Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1208: Ancestor Qiankun for help

"Come out, come out!"

"It really came out of Tiannv Mountain!"

"This... Whose force did they use to get out of Tiannv Mountain?"

Outside the Tiannv Mountain, those meditating and practicing creatures suddenly opened their eyes and all looked at the entrance to the Tiannv Mountain, and then they exclaimed!

"Master Patriarch, Lady Feng and Bluebird retire!"

In front of Tiannv Mountain, Feng Niang and Jade Bird both paid their respects to Chen Zheng and also to the little demon girl. The body of Jade Bird was revealed, covering the wings of the sky, and carrying Feng Niang to the sky!


In the blink of an eye!

Tear the sky and go away!

"Wind Lady and Blue Bird left the ancient devil..."

A monk whispered.


The little demon girl raised her hand and waved at the sky.

Chen Zheng only shook her head gently, and the girl waved her hand just as a basic etiquette. The girl still did not accept her as a reincarnation. However, some powers of this girl have been awakened, such as the power of purification, just blow a breath, and then purify the waterless **** sword divine power that is less from the Divine Son.

"That... The son should also leave the ancient devil pit."

At this time, the ancient Taoist murmured.

"If you, a Taoist, can't break through the ancient devil pit, you might as well go to see the outside world, such as outside the domain."

Chen Zheng glanced at Chen Gu Dao Ren and said casually.

"Huh? Go to the world outside the ancient devil? Outside the domain?"

Chen Gu Dao Ren was stunned, and he just wanted to ask again, but he could look up and see where there are figures of Chen Zheng and the little demon girl. Chen Zheng and the little demon girl have disappeared silently.


Qingtian ancient star field.

Ancestral City Sacrificial Site.

"Master still fails to awaken..."

The ancestral **** could only shake his head gently after he heard Chen Zheng talk about the ancient magic pit and his party.

"The commander-in-chief has raised a few more realms, but it seems to be too slow. If the commander-in-chief is tyrannical, if you want to resume your training, you should not be so slow."

Wild God thought for a moment.

Under his perception, Chen Zhengxiu was already a Tier 7 Celestial Immortal, raising several smaller realms than before going to the ancient Devil's Pit. Just when I think of Chen Zheng's tyranny, I don't think I can understand it at all. In his view, if Chen Zheng wants to resume his cultivation, he should be able to return to the ancestor level or even higher level in a short time, but it is not what he thought.

"In the war with the things above, there were a lot of ways, not one sentence or two that could explain clearly. My flesh and spirit are still as immortal as they were then, but they were also put together by that guy. I want to resume cultivation, It’s not enough to swallow the whole world."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The ancestor **** and the desolate **** were ignorant.

"That guy’s original purpose should be to imprison my physical soul and let me live within the rules it laid down, but it underestimated my physical body, so on the surface I was put together by it, and it actually did not affect it. Counting big, I now regard Tianxianxiu as the ancestor who can cut the saints, half the trail ancestors, and even the first heavy ancestor. After returning to Jinxian or Daojun, the combat power is actually equivalent to the peak state of the year."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"So it turns out."

"Goddess understands."

The ancestor **** and the desolate thought for a moment, and then nodded one after another. It is no wonder that the commander is a god, but the combat power is so terrifying, and the physical spirit is not afraid of any level of attack! It's no wonder that the Great Commander is still as indifferent as it was in the past, because there is no creature in this world that can kill the Great Commander, even if it hurts the Great Commander!

This can be said to be a passive invincible!

"Huh? This is... Ancestor Qian Kun..."

Chen Zheng frowned suddenly.

"Ancestor Qiankun? Is it the master of the universe?"

The gods of ancestors and wild gods show doubts.

"He was the kun I drew from Zhuang Shengmeng, he followed me for a while, and then he went to the world of Qiankun to preach. He knew how to contact me. Just now a word of Shennian came to me to ask for help. Now Shennian It’s shattered, I’ll go to see the world of Qiankun.”

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and as soon as the words fell, he left the ancestral city silently with the little demon girl.

"Zhuang Sheng..."

Barren God whispered.

"Zhuang Sheng in the world of Xuan Huang is a sub-sacred or quasi-sacred, but also has the ancestors of the ancestors. The secret technique of dream butterfly is extremely magical. The place where I had seen Zhuang Sheng was a very unusual person."

The ancestor said.

"Chen Zu... Are you going to walk through the heavens and the world?"

Wild God thought of something and whispered again.

"Chen Zu should be collecting something that we can't see or know. Maybe the collection is complete, and Chen Zu... is detached."

The ancestor thought for a while and whispered.



The cold wind rages!


A piece of snow!

"Is this thing for you every time I go to a world in the future, the power you leave will come to disturb me once, and you clearly know that it will not affect me at all, and why waste your power. I will be with you at most. There was a fight, do you hate me that way, or is it in your eyes that I robbed your daughter? But it was in the heavens in the It is clear that you took the initiative to bring my confusion into my sight Let me help you raise."

On top of a snowy mountain, Chen Zheng looked at the white world in front of him, and laughed as if talking to himself.

"There are wolves."

The little demon girl grabbed the corner of his clothes, the other hand lifted up, pointing to the white wolf standing in the snow in front of the wind. The white wolf was originally fierce, but was suddenly pointed by the little demon girl, and the white wolf was slightly dumbfounded, but quickly woke up and shook his head violently. Once again, the fierce face was exposed, and he stared fiercely at the little demon girl.

It is a pity that the little demon girl is no longer the little demon girl in the city of Longhuangfang in the Langhuang Star of Qingtian Ancient Star Field. After seeing the white wolf staring at her fiercely, the little demon girl suddenly smiled: "cute."



The white wolf was uncomfortable, and secretly said that I was a demon emperor anyway. Who doesn't know the name of Laozi in this big snowy mountain, your little demon girl who doesn't have anything to do actually said that I'm cute?

Laozi is not a hobby!

Lao Tzu is cruel and cruel!

"Little girl said you are cute, you will be a mount for little girl in the future."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and he glanced at the white wolf lightly.

"Ah? You are a god, don't you know that Laozi is the Daxueshan demon emperor, Laozi... Aooo!" The white wolf said when he was furious, but he said two words, one pair of Chen With that indifferent look, he suddenly wilted, and he fell down like a puppy, and asked with a trembling voice: "The Daxueshan Nuxue Demon Emperor meets his predecessor, the little knows the wrong, and the little obediently acts as a slave to the little master! That. ..... I don’t know where the predecessor came from. This area is the Great Snow Mountain of the Western Ling Realm of Qiankun World. Recently, the world of Qiankun is somewhat uneven, and many outside monks have come. The ancestor of this world, Qiankun, is said to have been The foreign monk was seriously injured and his life and death are unknown now!"


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