Yes, I think of it. The ultimate secret of immortality must be at least half-step era. The creatures at the hegemonic level are eligible to open it! Shao Li Shen Zi, although you are the fifth ancestor of Taoism, you can only be the ancestor of the Tao. The secret!"

Noble Witch Festival nodded again and again!

"You...damn, why didn't you say it before, this God Son doesn't believe it!"

Shao Li Shen Zi's expression was uncertain, and he roared suddenly, and the crystal-clear Shui Wushen sword was a sword facing Chen Zheng over there!


It's a pity that Chen Zheng didn't need to shoot, the little demon girl only breathed out a little, and the horror and supernatural power was dispelled!


Shao Li Shen Zi froze for a moment, his anger seemed to be overwhelming, but he could only bear it! Although the Shui Wushen Sword is a treasure, although it is extraordinary, it can consume a lot of mana every time it urges the Divine Prestige. Even his Dao Patriarch, who can’t destroy the fifth realm, can’t urge the Sword Sword infinitely!


Immediately urge the Divine Sword Divine Power!

The little girl dispelled Shenwei with a breath!

This is a fart!

The most hateful thing is that after the little girl blew out Shenwei, her little face was dumb, as if she didn't know what happened at all, so Nima was too fooled!

Is this little girl intentional!

I even farted myself!


"the host......"

Both the wind lady and the blue bird are looking at the little demon girl at the moment, and their eyes are full of light, because there are signs of awakening again!

"Good! Powerful! Powerful means!" Shao Li Shenzi took another deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then stared at Chen Zheng with a smirk: "You say this is the stone box with the ultimate secret of immortality It takes half-step era to overlord level creatures to open, the God of God is not enough, the God of God recognized! However, if you are an immortal, even if the flesh and Yuanshen are special, can you open the stone box, are you eligible to reach the ultimate The secret of immortality? Huh! You can’t!"


The Wraith King's Sacrifice frowned, and he just begged Chen Zheng to suppress the corpse of Tongtian, because he had seen Chen Zheng's means before and knew that Chen Zhengdian was mysterious. However, whether Chen Zheng can open the stone box is probably not good for him, so he is actually hiding selfishness.

Of course now!

He hopes that Chen Zheng can open the stone box!


This stone box with the ultimate secret of immortality can't fall on the hands of the ancient **** mountain of Taixu!

"Why? Can't you speak? Chen Zu, you just mocked me, didn't you think you were mocking yourself? You are not as good as me, and you have the right to mock yourself, now you have to smack yourself. Chen Zu, Chen Zu, don’t pretend to be without that skill. It’s not a shame to be beaten by others. It’s really shameful to be beaten by yourself!”

Seeing that Chen Zheng did not respond, Shao Li Shenzi again laughed at the moment.

Since this stone box has limited conditions, at least the creatures at the level of the hegemony of the half-step era can only be opened. At this moment, everyone in Tiannv Mountain, whether it is himself or the so-called Chen Zu in this heavenly wonderland, cannot open the stone box!


No one can get to open the stone box!

No one can get the ultimate secret of immortality!

"Ben Shenzi is watching the drama now, and Ben Shenzi is not suppressing you. Come on, Chen Zu, if you have that ability, just perform the opening of the stone box in front of Ben Shenzi. If you can open the stone box, this **** body is a **** body. Self-extinguish! This is what the Divine Son said to do, as long as you open the stone box, this Divine Son will self-extinguish directly, if you cannot open the stone box, then please Chen Zu self-extinguish! Then Chen Zu, may I dare to bet with this Divine Son Put it!"

Shao Li Shenzi didn't respond to Chen Zheng when he saw it. At the moment, his thoughts moved, and staring at Chen Zheng was a sneer!

"Gamble? Really gamble?"

Chen Zheng heard this sentence, and looked away from the stone box. At this moment, he took Zheng Zheng to take a look at Shao Li Shen Zi.

"This **** son is also the **** son of Everlasting Gods Mountain anyway. Everlasting God Mountain is indestructible, can't this God Son still be guilty! This God Son is afraid of Chen Zu's words, after all, you have this strange little girl body protector!"

Shao Li Shen Zi sneered again!


The face of the ancient devil, such as the Great Witch Festival, is all sinking, and I am a little worried at the moment, because the requirement of at least a half-step era overlord to open the stone box is a law passed down since ancient times! This mysterious young man's flesh is special to Yuanshen, but it can be cultivated to be only heavenly wonderland, can he break the limitation of law and purpose!

The celestial corpse stayed in place silently, and only looked at the stone box at this moment. In fact, he came to the ancient devil this time for the ultimate secret of immortality! It's just that before Chen's face, he won't overtake him, because he knows Chen Zheng's means better than anyone else here!

"It's time for you to perform, don't waste everyone's time, since you are fighting, let's start!"

Shao Li Shen Zi chuckled and urged Chen Zheng!

"That can only satisfy you."

After listening to a slight smile, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, and randomly pointed at the stone box. He only heard a creak. The stone box opened at once, and then he saw the explosion of colorful divine light, and something flew out of the stone box!


Shao Li Shenzi shivered, a face instantly solidified!

"Really... opened!"

"Is it possible to fix the immortals this day!"


The Great Witch Festival and others were stunned!


Feng Niang and Jade Bird looked at each There was only one thought in the hearts of the two people at this moment. Is that something that Grandpa Master can't do in this world? It is said that the stone box with the ultimate secret of immortality is hidden, and it can only be opened by contact with at least half-step era overlord-level creatures.


too exaggerated!


At the moment, I feel like I am in the cloud!

"This thing... is the ultimate secret of immortality? It's barely okay." Chen Zheng grabbed it, grabbed the colorful divine light, commented casually, and then in the surprise of everyone, Ran the colorful light to the little demon girl's eyebrows.


The multicolored divine light submerged into the little demon girl!

The eyes of the little demon girl instantly became pure and flawless!

In an instant!

A breath of supreme detachment was released!


It didn't last long!

The little demon girl has changed back to that dull state!


The Great Witch Festival is not understood, and can only watch Chen Zheng open his mouth. The other ancient demons, celestial corpses, wind lady and bluebird, all look at Chen Zheng with doubts at the moment.

"You... you have swallowed the ultimate secret of immortality for this little girl! Don't you... don't want yourself!"

Shao Li Shenzi's throat agitated for a while, and some could not believe that Chen Zheng actually gave the ultimate immortal secret to the little demon girl!

"It's really disappointing." Chen Zheng glanced lightly: "Don't leave the Son of God, right, should you honor your promise and self-extinguish?"


Leaving the Divine Son backwards!

His face is extremely pale!

Bash your teeth!

There was a low growl!

"Okay! This God Son recognizes the plant today!"

After yelling!

Shao Li Shen Zi annihilated on the spot!


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