Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1238: Consume Hongmeng black gas! Change of Sky City!


   Another cry is howling!

   That was the tragic howl against the gods!

   This wailing cry is only in one breath, and after the breath passes, there is no more voice against God!

   Bei Mingxiong and Wang Shen shook their hearts, and now they were staring at the crystalline cube suspended in front of Chen Zheng. They knew that they were completely erased!

  Go against God!

  No matter what identity you used to be!

  In this source Tiangong, the **** against God is at least a Taoist ancestor, and may even surpass the Taoist ancestor, but in front of this strange magical tool of Chen Zu, the **** against God is instantly suppressed by the suppression!

   What is this weird magical instrument? It's too scary. Chen Zu has this magical instrument. Even if he is in a mortal state without any mana, wouldn't it be able to suppress more than ninety-nine creatures in the world!

  If there are really no restrictions, then this is not reasonable at all!

"Humph! You can kill the people under me, but you can't kill me. How can I have the half-step transcendental character? You are in such a state that it is impossible to urge all the magical power of this magic weapon, and you are also impossible. There is no limit to urge this magic instrument! Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng, I am sincere and sincere to help you, but you suppress me in reverse, do you forget that you fell into a degenerate state, all because of Hongmeng Sorry! Do you still want to make peace with the Hongmeng robbery one day in the future!"

   In the crystal cube, a low roar sounded!

   "Help me? Do you need your help?"

   Chen Zheng fluttering lightly.

   "You! Damn it! Lao Tzu curses you for everlasting eternal life and can't get back to Xiu Wei, forgotten past, and Lao Tzu curses that you can never be detached, Lao Tzu..."

   The evil sky was furious, but the voice came to an abrupt end, the crystal cube divine light flashed into the Chen Zhengyuan god.



   Once the crystalline cube disappeared, the huge black shadow outside the Yuantian Palace was transformed into black gas, and the black gas poured out as if it was out of control!

"Not good!" Wang Shen glanced outside, and said with a deep face: "Those black qis are made from the variation of Hongmeng purple qi, and contain terrible fierce power. If you run out of the land of the ancestral source, then the astral world must be over !"


   Bei Mingxiong was surprised, but he could only look at Chen Zheng, he was the ancestral realm, although the secret method of cultivation was quite mysterious, but in this case, he could not suppress those black spirits.

   At this time, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed the outside, and the out-of-control black gas was forcibly caught back, and then he swallowed, and the black gas was swallowed by him!


  Yuan Tiangong shocks!


next moment!

   Yuan Tian Gong collapsed!

   And Chen Zheng's breath skyrocketed at this moment, from a mortal to a ancestral realm in the blink of an eye, the next moment directly broke through the ancestor level, crossed the sage level, and entered the ancestral state!


Beimingxiong, Wangshenyi, Beimingzhi felt the terrifying atmosphere of terrible destruction at the moment, their faces were instantly white, and their hearts shouted wildly, because at this moment, Chen Zu Shadow Sin Heaven tyrannical this I do not know how many times!


   I feel that at the moment, Chen Zu can lift the heavens and the world with only one hand!


   In a blink of an eye, Chen Zheng's body of terror breathed away, repaired as a crazy degeneration, and finally stabilized in the heavenly wonderland after a while!


  Bei Mingxiong was relieved instantly!

   The horrible oppression that made people breathe out finally disappeared!

   "This... how could this be?"

   North Mingxiong puzzled.

   "Eighth-order heaven...this..."

  Bei Mingzhi can't figure it out.

   "Is the flesh too strong..."

   The **** Wang whispered.

   "Sure enough, the effect of Hongmeng Ziqi level is obvious." Chen Zheng smiled faintly and glanced at Wang Shen: "Your family is indeed a bit of a doorway. You can see some things in me."

   "This... Chen Zumu praised it."

   When God heard it, his eyes flashed, his head slightly lowered, and he seemed to want to talk about the family.

Chen Zheng smiled again, and lifted his right hand a little more casually. Two mysterious lights flew out, one into Luo Lan’s body, and the other into the little demon girl’s hand, and between Lan Lan and Sin God’s body. The seal planted by the means left by the Hongmeng robber was unlocked, and the cultivation was restored instantly.

   "Golden Immortal Level and Patriarch Level..."

  Bei Mingxiong felt Luo Lan and the chick's cultivation behavior, and was also shocked in his heart, not surprised by Luo Lan's cultivation behavior, but surprised by the chicken's cultivation behavior. It turned out that in addition to Chen Zu and the little girl who was called the reincarnation of Jingshichen by the former shadow, this little chicken also had a big origin.


   This time!

   Only one tear sounded!




   Countless tears sounded!

   "Huh? The land of Zuyuan is about to collapse. Chen Zu and I will leave first!"

   Bei Mingxiong glanced at Shen Sheng.

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, a flash of immortal light, and led everyone out of the collapsed Yuantian Palace. After a moment, he went to the outermost layer of the land of the ancestral source. In the amazing eyes of the Beiming and Wang families who were staying outside, he wiped it away. Teleport everyone out of the ancestral land.


   At the moment when the people just left the land of the ancestral source, there was a terrible shattering sound behind them. When everyone turned their heads and looked, they saw that the land of the ancestral source collapsed into nothingness!

   For a time!

   Everyone was silent!

   The most mysterious ancestral place in the astral world!

   is completely history after today!



   The huge star world suddenly shocked!


   I saw the direction of Zhoutian City, there was a bright fairy light, vaguely, as if I could see a huge phantom flashing, as if some terrible creature came to Zhoutian City!

"not good!"

"not good!"

  Almost at the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Bei Mingxiong and Wang Shen both exclaimed: "Sky City has changed, there is a Taoist ancestor!"

   Daozu comes!

   The people from the Beiming Family and the Wang Family were shocked!

   "Daozu... The astral realm is not in the Thousand Worlds, and the advent of the Daozu will not be restricted by the laws of Heaven and Dao, that is, the Daozu who does not know where it came from has come to the Sky City..."

   Bei Mingzhi looked at Chen Zheng with a whisper.

   Astral world is a special world. It travels among many large worlds. It is precisely because of this that the heavenly law of the astral world is different from that of the big world.

  The ancestor of the Taoist ancestry cannot enter the world of the Thousand Worlds, and the ontology of the ancestor of the Dao ancestor can enter the astral realm. If a Dao ancestor really comes, then the Sky City, regardless of the Northern Ming Family, the Wang Family, or the Southern Family, is certainly not the opponent of the Taoist ancestors.

   "We Wang family can't invite Dao Zu, because there is no need, our Wang family... In short, this matter should not be related to our Wang family."

  The King God thought for a moment.

   "It is impossible for our Beiming family to invite any Taoist ancestors, because our Beiming family doesn't know any other ancestors except one missing ancestor."

   Bei Mingxiong also frowned slightly.

   At the next moment, Bei Mingxiong and Wang Shen glanced at each other, and at the moment the two thought of the same point!

   "Is it... Nanjia!"

   (End of this chapter)

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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